
sù sònɡ dānɡ shì rén
  • litigant;contesting party;party to a lawsuit;master of the litigation
  1. 暂且假设我是你的诉讼当事人。

    Let 's assume for a moment that I am a litigant in your court .

  2. 诉讼当事人通常必须作出书面申请。

    A litigant generally must make a motion in writing .

  3. 民事诉讼当事人适格刍论

    A Tentative Research on the Justification of Parties in Civil Proceedings

  4. 浅议民事诉讼当事人更换制度

    System for Chang in g the Party Concerned in Civil Action

  5. 民事诉讼当事人主体地位的程序保障

    Procedural Guarantee for the Parties ' Initiative in Civil Action

  6. 建筑物区分所有权诉讼当事人适格研究

    Research on the Justification of Parties in Civil Proceedings of Condominium Ownership

  7. 派生诉讼当事人制度研究

    Research on the System of the Litigants in Derivative Suit

  8. 论民事诉讼当事人选择法官之正当性

    On Chinese civil litigant 's justification of choosing the judge

  9. 论民事诉讼当事人举证责任的承担

    The Bearing Liability of Putting to the Proof in the Civil Actions

  10. 民事公益诉讼当事人问题研究

    Studies on Issues in Respect of Party in Civil Proceedings for Commonweal

  11. 论行政诉讼当事人处分权之法律保护

    On Legal Protection by Administrative Proceedings Litigant Dispositive Right

  12. 关于刑事诉讼当事人处分权的思考

    On Consideration of Right of Disposing by Criminal Litigant

  13. 民事诉讼当事人处分权研究

    A Study on the Right of the Disposing of Litigants in Civil Action

  14. 诉讼当事人参与诉讼的一个团体。

    A party engaged in a lawsuit .

  15. 诉讼当事人心态分析及对策研究

    Psychological Analysis and Countermeasure Research On Litigant

  16. 第二部分股东派生诉讼当事人。

    The second , it discusses the value and function of shareholder 's derivative suit .

  17. 因此,检察机关具有特殊的诉讼当事人的法律地位。

    So , The Prosecutor Institution has the legal status of special litigant in lawsuit .

  18. 民事诉讼当事人事实承认的法理分析

    Legal Analysis of Confession in Civil Action

  19. 接受非诉讼当事人的委托,提供非诉讼调查和调解的法律服务;

    Providing legal services of non-litigation investigation and mediation based on the authorization of the clients ;

  20. 民事诉讼当事人有平等的诉讼权利。

    Immunity from civil suits In civil proceedings , the litigants shall have equal litigant rights .

  21. 当然,法律行动并不存在于真空之中:还需要诉讼当事人的参与。

    Of course , legal actions do not exist in a vacuum : they require litigants .

  22. 刑事赔偿便是对刑事诉讼当事人被侵犯的权利进行国家赔偿的重要制度。

    Criminal compensation is just a important system to compensate the rights offended of litigants for our country .

  23. 质证不仅是认证的前提与基础,而且是诉讼当事人的一项重要权利。

    Evidence-impeachment is not only the prerequisite and basis for certification , and is an important right of litigants .

  24. 举证时限是诉讼当事人是否承担不利裁判风险的一个重要分界线。

    Limitation of adducing evidence plays an important role in deciding whether the litigants should bear the risk of unfair decision .

  25. 浅议刑事附带民事诉讼当事人的确定跳槽别做上司附带品

    An Elementary Discussion on the Determination of Parties of Supplementary Civil action in Criminal Proceedings Not to be Boss 's Supplementary

  26. 文章从理论上对证明责任主体进行了界定,认为证明责任主体的范围只限于诉讼当事人。

    The article gives a criterion to distinguish that who should be the parties with the burden of proof in theory .

  27. 首先,从理论入手,突破和改进我国传统的民事诉讼当事人理论。

    First of all , from the theory of our country , the breakthrough and improvement of the traditional civil litigants theory .

  28. 随着国际交往的日益频繁,外国人作为民事诉讼当事人的情形越来越常见。

    As the more and more frequent intercommunication , the civil action is no longer confined to the parties in a nation .

  29. 其完善与否很大程度影响着诉讼当事人实体权利的实现,意义十分重大。

    Its consummation or not very great degree is affecting the lawsuit litigant entity right realization , The significance is extremely significant .

  30. 它是研究当事人问题的起始点和核心问题,合理地界定民事诉讼当事人的定义并根据该定义来设置相应的民事诉讼制度具有十分重要的理论意义和实践意义。

    So correctly defining the concept and building corresponding civil procedure system according to the concept are necessary for theory and practice .