• Mail;zi
  • 星座,二十八宿之一。

  • 猫头鹰之类头上的毛角。

  • 同“嘴”。

  1. 您能用电子映觜将原料传支给我吗?

    Would you please send me the data bye-mail ?

  2. 得到电子映觜或其他数据越频仍,您的电池可以或许会耗尽越快。

    The more frequently email or other data is fetched , the quicker your battery may drain .

  3. 每天我皆需供支收英语映觜,我词汇量没有除夜。

    I need to receive and answer emails in English every day , but I don 't know many English words .

  4. 为显示他是个成功的老板,这位年轻的生意人拿起电话假装正在谈大买卖,张觜就是三、五个亿,闭觜就说一切搞定、没问题!

    Wishing to appear the hot shot , the businessman picked up the phone and started to pretend he had a big deal working . He threw huge figures around and made giant commitments .
