
  1. 但是,来自综合性风险管理过程的信息(包括对管理层和董事会所关心问题的确认)有助于内部审计师计划审计工作。

    However , information from a comprehensive risk management process , including the identification of management and board concerns , can assist the internal auditor in planning audit activities .

  2. 基于此,本文采用实验研究方法检验了审计师舞弊风险的评估结果是否对计划审计工作拟将实施审计程序的性质、时间、范围,以及人员分配等产生特定的影响。

    This study seeks to determine whether the results of a fraud risk assessment are likely to significantly impact the nature , extent , and the budget hours , and timing of audit procedures performed .

  3. 起草审计计划,具体审计工作,审阅助理的审计工作底稿,跟进以及年完成整个审计。

    Perform and involved in audit planning , audit field work , reviewing , follow up and completion of the audit .

  4. 该质保经理,其义务尤其不受限,应进行各种质量保证计划操作的审计工作。

    The quality assurance manager shall in particular , without limiting his obligations , carry out audits of the operation of the various quality assurance programme .