
  • 网络planning period;Planning Horizon
  1. 然后通过计划的滚动,实现需求分布的更新和计划期上各时间段订购点与订购批量的更新。

    By rolling the planning horizon to the next period , the demand distribution was updated , and optimal replenishment periods and order-up-to-levels for the new planning horizon could be determined .

  2. 其中重点针对需求随机、多周期或无限计划期的相关文献作了大量研究,分析其现有研究的不足,确定了以多周期、需求随机条件下的库存-路径问题作为论文的研究方向。

    The article has done many researches which focuses on stochastic demand , multi-period or unlimited planning period .

  3. 中国明年开始进入新一个五年计划期。

    China enters a new five-year plan period next year

  4. 针对MOS的结构和特点,分析了生产实践中常用的三种静态组织模式,构建了不同条件下各种组织模式计划期产出量模型。

    According to the structure and characteristics of MOS , this paper analyzes three kinds of commonly used static organization mode in the production practice , building different plan period output models in all kinds of the organization under different conditions .

  5. 在一定的生产计划期内,生产单元内中间产品的生产,通过成组、优化,采取批量生产的方式,以一定的节奏连续均衡地生产。

    Continuous and balanced production is kept in a reasonable rhythm .

  6. 有限计划期内带有折扣的库存系统的优化及其定价

    Pricing and optimization of inventory system for a finite time horizon with discount rate

  7. 初步测算出八五计划期全部货币供应量M的年平均增长率。

    Annual aveage increase rate of total money supply M2 in eighth five-year plan period is calculated preliminarily .

  8. 零售商试图在一个有限计划期内将固定的存货全部售出,剩余存货在销售季节结束时价值变为零。

    A retailer wants to empty the inventory during a sale season due to that the salvage value of any unsold item is zero .

  9. 对我国大学毕业生就业模式的历史沿革进行了计划期、过渡期和市场期的三阶段划分。

    Furthermore , this thesis divides the historical evolution of employment into three stages : the planning period , the transition period and the market period .

  10. 在第三个五年计划期内是否进行改革,要到那时看情况才能决定。

    Whether to proceed with them in the period of the Third Five-Year Plan can only be decided in the light of the situation at the time .

  11. 依我看,第一个五年计划期内建成合作社,第二个五年计划期内合作社能得到巩固,那就很好了。

    In my view , we will be doing well enough if the co-operatives can be consolidated during the Second Five-Year Plan after being established in the First .

  12. 建立了时变需求下带有多种原材料订购及预防性维修中断的制造系统在有限计划期内经济生产批量模型。

    An economic production quantity model for a finite time horizon with time-varying demand under the situation of performing preventive maintenance interruption and multiple materials replenishment is developed .

  13. 在第一阶段,为了平衡各箱区的箱量,应用机会约束规划的方法把计划期所有的箱分配到各个箱区中去。

    In the first stage , for all containers in a planned period , we determine the number of containers distributed to various blocks by chance constrained programming .

  14. 提出了刀具全生命周期管理的概念,将刀具全寿命周期管理划分为计划期、投入期、使用期、报废期四个阶段。

    The concept of cutting tool life-cycle management was put forward , and divided it into four phases : planning period , input time , serviceable life and discarding period .

  15. 主要参数灵敏度分析显示,需求增长因子和产品销售价格变化因子对计划期内供应链总利润的影响大于短缺量拖后系数。

    The sensitivity analysis shows that the demand increasing factor and the price varying factor have a greater impact on the total profit of supply chain than that of backlogging parameters .

  16. 运用战略管理的基本理论,在分析现行理论界关于财务管理目标的不足之处的基础上,提出了财务管理的新的目标&战略计划期利润最大化。

    Based on the theory of strategic management , the thesis offers a study on the defects of the current objectives of financial management , and works out the new objective of financial management .

  17. 模型中计划期产量是与产品需求具有相同分布的随机变量,模型的优化目标是通过确定最佳的投产库存量和生产系统服务水平,求得相应的计划期产量区间。

    The planning output in every period is stochastic variables having the same distributions with the product demands . By computing the optimal reproduction-points and service levels , the optimizing aim of this model is to determine the optimal production intervals for each product in each period .

  18. 根据贵州省制造业信息化项目特有的政府资金支持特性及信息化特性,对项目启动期开始,项目计划期、项目执行期及项目收尾期全生命周期进行定义,并得出科学的监管和评价体系。

    In view of the unique government fund support characteristics and informationization characteristic of Guizhou manufacturing informationization projects , the entire life cycle of the project from planning period , implementing period to commissioning period have been defined and a scientific supervise and evaluate system have been educed .

  19. 本文阐述了区域环境污染总量宏观控制软件的实际应用步骤,并对其结果进行分析,完成了基年、计划期和预测期的环境污染、经济发展与人口增长的评价、分析。

    This paper introduces the actual application of the software and analyses the result . In addition , the authors use the software to carry out a study on the imitation of environmental pollution , economic development and population accretion in the base year , planning period and prediction period .

  20. B:我们比计划拖期很多。

    B : We are away behind the schedule .

  21. 计划试用期约为一个月。

    The tentative trail period is one month .

  22. 我们比计划拖期很多。

    We are away behind the schedule .

  23. 计划无限期地延期。

    The scheme was postponed indefinitely .

  24. 物料需求计划提前期设置的改进方法缩短生产周期;

    To shorten production lead time ;

  25. 策略性污水排放计划第一期&化学剂量与消毒试验设备测试

    Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme Stage I & Pilot Plant Study on Chemical Dosing and Disinfection anthracemia tester

  26. 其首次“计划公演期”超过八周,“迪伊博士”也因此而大放异彩。

    First " cooked up " over eight weeks , " Dr Dee " has been polished since .

  27. 日本官员说,东京还可能采取其他措施,比如将购买韩国政府债券的计划无限期推迟。

    Other potential steps Tokyo could take include indefinitely postponing planned purchases of South Korean government debt , Japanese officials said .

  28. 根据产量控制库存量,包括安全库存,定货批量,计划交货期。

    Control material stock level according output and lead time , including safety stock , fixed lot-size , reorder point and planned delivery time .

  29. 基金、集合计划存续期内的额度规模管理应当按照有关规定进行。

    The administration on quota or scale within the extension of a fund or pool plan shall be performed in accordance with related provisions .

  30. 对如何在管理流程中综合材料成本、计划交货期及资源利用等因素,实现板材加工自动化提出了较为合理的系统框架和实现方案。

    How to synthesize many special factors , such as minimizing material cost , satisfying delivery time and utilizing system resource , and how to realize a reasonable system is also discussed .