
  • 网络Jeanne
  1. 在公园,玛蒂尔德继续给让娜讲她的故事。

    In the park , Mathilde continues to tell Jeanne her story .

  2. 她最佳的女友&让娜的项链。

    Her best girlfriend , Jeanne 's necklace .

  3. 让娜年轻美丽,散发出一股诱人的青春气息。

    Jeana young and beautiful , sending up of a youth enticing flavor .

  4. 玛蒂尔德继续向让娜讲她的那段经历。

    Mathilde continued to tell Jeanne her story .

  5. 啊,对啦,让娜嫁了一个很有钱的人。

    Ah , yes , Jeanne married a man with a lot of money .

  6. 让娜坐在公园里。

    Jeanne is sitting in the park .

  7. 最后跳完一支探戈,让娜逃脱,保罗还是追上来。

    Finally dances a tango , Jeana escape , or catch up with Paul to .

  8. 也许我可以问问让娜。

    Maybe I could ask Jeanne .

  9. 十年后玛蒂尔德和让娜在巴黎一个公园里碰巧相遇。

    It happened that Mathilde met with Jeanne in the park in Paris after ten years .

  10. 让娜原先和玛蒂尔德很熟悉。但当她们重逢时,让娜却认不出她了。

    Jeanne had known Mathilde very well , but she couldn 't recognize her when they met again .

  11. 从昨晚起,圣美里教堂的钟声从没停止过,这证明那位让娜的大街垒仍在坚持着。

    They heard the alarm bell of Saint-Merry , which had not been silent for an instant since the night before ; a proof that the other barricade , the great one , Jeanne 's , still held out .