
  • 网络Plagiarism
  1. 据中文媒体报导,周森锋还面临着论文抄袭的质疑。

    Zhou is also facing allegations of plagiarism , according to Chinese-language media reports .

  2. 具体主要研究工作和成果如下:通过分析中文论文抄袭的现实情况,将论文抄袭划分为一稿多投和普通抄袭两种分类结构。

    The main research work and achievements can be listed as follows : Through anglicizing current situation of academic plagiarism in our country , this thesis divides plagiarism into duplicate submission and normal copy .

  3. 一种基于段落词频统计的论文抄袭判定算法

    A Way to Judge Plagiarism in Academic Papers Based on Word-Frequency Statistics of Paragraphs

  4. 基于文本挖掘技术的论文抄袭判定研究

    A Study of How to Judge Plagiarism in the Academic Theses Based on the Technology of Text Mining

  5. 做好学报的审稿和审读工作是不断提高学报办刊质量和水平的要求,也是有效防止论文抄袭,加强学术道德建设的迫切需要。

    The work of examining and checking and approving manuscripts of journals is the requirement of raising quality and level of running a journal and is necessary to prevent copying and to consolidate academic moral construction .

  6. 考试作弊、简历造假、论文抄袭、毕业违约、借贷不还等现象屡禁不绝,引起了社会各界的高度重视。

    Cheating in exam , falsifying in resume , plagiarizing in their papers , breaching when graduating , shying away from their loans take place again and again , which has been paid highly attention by all circle of society .

  7. 这篇论文是抄袭的,不会通过的。

    This paper is plagiarism , it won 't be pass .

  8. 德国防长因论文“抄袭门”辞职。

    German minister resigns amid plagiarism scandal .

  9. 在我国,已经出现了高校学生毕业论文的抄袭现象,而且已经引起社会各界的广泛关注。

    In China , there have been college students thesis plagiarism phenomenon , and has aroused extensive attention .

  10. 德国国防部长古腾贝格星期二在有关他博士论文涉嫌抄袭的丑闻中辞职。

    Germany 's defense minister resigned Tuesday amid a scandal involving allegations that he plagiarized his doctoral thesis .

  11. 对于单一语种的科技论文反抄袭识别研究已经取得了较大成果,且开发了很多实用型系统。

    Research on anti-plagiarism detection of scientific papers in single language has acquired relevance and a number of practical systems have been developed .

  12. 北京大学称,36岁的于艳茹毕业于2013年7月,其论文涉嫌抄袭。对此,于艳茹否认了这些控诉。

    According to university officials , Yu , who graduated in July 2013 , plagiarized her doctoral thesis . The 36-year-old denies the allegations .

  13. 最牛年轻市长周森锋的硕士学位论文涉嫌抄袭,炒得沸沸扬扬。

    The so-called youngest and most distinguished mayor , Zhou Xinfeng , was suspected of plagiarism in writing his graduation thesis for master 's degree .

  14. 不过,越来越多的学生使用这种服务的目的是把提供的论文模本抄袭下来当成是他们自己的成果上交,这就是抄袭与剽窃。

    However , more and more students are using these services to copy a model essay and pass it off as their own , which is plagiarism .

  15. 易律师称北大的决定是因为这起事件对北大声誉造成的潜在负面影响,而不是出于这篇论文是否抄袭。

    Yi said the university claimed it made the decision due to the potential negative effects on its reputation , not on whether the thesis was plagiarized .

  16. 一篇题为《最年轻市长硕士期间论文涉嫌抄袭》的帖子在网上被广泛转贴。

    An article suggesting that an essay he published while he was a master 's student at Qinghua University was plagiarized was being read widely on the Internet .

  17. 因现行系统对代码默视为原创,而最终影响了对论文整体抄袭比例的判定,使准确性大打折扣。

    Silent due to the current system code as the original , and ultimately affect the whole paper copy of the proportion for the judge , so that accuracy of the greatly reduced .

  18. 梁莹是该校社会与行为科学学院的一名教师,今年10月,她被多家媒体指控至少有15篇论文存在抄袭或一稿多投。

    Liang Ying , who is on the faculty of the School of Social and Behavioural Sciences , became the subject of several media reports in October accusing her of plagiarising other people 's work or submitting duplicate manuscripts of at least 15 of her papers .

  19. 无论如何学生都不能在论文书写中抄袭。

    On no account are students allowed to plagiarize in essay writing .

  20. 珀杜网上书写实验室还介绍了怎样写论文,避免抄袭他人的作品。

    The Purdue Online Writing Lab also explains how to organize papers and avoid other peoples ' work .

  21. 俄亥俄大学已经就硕士学位研究论文中的抄袭材料向所涉及的四十名工程学院的毕业生写了信。

    Ohio University has returned written to forty engineering graduates about copied material in the research papers for their master 's degrees .

  22. 德国国防部长最近因其博士论文中有部分抄袭内容而被迫辞职,此事就让意大利人惊讶不已。

    Italians were faintly astonished when the German defence minister was recently forced to resign for plagiarising parts of his doctoral dissertation .

  23. 现代远程教育毕业论文中存在学生抄袭、剽窃现象比较严重以及论文质量偏低的问题。

    In processing their thesis , many students in the modern distance education copy and plagiarize the others ' , or only present poor quality ones .