
yǔ fǎ dān wèi
  • grammatical unit
  1. 因此一般过去时被视作是多义性的语法单位,而一般过去时的多种意义就体现在它的多种用法上。

    Therefore , simple past tense is taken as a grammatical unit with polysemous meaning .

  2. 一个句子是一个语法单位。

    A sentence is a grammatical unit .

  3. 本文定义的有效字符串(VSt)是一种语言理解单位,而不是单纯的语法单位。

    Valid string is not a unit in grammar but is a unit in language communication and understanding .

  4. 指出构成层次结构的语法单位。

    Present the grammatical units that form a hierarchical order .

  5. 重动句各语法单位之间性质的差异。

    The third ones are caused by the difference among its grammatical units .

  6. 英语附加疑问句是具有疑问句表层结构的独立语法单位。

    The English tag question is an independent grammar unit with the interrogative surface structure .

  7. 论现代汉语语法单位及词类的模糊性

    Talk about modern Chinese grammar are fuzzy

  8. 片语是构成一个语法单位的一组词,它没有限定动词,也不存在主述结构。

    A phrase does not contain a finite verb and does not have a subject-predicate structure .

  9. 语篇中语法单位搭配型式有助于识别社会身份和活动。

    The grammatical patterns in a discourse can help us build and recognize social identity and activity .

  10. 语法单位的统摄

    The Governing of Grammatical Units

  11. 语法单位和语法元素的层次阿尔泰语言构形成分的句法层次问题

    Layers of tagmemes and taxemes The Syntactic Tiers of Altaic Inflectional Suffixes & An Approach of Generative Syntax

  12. 短语是现代汉语的基本语法单位之一,短语的重要性决定了短语研究的重要性。

    Phrase is one of the basic grammar units , and its importance determines the importance of phrase research .

  13. 称呼语除了作为语言系统中的一个语法单位外,还是具有社会意义的语用单位。

    Serving as a grammatical unit in language system , address forms also possess the social meaning as a pragmatic unit .

  14. 浅谈英语中的后置定语分析充当汉英后置定语的语法单位,并对汉英后置定语进行分类。

    This part also analyzes the syntax units used as English and Chinese postpositive attributive , and gives a general classification .

  15. 复句作为一种具有表述性的语法单位,它的意义容量要比单句大,结构也很复杂。

    Complex sentence have more meaning than single sentence as a kind of syntactic unit , and their structure are also quite complex .

  16. 在语言学中,文化词既可以指一个字,也可指成语,是在一个句子中作为一个整体存在的语法单位。

    In linguistics , cultural words refer to a character or four-character idioms which can be seen as a grammatical whole in a sentence .

  17. 立足于研究现状,本文所要考察梳理的研究视角有:语法单位性质视角、韵律视角、语法意义视角、语义因素视角、认知因素视角及其他视角等六个方面。

    The article focuses on research perspective : grammatical units properties perspective , rhythm perspective , grammatical meaning perspective , semantic factors perspective , cognitive factors perspective , etc.

  18. 语素是最小的语法单位,但认定起来却十分困难而复杂,语言学界至今尚未找到一个切实可行的方法解决这一问题。

    Morpheme is the smallest unit of grammar . It is very difficult and complex to identify Morpheme , so there is still no feasible method to solve this problem in the linguistic field .

  19. 因为通常认为句子是语言中最大的语法单位,所以句法长期以来是语法研究的核心。

    Since sentence is usually regarded as the largest grammatical unit of a language , and the composition of sentence must adhere to syntactic structure rigidly , syntax has long been the center of grammatical study .

  20. 汉语里的转折关系涉及多级语法单位,本文只涉及复句中的分句之间,句子(包括单句和复句)之间,段落之间的转折关系。

    Chinese language turning point in relation involves multi-level grammar units ; the scope of this paper only involves the clause between complex sentences , turning point in relations between sentences and paragraph ( including single-sentence and complex sentence ) .

  21. 从理论上说,任何一个语法单位都可以作为一个翻译单位。这些单位包括音位(字位),音节,词素,词语,短语或搭配,分句,句子。

    Theoretically , any length of language can be a unit of translation , including phoneme ( grapheme ), syllable , morpheme , word , phrase ( or collocation ), clause , sentence , and in very rare and special case , including the whole text or discourse .

  22. 本文探讨了汉语语法基本单位的文化特征。

    This paper discusses the cultural characteristics of the essential units of Chinese Grammar .

  23. 《文通》中的“顿”是因语气停顿而表现出的语音节奏单位,不是语法结构单位。

    Secondly ," pause " is a phonetic unit of rhythm for the manner of speaking , not a grammar structure .

  24. 询承成分具有特定的语义、语形功能,且因果句群的语义结构单位与语法结构单位具有不一致性。

    It has specific functions of semantic meaning and form . Moreover , the semantic unit of Causality Sentences doesn 't coincide with the grammatical unit .

  25. 现代汉语语法的基本单位研究

    Study on the Basic of Grammar Units in Modern Chinese Language

  26. 小句是汉语语法基本的动态单位

    On the Clause as the Basic Dynamic Unit of Chinese Grammar

  27. 语法场对语言单位的结构的制约,包括制约其中语法形式的语法意义。

    Restriction of grammatical field on the structure of the spoken language unit involves the grammatical meaning of grammatical form .

  28. 中文信息处理包括字处理、词处理、句处理和篇章处理三大内容,复句作为汉语语法的重要实体单位,其处理过程为中文信息处理的重要内容。

    The research of Chinese information processing includes three important parts , which to the concrete is word processing , words processing and sentence processing .

  29. 语法修辞以语法单位、语法关系和语法层次的变异为核心,实质是语法潜义的显义化。

    Grammatical rhetoric is in fact a process of the representation of the potential meaning of grammar , based on the variation of grammatical unit , grammatical relation and grammatical hierarchy .

  30. 语素既是英语中音义结合的最小单位,又是语法分析的最小单位。

    Morpheme is the smallest unit in terms of the relationship between expressions and content , a unit that cannot be divided without destroying the meaning , whether it is lexical or grammatical .