
sù zhū fǎ lǜ
  • Resort to law;litigate;go to law;appeal to law;have recourse to law
  1. 你的惟一补救办法是诉诸法律。

    Your only remedy is to appeal to law .

  2. 你唯一的补救办法是诉诸法律。

    Your only remedy is to go to law .

  3. 你的唯一依靠就是诉诸法律。

    Your only recourse is legal action .

  4. 无法就此事达成共识引起了人们对可能会诉诸法律手段的担忧。

    Failure to arrive at a consensus over the issue raised the spectre of legal action

  5. 如发生此种情况,我们即诉诸法律。

    In that event , we would take the matter to court .

  6. 她郑重宣布要把这事诉诸法律。

    She vowed that she would take the matter to court .

  7. 在被威胁要诉诸法律之后,他们停止了建筑工作。

    After threats of legal action they stopped the building work .

  8. 为了一只羊诉诸法律,就会输掉一只牛。

    Go to law for a sheep and lose your cow .

  9. 这位顾客将为此恶劣服务诉诸法律。

    The customer will go to law for the bad service .

  10. 因此,任何一件不幸的事都可以诉诸法律。

    Therefore , any unfortunate event is grounds for a law-suit .

  11. 如果事实对你不利,那就诉诸法律。

    If the facts are against you , bang on the law ;

  12. 家长们正诉诸法律反对关闭学校。

    Parents are taking legal action to challenge the school 's closure .

  13. 我们相信您会明白避免诉诸法律的客观必要性。

    We trust that you will see the desirability of avoid such proceeding .

  14. 威胁诉诸法律真的是太过分了。

    Threatening legal action is really going too far .

  15. 我认为我们可以不用诉诸法律就能解决这个问题上。

    I think we can solve this problem without resorting to legal action .

  16. 由合同义务引起的争议通常不诉诸法律。

    Dispute arised from contract obligation is generally settled without recourse to the court .

  17. 普罗大众都不敢诉诸法律行动,因为这既昂贵又耗时。

    People were deterred from taking legal action because it was expensive and lengthy .

  18. 我们可以诉诸法律。

    We may appeal to the law .

  19. 他最后的绝招是诉诸法律。

    His last recourse was the law .

  20. 他们会进行调解,而不是诉诸法律。这是以前从未有过的。

    They will mediate rather than litigate .

  21. 我们会诉诸法律

    We got legal action pending .

  22. 可能产生的任何争执应通过友好协商后解决,而不要诉诸法律。

    Any dispute that may arise shall be settled amicably through negotiation without resorting to law .

  23. “若你不修理你的篱笆,我就诉诸法律。”

    " If you don 't fix your fence , I will go to the law . "

  24. 诉诸法律,得到他们的帮助是更好的选择。

    I think a better option is to go to law enforcement and get help from them .

  25. 反对党威胁说将要截流在国会中预算,一些民间的政治团体开始诉诸法律。

    Opposition leaders are threatening to block budget votes in Parliament and civic groups have launched a legal challenge .

  26. 我希望终有一天人们无需非要诉诸法律才能解决歧视问题。

    How I wish we lived in a time when laws were not necessary to safeguard us from discrimination .

  27. 反之,如果此事不能获得满意的处理,我们将诉诸法律解决。

    By contrast , we will appeal to solute with laws if this matter can not get the satisfying disposal .

  28. 随着企业破产和投资失败,更多的人诉诸法律来解决财务纠纷。

    With companies going bust and investments failing , more people are turning to the courts to resolve financial disputes .

  29. 但是,在我国的众多环境公害中,真正诉诸法律运用集团诉讼解决的实例却寥寥无几。

    But , in our many environmental hazards , real resort to law using group action solves only a few examples .

  30. 有许多诉讼案件都很可笑,如一个跳到纽约地铁列车前面的男人因受伤而诉诸法律;

    Ridiculous lawsuits abound , including the man who jumped in front of a New York subway train and then sued for injury ;