
  • 网络Litigation Trust
  1. 摘要诉讼信托有其特定内涵。

    Litigation trust has its own definite meaning .

  2. 禁止诉讼信托制度并非一项普适性的制度,其存在的依据不充足。

    Prohibit the litigation trust system is not a universal system is not sufficient basis for its existence .

  3. 论诉讼信托亲属范围研究

    Studies on Public Litigation Litigation Trust

  4. 条款增补:我国信托法中的重要创造性规定的完善论诉讼信托

    The Supplement of the Terms : the Perfecting to the Important Innovative Regulations in the Trust Law of China

  5. 诉讼信托不同诉讼担当、诉讼代理和债权信托。

    Litigation trust is different from litigation take-on , litigation surrogate and credit-right trust . A suit brought for trespassing .

  6. 未来诉讼信托立法应注意分别从信托法、诉讼法以及环境保护法等特别部门法的层面进行构建。

    Trust legislation in the future should be established in trust law , litigation law and special law such as environment law .

  7. 第二种诉讼信托是公益诉讼信托,是公共利益机关介入私权的表现。

    The second believes that it is in the nature of pub - lic interest and represents the meddling of public interest agencies with private rights .

  8. 在外国法中,英美国家并没有禁止诉讼信托制度,而大陆法系国家或者地区特别是日本和我国台湾地区都规定了禁止诉讼信托制度。

    Foreign law , Anglo-American countries do not prohibit the litigation trust system , civil law countries or regions , especially Japan and Taiwan are the provisions of the Trust against litigation system .

  9. 然后,为寻找理论上的可行性,从当事人适格理论、检察监督权理论、国家干预原则和诉讼信托理论四个方面重点分析检察机关提起民事公益诉讼具有可行性。

    Then to find a theoretical possibility , from the proper plaintiff theory , theories of prosecutorial Supervise power , the principle of state intervention and action analyze the feasibility of the public prosecutor filing the Public Interest Litigation .

  10. 具体而言,公民作为环境权人,应当作为第一顺位的原告,环保社团通过公民的委托或根据诉讼信托原则,也可以作为第一顺位的原告。

    Specifically , as the holders of environmental rights , citizens should be place in first line as plaintiff . Environmental protection societies can also serve as plaintiff in first line by citizen trust or the principle of litigation trust .

  11. 将诉的利益作为当事人适格的衡量标准,并以此为基础构建诉讼信托制度,对于完善当事人理论,促进环境公益诉讼制度的合理化与合法化具有重要作用。

    When the interests of actions becomes the qualification for the proper party , and the litigation trust system is established on this basis , it is helpful to the perfection of the party system and the promotion of the rationalization and legalization of enviromental public interest litigation system .

  12. 政府交通助理员工会消委会是诉讼基金的信托人,基金由执行委员会在管理委员会的协助下管理,委员则由政府委任。

    Government Traffic Assistants Unio The fund , with the council as its trustee , is administered by a Board of Administrators underpinned by a Management Committee with independent members appointed by the Government .

  13. 行政公诉在西方国家有着成熟而深厚的法理基础,无论是客观诉讼理论、分权制衡理论,还是诉讼信托理论,均有其合理性和适用的特定范围。

    Administrative public prosecution in the western countries have mature and profound legal foundation . Whether objective lawsuit theory , the separation of powers theory , or litigation trust theory , all have its rationality and the specific appliable scope .

  14. 第二部分结合对新型诉讼的社会动因的分析,主要讨论当前比较主流的两种当事人适格扩大化的理论:诉的利益和公益诉讼信托。

    The second section , analyzing the social motive for this new lawsuit , mainly illustrates the theory for the extension of the righteousness of the two popular kinds of plaintiff in civil lawsuit of public welfare & interest of lawsuit and affiance of public lawsuit .