
  • 网络litigation explosion;suit explosion
  1. ADR是上个世纪中后期发达国家为了应对诉讼爆炸而创设的一种纠纷解决机制。

    ADR in the latter part of last century in developed countries in response to " litigation explosion " and the creation of a dispute resolution mechanism .

  2. 这两种制度在抑制诉讼爆炸,构建多元化纠纷解决机制的时代使命中优势互补、相得益彰。

    These two systems can complement each other in building a diversified dispute settlement mechanism to suppress the " litigation explosion " era .

  3. 诉讼爆炸和非诉讼纠纷解决方式的效力疲软是建立土地承包经营权流转市场纠纷解决机制面临的突出问题。

    Weak effect of the litigation explosion and non-litigation dispute resolution is the outstanding problem of building land contract and management rights transfer market dispute settlement mechanism .

  4. 世界经济迅猛发展而产生诉讼爆炸现象,简易程序因此而受到了广泛重视并获得快速发展。

    The phenomenon of " lawsuit blast " is caused by rapid development of world economy , hence civil simple procedure is extensively focused and greatly developed .

  5. 近年来,会计师事务所进入了诉讼爆炸的时代,各国控告审计师的诉讼案件有增无减,并且急剧增加。

    In recent years , the accounting firms have entered a " litigation explosion " times , the auditors charged with increasing cases of litigation , and it increased dramatically .

  6. 由于20世纪60年代以来针对注册会计师职业的诉讼爆炸式地增长,审计风险已成为审计理论界和职业界密切注意的问题。

    Since the 60 's in 20 century CPA faces with the explosion of the case , audit risk has become a problem that is nearly attended by the auditors in theory and profession .

  7. 审计风险是审计工作中面临的重要问题,在诉讼爆炸时代,正确认识和准确把握审计风险对审计工作尤其重要。

    The auditing risk is an important point in auditing work and it is more important , in the current times of " Litigation Explosion ", to correctly understand and accurately hold auditing risk .

  8. 随着诉讼爆炸时代的到来,纠纷数量的急剧上升给世界各国法院都带了沉重的负担,为此,各国都在努力寻找多元化的纠纷解决机制。

    With the advent of the time of lawsuit explosion , the sudden rise in dispute quantity has brought serious burden for the court in various countries . For this reason various countries are diligently seeking for diversified dispute settlement mechanism .

  9. 继美国20世纪70年代的诉讼爆炸之后,近年全世界范围内与注册会计师相关的法律诉讼再次风起云涌,成为困扰注册会计师职业的热点和难点问题。

    After the Litigant Blast of the United States in the 70s of the 20th century , lawsuits related to Certified Public Accountants ( CPA ) emerge endlessly all around the world , which bothers the CPAs and becomes a hot and difficult issue .

  10. 自20世纪40年代以来,在现代西方国家,随着经济发展的全球化,社会关系日趋复杂,私权利不断扩张,民事纷争的数量与日俱增,出现了诉讼爆炸现象。

    In the modern west nation , with the development of the economy , social relationship gradually complicated , the private right extends continuously , the quantity of civil conflicts is increasing , there appeared " litigation Bang " phenomenon since the 40 's of 20 centuries .

  11. 但是近年来国内外的审计诉讼案件爆炸使社会审计独立性遭到了严重的质疑。

    However , in recent years , the explosion of audit court cases in domestic and international conduce a serious suspicion to the social auditing independence .

  12. 中国目前也面临着诉讼的爆炸,司法资源的短缺,法院审判压力巨大及民众接近司法的困难等问题,鉴于此,中国需要构建自己的小额诉讼程序来有效缓解上述问题。

    China is also facing a lawsuit explosion , shortage of judicial resources , the court trial pressure and the difficulties people access to justice and so on .

  13. 这就是我们的司法资源、审判能力,虽然在改革之后,有了显著的提升,但是面对民事诉讼的爆炸式增长趋势,仍然感到力不从心。

    This is our judicial resources and trial ability . Although there is a significant upgrade after the reforms , the civil action still feels powerless facing the explosive growth trend .

  14. 上世纪60年代以来,世界各国针对注册会计师的诉讼案件急剧增多,堪称进入了诉讼爆炸时代。

    Since the 1960s , there has been dramatic increase of law cases against certified accountants in various countries , which can be called the explosion age of lawsuits .

  15. 自20世纪60年代中期以来,西方各国要求注册会计师承担民事法律责任的诉讼案件急剧增加,注册会计师行业进入了诉讼爆炸时代。

    Since the nineteen sixties since metaphase , western countries requirements of CPA civil legal liability litigation cases increased sharply , CPA industry has entered a " litigation explosion " era .