
  1. 此种情形下的诉讼承担,由于各国立法体例的不同,就可能存在既判力的主观范围是否扩张的问题。

    The litigation taking on will perhaps occur problem that have already sentenced to the subjective range of strength outspread because difference of legislation system of every state .

  2. 是国家机关在刑事诉讼中承担的关照、帮助被追诉人实现其权利的一项特别义务。

    Imposition of the duty notice on state institutions is conducive to ensuring the charged to exercise their rights .

  3. 因为检察官在刑事诉讼中承担客观义务有利于实现司法的公平和正义。

    Because it is beneficial to achieve fairness and justice for the prosecutors to assume the objective responsibility in criminal procedure .

  4. 被告就行政行为的合法性及原告已超诉讼时效承担举证责任。

    The defendant should prove that his frondose administrative behavior is legal and the plaintiff has overrun the period of prosecution .

  5. 大陆法系国家的鉴定人制度与英美法系国家的专家证人制度在诉讼中承担的功能基本相似,都是为了解决案件中涉及专业性知识的事实认定问题。

    In countries of continental law system the surveyor system basically bears similar function with the expert witness system in the lawsuit .

  6. 以何种分配原则将真伪不明事实的证明义务及不利后果分由各诉讼主体承担是刑事诉讼中非常重要的问题。

    How to distribute the duty on testifying events and to assume the consequences is Very important issue on the criminal procedure .

  7. 辩护律师在刑事诉讼中承担着准确适用法律与维护当事人合法权益的责任。

    Defense lawyers bear the responsibility for accurately maintaining applicable laws and fulfilling lawful rights and interests of the parties in criminal proceedings .

  8. 举证时限是诉讼当事人是否承担不利裁判风险的一个重要分界线。

    Limitation of adducing evidence plays an important role in deciding whether the litigants should bear the risk of unfair decision .

  9. 首先阐述了刑事证明责任分配的基本理论,这是我国刑事诉讼中控方承担证明责任的理论依据。

    The basic theory on the burden of proof will be firstly stated , which is the basis for prosecuting attorney takes the main responsibility of proof in criminal trial .

  10. 如果你赢了官司,通常诉讼费用由对方承担。

    If you win your case you will normally be awarded costs .

  11. 第四,民事公益诉讼制度的费用承担。

    Fourthly , the responsibility of the cost of civil public interest litigation .

  12. 民事调解协议本质上是一种诉讼契约,法院承担公证的角色。

    Court mediation agreement is in nature a kind of notarized contracts by court in action .

  13. 刑事诉讼举证责任的承担是刑事诉讼证据制度中的重要问题,对刑事诉讼实践具有重要的意义。

    The burden of producing evidence , which makes a great significance to the criminal practice , is an important issue .

  14. 通过总结归纳我国鉴定人民事责任的归责原则,提出了我国鉴定人承担民事责任的六种方式,以及我国刑事诉讼中鉴定人承担民事责任的两类抗辩事由。

    I put forward six ways of bearing civil liabilities and two defenses of our examiners ' undertaking civil liability in criminal suit by summarizing responsibility principle of examiners ' civil liability .

  15. 本文对我国建立民事公益诉讼制度中费用承担方面,在借鉴了国外的构建思路后提出了数点建议,以期能为该制度在我国的建立尽到绵薄之力。

    In this paper , the writer make several recommendations which is in the establishment of a civil commitment after borrowing the ideas from abroad , so that make a better to the national conditions of Chinese public welfare litigation system .

  16. 刑事诉讼证明标准是指在刑事诉讼中承担证明责任的主体运用证据对所主张的事实应达到的法定要求。

    The standard of proof in criminal procedure indicates a legal requirement , which the subject of burden of proof in criminal procedure advocated by the evidence .

  17. 在民事公诉中,一方面,检察机关与对方当事人诉讼地位平等,享有同等的诉讼权利,承担同等的诉讼义务。

    In the Civil Public Prosecution , one hand , the status of litigation between Prosecutor Institution and adversary parties are equality , which enjoy the equal lawsuit right and undertake the equal lawsuit obligation .

  18. 首席原告代表原告集团进行诉讼,他不仅享有代表原告集团的诉讼权利,而且承担维护原告集团利益最大化的义务。

    Lead plaintiff institute proceedings on behalf of the plaintiff groups , who not only enjoy the right of action on behalf of the plaintiff group , but also take responsibility for maintaining the obligation to maximize the interests of the plaintiff group .

  19. 刑事诉讼职能是国家专门机关和诉讼参与人为实现参加诉讼的目的和承担的任务而在刑事诉讼中进行活动所应发挥的作用和功能。

    Criminal suit function refers to the role and function that the national special organs and the people who involved in the suit , should play to accomplish their purpose and take their task .

  20. 第四章集中研究检察机关在提起环境公益诉讼中的几个重要的方面,包括调查权、诉讼费用、诉讼结果承担。

    Chapter IV focus on the procuratorial organs instituted environmental public interest litigation in several important aspects , including investigative powers , the cost of litigation , the outcome of the litigation bear .

  21. 文章对刑事诉讼中的侦查机关、检察机关、自诉人、被告人等诉讼主体应当承担的证明责任及其证明要求进行了探讨。

    The thesis discusses this distribution among the subjects of litigation , such as the investigative organ , the procuratorate , private prosecutor and the accused .

  22. 刑事诉讼中的程序性制裁,通过使公检法机关的违反法定诉讼程序的诉讼行为,承担不利的法律后果的方式,遏制程序性违法行为,为受害人提供权利救济。

    By letting judicial organs undertake the disadvantageous results caused by illegal behaviors which breach the legal litigation procedure , the criminal procedural system of sanction restricts the procedure-breached behaviors and provides rights relief to victims .

  23. 然而,行政诉讼第三人在司法实践中的情形往往比较复杂,不同类型的第三人所享有的诉讼权利、承担的诉讼义务和举证责任也不尽相同。

    However , the situation of the judicial practice is complex , so the different type of the third party has different litigation rights and incurs different litigation obligation and the burden of proof .