
  • 网络litigation culture;procedural culture
  1. 中国传统诉讼文化的伦理性特质及其成因分析

    Analysis of Ethic Characteristic and Its Reasons on Chinese Traditional Procedural Culture

  2. 论我国传统诉讼文化中的刑名师爷

    On the Legal Secretary for the Official in Chinese Traditional Litigation Culture

  3. 民事证明责任产生及运作的诉讼文化研究考察

    Research and Study on Culture of Lawsuit of Civil Burden of Proof

  4. 我国诉讼文化的乡村视域

    The Rural Field of Vision for Chinese Lawsuit Culture

  5. 我们无法摆脱传统诉讼文化对当下法治建设的影响。

    The current reform of litigation system is destined to be affected by traditional cultures .

  6. 民事证明责任的形成和发展有着深刻的诉讼文化背景。

    The forming and developing of Civil burden of Proof should be based on certain culture of lawsuit .

  7. 古代中国在其特有的民族法律文化的背景下,逐步形成了具有中国特色的传统诉讼文化及其价值取向。

    In ancient China , the Chinese law has its unique national legal culture and traditional litigation characteristics .

  8. 传统诉讼文化追求无诉等价值目标,成为制约诉讼制度现代化的主要因素。

    Traditional lawsuit culture 's pursuing the value goal of no litigation becomes the main factor of restricting lawsuit system modernization .

  9. 各国检察机构的设置均与本国特定的历史传统、诉讼文化及现实条件相适应。

    The establishment of different nation 's prosecutorial system is in harmony with this nation 's special historical traditions , legal cultures and current conditions .

  10. 形成这种情况的原因在于强职权主义的侦查结构;传统观念的影响与中国式的刑事诉讼文化的影响。

    The reasons of above-mentioned problems are investigating structure of powerful power and the influence of traditional idea and Chinese culture in the criminal procedure .

  11. 作为一种有效的纠纷解决方式,调解在我国传统诉讼文化中一直占有重要地位。

    As a kind of effective settlement way of disputes , The mediation always holds an important status in our country 's traditional culture of lawsuit .

  12. 调解体现了中华民族传统诉讼文化追求和谐的最高价值导向,而法院调解则是调解方法在司法上的体现和充分运用。

    From conciliation we can find the pursuit for harmony in the Chinese traditional litigation culture and harmony has always been regarded as its highest value .

  13. 本文就其无讼、告奸、容隐、越诉等诉讼文化遗产的现代价值进行剖析。

    This article focuses on the analysis of the modern value of the lawsuit cultural heritage about non-litigation , accusing evils , tolerating concealing , overstepping indictment , etc.

  14. 避诉意识既有传统的诉讼文化的制约,又由农村社会现实状况决定,还受司法制度的缺陷影响。

    Evading-sues consciousness is being restricted by the traditional lawsuit culture , decided by the current condition in the countryside , and being influenced by the flaws of legal system .

  15. 因此在比较筛选之前,先要对我国与民事裁判瑕疵救济机制相关的诉讼文化与历史发展梳理清晰。

    Therefore , the author screens historical development of litigation culture and environment related to relief mechanism for defects of civil judgment and verdict before in comparison to foreign countries .

  16. 基于此,本文从诉讼文化、诉讼制度的视角出发,通过比较分析,试图论证人民陪审制在当前中国的不可行性。

    This paper will discuss and prove the infeasibility of system of people 's jurors in current China from the lawsuit culture and judicial system 's angle , through a method of comparative analysis .

  17. 这些原则反映出中国传统诉讼文化的独特性质和风貌,虽有某些现实意义,但仍属传统礼治社会的特定范畴。

    All the above-mentioned rules are exclusively characteristic of the traditional Chinese traditional litigation culture and belong in the definite social condition of " ruling by rite " though they are still of realistic significance .

  18. 因此,必须通过开展普法教育、推进司法制度改革、挖掘传统诉讼文化的合理内核等途径,实现农民诉讼意识由避诉向健诉的现代性转变。

    Therefore , the modern transformation of peasants ' evading-sues consciousness to taking active part in sues must be realized through developing legal popularization , advancing legal system reform , excavating the essence of traditional lawsuit culture .

  19. 法治实践离不开诉讼文化的范导和支持,我国乡村法治的前提之一在于乡村诉讼文化品位的重塑与提升。

    The practice of rule by law can 't succeed without the guide and support of lawsuit culture , one of premises to rule countryside by law is the promotion and remodel of our rural lawsuit culture .

  20. 传统诉讼文化是一笔瑕瑜互现的法律遗产,民事调解制度被誉为东方经验,但民事诉讼制度改革至今民事调解制度已经处于极为尴尬的境地。

    Traditional litigation culture is a inheritance having defects as well as merits . Civil conciliation system is also named " orient experience " . But from the civil procedure system was reformed , as yet , civil conciliation system is in extremely embarrassed circumstances .

  21. 独特的传统诉讼文化观念形成了中国特殊的诉讼追求,随后文章总结了古代中国民事诉讼的价值取向特点&秩序价值居于核心地位,对秩序价值的追求优于对公正价值和效益价值的追求。

    The special traditional litigation cultural ideas have become special litigation pursuit in China . The article tallies up the characteristics of the value tendency - order value is in the core position , the pursuit of order value is previous to the pursuit of justice value and benefit value .

  22. 我国行政诉讼观念文化重塑的路径探索

    Path Exploration of Rebuilding Administrative Litigation Thought Culture in Our Country

  23. 法律全球化与中国诉讼法文化的构建

    Legal Globalization and Construction of Procedural Law Culture in China

  24. 试论美国的民事诉讼法律文化

    The Legal Culture in American Civil Litigation

  25. 经济基础的变革,外来诉讼法律文化的冲击,使证据法律制度的运行与现实的社会生活条件发生着冲突。

    Its operation conflicts with the realistic social life condition in our country on the account of the transformation of economic foundation and the impact of the outside procedural law culture .

  26. 论中西方民事诉讼的法律文化

    On the Law Culture of the Chinese and Western Civil Procedure

  27. 两大法系由于诉讼历史、文化及诉讼结构的差异,对经验法则的运用呈现出不同的特点。

    Two legal systems because of the difference in structure of litigation and litigation history , and culture , on the use of thumb exhibits different characteristics .

  28. 受到严格安全规定和爱好诉讼的国内文化束缚的美国制造商,可以要求提高关税,而放弃平等的监管环境。

    US manufacturers , bound by tight safety rules and a litigious domestic culture , can push for tariffs in lieu of a level regulatory playing field .

  29. 在尊重司法实践、承认诉讼调解本土文化的基础上,应充分认识到诉讼调解将与审判长期共存。

    In respect of judicial practice and the native culture , the civil lawsuit mediation should be long-term coexistence with the trial , and divided into the policy & driven mediation and case-needed mediation .

  30. 但由于绝大多数诉讼参与人文化水平较低,缺乏相应的法律知识,如果没有国家专门机关的帮助,其诉讼权利很难得到保障和实现。

    At present , it is difficult to achieve and ensure the litigation rights of litigation participants in case of lack of help of state organs , because most of litigation participants have lower education level , and they are short of knowledge of law and regulation .