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  • 网络Taping
  1. 预防舞者造成足大拇趾过份外翻的伤害,贴布贴扎是一有效的方法。

    In order to prevent dancer 's hallucis disorder , taping is a good method for protection hallucis .

  2. 在无贴扎与白色贴布贴扎的对比实验中,测得以上的两项内容,有显著性差异(p0.05)。

    In white cloth taping experiment , measurement of two contents above , there were significant differences ( p0.05 ) .

  3. 贴扎对男子篮球后卫运动员踝关节限制作用的时效性研究

    The Chronergy of Ankle Taping in Basketball Players

  4. 在用白色贴布进行贴扎的实验中,贴扎前后有显著性差异(p0.05)。

    In the white patch of taping taping in the experiment , there were significant differences ( p0.05 ) .