
jiǎo zhì huà
  • Keratinization;cornification
  1. 结果EN使小鼠子宫增重,促进大鼠阴道上皮细胞角质化,使兔子宫内膜腺体增生。

    RESULTS Uterus weight was gained , E N made vaginal epithelial cells cornified in rats ; promoted endometrial gland growth in rabbits .

  2. OFM对哺乳动物细胞没有毒性,有利于成纤维细胞和角质化细胞迁移、分化和渗透。

    OFM was non-toxic to mammalian cells and supported fibroblast and keratinocyte migration , differentiation and infiltration .

  3. 发现经HMDS处理能降低二次纤维的角质化程度,增强纤维的结合力和强度,大大提高纸页的强度性能。

    The results showed that the HMDS treatment could reduce the Hornification of secondary fibers and enhanced the bonding properties . The strength properties of their papers were improved greatly .

  4. 角质化细胞生长因子-2(KGF-2),也叫做成纤维细胞生长因子-10(FGF10),是成纤维细胞生长因子家族中的一员。

    Keratinocyte growth factor-2 ( KGF-2 ), also known as fibroblast growth factor-10 ( of FGF10 ), is one of the fibroblast growth factor family .

  5. 角化作用(角质化):角质陆续侵渗植物细胞壁的过程。

    Cutinization The impregnation of a plant cell wall with cutin .

  6. 表皮细胞1层,细胞外壁角质化;

    The epidermis is one layer with keratinized cell wall .

  7. 纤维角质化损伤的表征及与纸页性能的关系

    Definition of Fiber Hornification and Its Relation with Paper Property

  8. 本文针对回收纸的角质化缺陷,从制浆过程对纤维角质化的影响入手,研究了不同化学制浆过程、不同浆得率、有机溶剂抽提去除纤维表面的提取物、冰冻储存对纤维角质化的影响。

    This paper studied the influence of pulping process on hornification of fibers .

  9. 绵羊口腔上皮发育期间糖原与上皮角质化的关系

    The role of glycogen in epithelial keratinization during oral epithelial development of sheep

  10. 二次纤维角质化及其纸页损伤研究

    Study on Hornification of Recycled Fiber and Paper Damage

  11. 人角质化细胞生长因子-2基因的克隆、表达及产物的纯化、鉴定

    Cloning , Expression of Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor and Its Purification and Identification

  12. 如果角膜上皮细胞经常破皮或角质化,后果不堪设想。

    If the cornea epithelial cells often broken skin or keratinization and consequence is unimaginable .

  13. 实际上是角质化的皮肤细胞。

    Was actually keratinized skin cells .

  14. 表皮发达,角质化鳞片坚硬有力;

    That the epidermis of the chicken foot skin is developed , and that the cuticle scales are hard ;

  15. 手上迅速的角质化和皮脂腺的缺乏会造成干燥、糙、裂和脱皮。

    Rapid keratinization and the lack of sebaceous glands on hands will cause dryness , roughness , chaps and peeling .

  16. 对网纹形成前后果皮解剖学观察发现,网纹甜瓜果实最外层细胞较一般细胞大,大约是第二层细胞的4倍,并且已经角质化。

    The cells of outer layer were almost 4 times larger than common cells and were covered with a heavy cuticle .

  17. 通过各种细胞分子技术,研究者发现胰岛素对培养的人角质化细胞有促进增殖和扩散的作用。

    Using various cell and molecular techniques , the researchers discovered that insulin stimulates human keratinocytes in culture to proliferate and migrate .

  18. 胆甾-4-烯-3-酮,作为胆固醇的氧化产物,其本身具有抗肥胖、治疗肝病、防止皮肤角质化等作用。

    Cholest-4-en-3-one , as the cholesterol oxidation products , it plays the role of anti-obesity , the treatment of liver disease , preventing skin keratinizing .

  19. 尽管局部用维甲酸类可使角质化皮肤恢复正常,抑制粉刺形成,并能改善其他药物的穿透作用,但他们没有抗菌作用。

    Although topical retinoids are effective in normalizing keratinization , preventing comedone formation , and improving penetration of other topical agents , they do not possess antimicrobial properties .

  20. 根据2月26日在网上皮肤病研究杂志报道,咖啡因是可以做到的,两倍多的诱导紫外暴露人的角质化细胞的凋亡。

    According to the report published online February26th by the Journal of Investigative Dermatology , caffeine did , in fact , more than double apoptosis of UVB-exposed human keratinocytes .

  21. 两种典型的皮肤细胞(真皮成纤维细胞和上皮角质化细胞)体外实验显示出这种水凝胶膜不具有细胞毒性且不影响皮肤细胞正常的生长和分化。

    In vitro experiments using two major skin cell types ( dermal fibroblast and epidermal keratinocyte ) revealed the hydrogel membrane does not have cytotoxicity or effects on cell proliferation .

  22. 这些研究者们说,在一项技术中,要取得患者自己的皮肤细胞,或者角质化细胞,而更多的细胞则是在实验室中生长的,用以修复受损的肌肤。

    In one technique , a patient 's own skin cells , or keratinocytes , are taken and more are grown in the laboratory to replace damaged skin , the researchers say .

  23. 结论复方维A酸软膏是治疗皮肤病(炎症角质化)有效药物,值得推广、应用于临床。

    Conclusion Compound tretinoin ointment is stable in quality and safe in use , with a reliable effect on dermatosis , especially , inflammatory keratinization . It has a broad prospects in clinical use .

  24. 结果发现在75天胎儿皮肤的初级毛囊表皮的角质化细胞有强烈的表达信号,在115天胎儿皮肤的初级毛囊和次级毛囊中都有表达;

    In cashmere goat , we found the great expression in keratinization cell of the primary hair follicle in 75 days , the great expression in the primary and the second hair follicle of 115 days ;

  25. 结果表明,大部分自然发情的母犬在阴道排血后第十一至十三天,角质化上皮细胞比例超过80%,阴道粘膜的浮冰样堆积明显。

    The results show that the corneous epithelial cells were more than 80 % in much of the naturally estrous bitches after 11 ~ 13 days of the vaginal bleeding , and there were obvious accumulation of the vaginal mucosa like floating ice .

  26. 结果HE染色显示有4层以上的角质形成细胞和基底膜层形成,并有轻度角质化;

    Results HE staining demonstrated the formation of more than 4 lays of keratinocytes and basement membrane , with slight keratinization of the cells .