
  • 网络Metrological inspection;quantitative inspection;inspection by variable;Variable inspection
  1. 利用混合估计模型进行了计量检验,并且比较分析各因素对不同地区所产生的不同作用。

    And then using the mix estimate model to carry on the quantitative inspection , and analyze various factors on the different areas produced different effects .

  2. FDI、出口贸易与外汇储备增长基于19972009年月度数据的计量检验

    FDI , Export Foreign and Exchange Reserve & Test with the time series data from 1997 to 2009

  3. FDI与区域经济增长的实证研究&基于天津经济技术开发区数据的计量检验

    Empirical Analysis on FDI and Regional Economic Growth : Based on Quantitative Test of Data from Tianjin Economic Development Zone

  4. 第四部分主要是利用计量检验和实证分析方法对FDI对经济发展的影响进行了研究。

    The fourth part studies the impact of FDI on economic development with the method of measurement inspection and empirical analysis .

  5. 格兰杰因果检验提供了解决该问题的定量研究方法。本文应用这种方法做计量检验,结果表明:GDP、城市化是房地产周期的单项格兰杰因,房地产投资与房地产周期互为格兰杰因。

    By means of Granger causality test , we drew the conclusion as following : GDP is the unilateralism causality of granger to real estate cycle .

  6. 随后运用计量检验的方式做了以下工作:①度量了FDI对江西经济增长的贡献。

    And the following jobs are done by way of econometrics testing : ( 1 ) Measuring the contribution rate of FDI to the economic growth in Jiangxi .

  7. 我国股票市场收益率非对称均值回归特征的计量检验&基于ANST-GARCH模型的实证分析

    Asymmetric Mean-reverting Pattern of Stock Returns in China : ANST-GARCH Approach

  8. 它揭示了资本市场基本的运行规律,对于市场实践和理论研究都具有重要的意义。CAPM模型是第一个关于金融资产定价的均衡模型,同时也是第一个可以进行计量检验的金融资产定价模型。

    It displays the operation rhythm of capital market which is a great significance for both marketability and theory , and CAPM is the first equilibrium model of financial asset pricing .

  9. STUR过程下危机传染性计量检验的有效性研究

    Study for the Effect of Crisis Contagion Test Based on STUR Process

  10. 谈对定量包装商品计量检验管理的措施

    On Some Measures of Measurement and Inspection Management on Prepackaged Products

  11. 股票市场交易量与收益率动态影响关系的计量检验:国内与国际股票市场比较分析

    Dynamic Linkages and Influences between Trading Volume and Stock Returns

  12. 名义变量与实际变量关联程度与影响方向的计量检验

    Testing for the Relationships and Affecting Effects between Nominal and Real Variables

  13. 中国金融倾斜加速器效应的计量检验与博弈分析

    Econometric Test and Game Analysis of China 's Financial Tilt Accelerator Effects

  14. 计量检验和案例分析相结合。

    Empirical studies include econometric tests and cases analyses .

  15. 片剂含量均匀度计量检验新方案的研究

    Studies on a new sampling scheme by variables for the content uniformity of tablets

  16. 外国直接投资对我国外贸竞争力影响途径的计量检验

    Empirical Study on How Inward Foreign Direct Investment Affect China 's Foreign Trade Competitiveness

  17. 我国国际收支对通货膨胀传导机制的经济计量检验

    Econometric Test on the Transmission Mechanism of Balance of Payment to Inflation in China

  18. 中国宏观经济统计数据异常性和波动性特征的计量检验:1953~2001

    The Econometric Analyses on Outliers and Volatilities in Chinese Macroeconomic Data Series : 1953 ~ 2001

  19. 并利用2005年江西农户调研数据对三种效应进行了计量检验。

    Using household survey data in Jiangxi in 2005 , the econometric study examines the three effects .

  20. 公共投资与经济增长的相关分析&中国数据的计量检验

    The Correlation Analysis for Public Investment and Economic Growth & The Econometric Test of Data from China

  21. 驱动中国经济增长因素的计量检验分析(1980~2004)

    An Analysis of the Factors to Cause the Increase of China Economy ( 1980 ~ 2004 )

  22. 中国货币需求函数的影响因素分析与计量检验

    The Analysis of Influencing Factors of the Money Demand Function and Its Econometric Testing in China 's Economy

  23. 我国宏观调控利率政策工具滞后有效性计量检验

    The Econometric Test of the Effectiveness behind the Interest Rate Policy Tools in the Context of China 's Macro-control

  24. 服务贸易的就业效应分析基于19822006年时序数据的计量检验

    The Effect of Employment on Service Trade in China & Based on the Statistical Data from 1982 to 2006

  25. 因此,现有研究的主要不足在于未对单一国家进行危机假说的计量检验。

    Therefore , the main drawback of existing researches is the lack of the study on a single country .

  26. 二元性与中国城乡居民收入差距演进:理论模型与计量检验

    Dualism and Evolution of China 's Income Gap between Urban and Rural Residents : Theoretical Model and Empirical Tests

  27. 外国直接投资、技术外溢与内生经济增长&中国数据的计量检验与实证分析

    Foreign Direct Investment , Technical Overflow and Endogenous Economic Growth & An Econometric Test and Empirical Analysis of Chinese Data

  28. 计量检验显示,人均承包经营耕地面积和种植业收入比率是影响粮食生产区域分化的最主要的两个因素。

    The contracted plantation per capita and crop income ratio are two factors , which affect the regional differentiation of food supplies .

  29. 为了考察中国农村发展地区差距的变化趋势,我们采用面板数据单位根检验的不同方法对其收敛性进行了严格的计量检验。

    We test the convergence with unit root test of panel data to examine the trend of China rural development regional disparity .

  30. 运用1978-1998年的数据,对实际利率水平、利率传导机制与中国经济增长进行经济计量检验;

    We also test the relation between the conductive mechanism of interest rate and growth with the data from 1978 to 1998 in econometrical method .