
  • 网络role cognition;Role perception;role identity
  1. 角色认知、控制感及工作压力的关系分析

    Role Perception , Personal Control and Job Stress : A Causal Relation Analysis

  2. 交通规划师角色认知

    Role Perception for Planning Designer of Transport

  3. 性别角色认知的研究运用内隐联想测验的最新修正范式&简式内隐联想测验(BIAT)探索不同性别角色的大学生对性别角色认知的特点。

    In the experimental study of cognition between different gender roles , the author adopt the newest paradigm of Implicit Association Test-Brief Implicit Association Test ( BIAT ) to explore different gender roles undergraduates ' cognition of gender roles information .

  4. 人口统计学变量会影响角色认知和护士工作倦怠;

    Demographics variables would influence role cognition and nurse job burnout .

  5. 临床护理教师对角色认知与胜任水平的调查研究

    An investigation on role cognition and competence of clinical nursing teachers

  6. 而角色认知能力与目标规则因素与她的绩效相关度较小。

    But role cognition and rules to goal influence it little .

  7. 护士角色认知状况调查及影响因素分析

    Investigation on Nurses ' Role Cognition and Its Influencing Factors

  8. 实习护生角色认知状况调查

    A survey of role cognition state of practice nursing students

  9. 浅议新闻媒体在构建和谐社会中的角色认知

    The Role Perception of News Media in Constructing Homonymous Society

  10. 角色认知大体有两种类型,一是主动认知,一是被推举认知。

    Active cognitive and passive cognitive are two main type of role-perception .

  11. 城市发展中技术与文化的角色认知

    Roles of Technology and Culture in City 's Development

  12. 中层管理者角色认知及其职业危机管理

    Roles Cognition and Career Crisis Management on Middle Manager

  13. 陪护角色认知与住院病人满意度的相关分析

    Correlation analysis of role cognition of accompanying nursing and satisfaction degree of inpatient

  14. 言语角色认知与警察言语交际

    On the Perception of the Speech Role and the Police 's Speech Social Intercourse

  15. 护士择业意愿与角色认知及应对方式的相关性

    Correlations Between Intention for Choosing Nursing and Role Recognition , Coping Style in Nurses

  16. 护士自我角色认知与应对方式、身心健康的相关性研究

    Correlation of nurses £§ self-role cognition with coping style , physical and mental health

  17. 论现代大学生对班干部的角色认知和行为动机

    Research on the Role Perception of Class Cadres and the Behavior Motive of Modern University Students

  18. 角色认知、职业发展、人际关系方面的压力属于劣性压力。

    The stressors from role of cognitive , career development , interpersonal relationships are inferior stressors .

  19. 护士抑郁症状与特质应对、角色认知及控制感的相关研究

    Depression Symptom of Nurse and Its Relation to Trait Coping Style , Role Perceive and Personal Control

  20. 角色认知/定位及期望值沟通

    Role awareness and expectation communication

  21. 临床护理教师角色认知、角色胜任及有效教学行为的调查研究

    The Survey is about the Effective Teaching Behavior , the Role Recognition and the Competence of the Nursing Clinical Teacher

  22. 即社会支持越高,角色认知(冲突和模糊)与自我效能、工作倦怠越相关。

    In short , the more social support , the stronger the relation of role cognition to burnout and self-efficacy .

  23. 本文试图对民事诉讼中检察权的角色认知和定位进行思考。

    This essay endeavors to quest the cognition and the orientation of the role of the prosecuratorial power in civil litigation .

  24. 结论:①现代职业女性自身角色认知与社会对女性角色认知之间存在矛盾。

    CONCLUSION : ① There are conflicts between the professional women 's self-role perception and social perception for women 's role ;

  25. 结论充分提高个体的角色认知能力和解决问题能力,可以作为预防精神科护士职业倦怠的一个有效策略。

    Conclusion Improving the ability of role perceive and problem solving could prevent the burnout of mental health care nurses effectively .

  26. 解读楼梯可以从楼梯的角色认知和形态架构两方面来进行。

    On the basis of the knowledge of stairs and the forms of it , theories about the stair are clarified .

  27. 护理管理者应考虑角色认知变量和某些个体特征变量的影响,以进一步增强护士的组织承诺感。

    Hospital and nursing administers were suggested to consider role cognition factors and some personal characteristics when train or strengthen nurses'organizational commitment .

  28. 根据主配班教师通过角色认知所展示出的责任定向,把主配班教师的合作行为划分为平行式合作行为和倾斜式合作行为。

    Parallel cooperative behavior and slantwise cooperative behavior in the light of the revealed responsible orientation by the kindergarten teachers ' role cognition .

  29. 新闻从业者的媒介角色认知&兼论舆论监督的记者主体作用

    On the recognition of media role for the professional journalists & Review on the role of subject for reporters in opinion 's supervision

  30. 藉此研究分校、合校教育模式对澳门中学生性别角色认知的影响。

    The aim of research is to analyse the consciousness on sexual roles among Macau secondary students in same-sex as well as co-educational institutes .