
rànɡ xiān
  • yield to
让先 [ràng xiān]
  • [make sb. to be first] 让别人占先

  1. 现在你得让先动一步。

    Now , you have to let him make the first move .

  2. 对大家要有礼貌,但对少数人要亲密;在你给他们信心前让先好好的试验那些少数人。

    Be courteous to all , but intimate with few ; and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence .

  3. 他们让我先在园子里干些杂活,挖土、叉粪肥之类的。

    They started me off in the gardens as a handyman . Digging , forking manure , that kind of thing

  4. 让我先给你们操演一下如何驾驶这部车子。

    Let me demonstrate this car to you .

  5. 我向他努了努嘴,让他先说。

    I pouted my lips at him , hinting that he should speak first .

  6. 医生让我先吸气,然后全部呼出。

    The doctor asked me to breathe in , then to breathe out fully .

  7. 让我们先订下一些可达到的目标。

    Let 's establish some achievable goals first .

  8. 让我们先摸摸看。

    Let 's first feel at it .

  9. 让我们先去看戏,然后吃饭。

    Let 's go to the theatre first and eat afterward .

  10. 让我先记下你的电话号码,以免忘了。

    Let me put down your telephone number lest I forget it .

  11. 让我先看看我的日程按排吧。

    Let me just look in my diary first .

  12. 我希望这个世界对我好,所以,我要让自己先变好。

    I want the world to be good . So I become good myself .

  13. 他心情不好,让他先自己冷静一会儿,直到他愿意道歉为止。

    He 's in a bad mood ! Let him stew for a while until he is ready to say sorry .

  14. 现在,让我们先来深入研究Processing语言,探讨它的主要特性,并且开发一些有趣的应用程序。

    Now , let 's dig into the Processing language to explore its major features en route to developing some interesting applications .

  15. 如果“存款”需要新的GUI元素,那就让它们先不可见。

    If Deposit needs new GUI elements then make them invisible for now .

  16. 让我们先从高级的视角来查看Linux引导过程,这样就可以看到整个过程的全貌了。

    Let 's start with a high-level view of Linux boot so you can see the entire landscape .

  17. 可能这正是你想要的斗争,但是让我们先考虑一下另一种方法:使用API。

    Maybe that 's a fight you want to pick , but lets consider another approach first : APIs .

  18. 首先,让我们先来看看有关iphonesdk和GoogleAppEngine的背景信息。

    First , let 's start with some background information on the iPhone SDK and Google App Engine .

  19. 在深入到AST定义之前,让我先简要概述一下什么是case类。

    Before getting too deep into the AST definition , let me provide a quick overview of what case classes are .

  20. 在了解目前Linux可以使用的虚拟化方法之前,让我们先来了解一下虚拟化的优点。

    Before looking at some of the virtualization options available for Linux today , let 's look at the advantages of virtualization .

  21. 学生们经常混淆“tomake”和“tolet”的用法.这里让我们先弄清它们的区别之一,以便正确地使用.下面的两个例子十分相象,我们要找出它们的区别所在。

    Students often confuse the verbs " to make " and " to let " . Here we clear up one of the many problems in distinguishing these two words and using them correctly .

  22. 让我们先从AndyPope开始。

    Let 's start with Andy Pope ;

  23. 让我们先填完这个B2的情况。

    Let 's just first fill in this for the b2 case .

  24. 设想有一个Perl程序,让我们先看一下这个模型用于该程序的简单实现。

    Let 's first look at a simple implementation of this model for a fictitious Perl program .

  25. 首先,让我们先来分析这个XHTML,着重于几个重要的内容。

    First , let 's analyze the XHTML , focusing on the important areas .

  26. 注:看似好像大部分GWT文档让您先创建接口。

    Note : It seems as though most GWT documentation has you create the interfaces first .

  27. 有很多软件平台都是面向HPC的,但是首先让我们先来了解一下硬件的知识。

    Many software platforms are oriented for HPC , but first let 's look at the hardware aspects .

  28. 让我们先来快速看看使用SeamRemoting来“Ajax化”JSF应用程序所需的步骤。

    Let 's take a quick walk through the steps involved in using Seam Remoting to " Ajaxify " your JSF applications .

  29. 现在让我们先放下对集中方式的讨论,看看被人们视为SCM未来的协作式分散存储库。

    Now let 's depart from the centralized approach and step into what some believe is the real future of SCM : collaborative decentralized repositories .

  30. 在开始学习JDBC适配器之前,让我们先快速了解一下其详情。

    Let 's first take a quick look at the details of the JDBC adapter before we get started working with it .