
  • 网络Role conversion;role switching;Role reversal;role shift;role shifting
  1. 但这种角色转换是新概念吗?

    But is this role reversal so new ?

  2. 鸦片战争后的社会转型与士大夫角色转换

    Social Transition and Role Shift of Scholar bureaucrats after the Opium War

  3. 略论中国在WTO争端解决机制中的角色转换

    Succinct Discussion On The Role 's Transition of China In The Dispute Settlement Mechanism of WTO

  4. 在下一节中,您将由web服务开发人员的角色转换为web应用程序开发人员。

    In the next section , you ll change roles from being a web service developer , to being a web application developer .

  5. 他说从CEO到董事长的角色转换并没有让他张皇失措:董事长的主要角色是统领。

    He says the transition from chief executive to chairman did not faze him : Chairman is more of a governing role .

  6. 基于Petri-net的机器人足球角色转换研究

    Study of Role Switching And Assignment for Robot Soccer Based On Petri-net

  7. 在加入WTO的背景下,转换政府职能,由直接经营者的角色转换为主要为铁路企业提供服务的服务者的角色。

    In the background of joining WTO , changing the function of the government from the role of management directly to the role of providing help for the railway transportation mainly .

  8. 土族女性非农就业与女性角色转换&以青海互助XZ村为例骂媒:土家族女性婚俗谐谑话语原点

    Women s Non-agriculture Employment and Their Character Transformation of tu Nationality ; Scolded-matchmaker : the Origin of Female Bantering Discourse in Tujia Traditional Marital Culture

  9. 角色转换与文化认同&中国节日文化中的人

    Role Transformation and Culture Identification & Chinese Festival Culture and Man

  10. 角色转换利他思考:高校图书馆信息咨询工作浅谈

    Role Conversion & Altruist Thinking : Information Consulting in University Libraries

  11. 信息技术条件下教师的角色转换

    The Role Conversion of Teachers in the Condition of Information Technology

  12. 手术室新护士快速角色转换效果探讨

    Effect of role conversion for the first nurse in operation room

  13. 检察权在多维视角下的定位与角色转换

    The Positioning and Role Conversion of Procuratorial Power in Multi-dimensional Perspective

  14. 从角色转换的角度看军校大学新生适应问题

    Viewing freshmen 's adaptation in army academies from the role conversion

  15. 民族旅游区居民职业角色转换问题研究

    Research on Career Role Exchange of Residents in National Tourism Regions

  16. 参与式扶贫与政府角色转换

    The Conversion of Government Role and Participation Model of Poverty Alleviation

  17. 通过动态的角色转换,来达到多个域之间的安全访问控制。

    Multi-domain security access control can be achieved through dynamic roles translation .

  18. 在角色转换中拓展知性美的空间

    Expand the Space of Rational Aesthetic in the " Role " Transformation

  19. 多元文化视角下的教师角色转换思考

    An Exploration to Teachers ' Roles Conversion under Multicultural Sight

  20. 20世纪30年代上海女性角色转换问题研究

    Research on the Role 's Conversion of Shanghai Women during 1930 's

  21. 建构主义视角下的师生身份确认与角色转换

    Identity Confirmation and Role Change of Teachers and Students from Constructivist Perspective

  22. 多域间动态角色转换的职责分离

    Separation of Duty in Dynamic Role Translations Between Administrative Domains

  23. 当代教师的角色转换与概念重建

    Transform and reconstruction of concept about contemporary teacher 's role

  24. 试论如何加速高校新教师的角色转换

    How to Accelerate the Transfer of New Teachers ' role in College

  25. 论新时期语文教师的角色转换

    On the Role Transfer of the Chinese Teachers in the New Period

  26. 高校学生角色转换适应研究

    Research on the Adaptation to the Role Change of the College Students

  27. 化学教学中教师角色转换研究

    The Research about the Change of Teacher 's Role in Chemistry Teaching

  28. 教师角色转换与专业发展

    On the Change of Teachers ' Roles and Teachers ' Professional Development

  29. 创新教育与高校图书馆角色转换基于电子政务的党校图书馆角色使命

    Role and Mission of Party School Library in the Electronic Government Environment

  30. 《第二章》中的两个角色转换了位置。

    In Act 2 , these two characters switch positions .