
  1. 第四,诉讼突袭的类型。

    Part four is the types of litigation surprise .

  2. 第三,诉讼突袭的构成要件与特征。

    Part three is about the characteristic and significant factor of litigation surprise .

  3. 二是建立应对诉讼突袭的矫正性机制。

    A second proposal is the establishment of rectifying mechanism in reply to litigation surprise .

  4. 其主要分为两类:一是故意实施诉讼突袭。

    There can be two major types . One is deliberate conduction of litigation surprise .

  5. 诉讼突袭及其法律控制

    Litigation Surprise and Its Legal Control

  6. 基于这种现状,加强对民事诉讼突袭行为的法律规制刻不容缓。

    Based on this present situation , strengthening the legal regulation of civil litigation surprise is urgently required .

  7. 对此,文章提出三方面的制度构想:一是建立应对诉讼突袭的强制性机制。

    The dissertation makes three proposals with regard to this : One is the mandatory mechanism in reply to litigation surprise .

  8. 以防止诉讼突袭为目的,则将法官阐明扩张至职权探知领域。

    If the purpose is to avoid the assault , the judge 's clarification can be extended to the field of doctrine of exofficio .

  9. 审前准备程序的最终目的都是为了实现集中化审理,避免当事人的诉讼突袭,提高庭审的效率。

    Trying ultimate front preparation procedure purpose all is centralization for realization hear that , the legal action avoiding an interested party strikes at , efficiency improving court hearing .

  10. 该章首先从个案观察视角对诉讼突袭的形态以形象化勾勒,点出论文的核心议题。

    It firstly " outlines " the different forms of litigation surprise from the perspective of case study , and thereafter points out the core subject of the dissertation .

  11. 第二,诉讼突袭的本质。

    Part two is about the essence of litigation surprise . The dissertation recalls the theoretical evolution of litigation and expatiates on the relation between litigation surprise and litigation activity .

  12. 可以有效防止诉讼突袭,弥补弱者的不足,保证双方当事人的平等公平对抗,最大程度地限制诉讼技巧和诉讼能力对审判结果的决定作用,实现诉讼的程序公正和结果公平;

    Secondly , it can defect evidence assault . Help the weak clients , ensure fair rivalry , restrict the influences of suit skills and abilities on the result of litigation , and achieve the aim of impartiality of the procedure and the result .

  13. 鉴于对程序启动、进程和方向的决定性作用及行为引发的诉讼法律效果。诉讼突袭的行为主体应是当事人和法院。

    Considering the initiating , processing and its consequent litigation result , the subject of litigation surprise should be the party and the court .

  14. 笔者认为发端于80年代台湾诉讼法界关于诉讼突袭的讨论,对我国现行民事诉讼制度,特别是审判制度改革具有十分重要的理论指导和实践借鉴意义。

    We hold that , the inchoative discussion on Litigation Surprise in the 1980s in Taiwan has provided important theoretical guidance and practical reference for the reform of the current civil litigation institution , especially the current court trial system .

  15. 文章通过回顾诉讼行为理论的演变,阐述了诉讼突袭与诉讼行为之间的关系,指出从诉讼主体与民事诉讼法律关系的层面看,诉讼突袭的本质是一种诉讼行为。

    It points out that the essence of litigation surprise is , from the perspective of the relation between litigation subjects and relation of civil procedure law , a kind of litigation activity .

  16. 民事诉讼审前程序设置的目的在于为当事人提供充分平等的诉讼机会,避免诉讼突袭,并能整理案件争点,使法庭审判制度发挥最大的功效,使庭审集中化。

    The existence of pre-trial proceedings in civil actions aims at providing equal opportunity for parties to take proceedings , avoiding unexpected attack in actions , and sorting out controversy points of cases , so as to maximize the function of court judicial system and centralize court trial .

  17. 一旦诉讼进程和结果存在不确定性,其行为预判就会在利益最大化中引发诉讼突袭的发生。

    Once the procedure and the result exhibit any uncertainties , litigation surprise is to be motivated by the maximization of gains .

  18. 当事人的诉讼促进义务制度除了可以促成审理集中化、提高诉讼效率,尚具有防免诉讼突袭、实现双方武器平等的价值功能。

    Besides of the value of promoting concentration of the trail and improving the litigation efficiency , this legal system can prevent the litigation surprise from the parties , and realize the equality in litigation .

  19. 文章认为由于诉讼中案件信息不对称的分布状态以及行为选择与收益之间的关系,当事人在对行为的判断和调整中存在道德风险下以诉讼突袭获得不当利益的逆向行为选择。

    The dissertation holds that due to the asymmetrical distribution of the litigation information and the relation between behavior option and gains , the party may make converse choices to seek improper gains .