
  • 网络Noy
  1. 这位是伊立诺依的参议员巴拉克·奥巴马。

    This is Illinois Senator Barack of Obama .

  2. 当里奥本寇诺依在新卡布里卡将卡拉瑟瑞斯囚禁的时候,他用了什么古怪的心理策略?

    What odd psychological ploy does Leoben conoy use against Kara Thrace while she 's his prisoner on new caprica ?

  3. 德奥诺依公爵夫人被公认为是于1690年发表首个童话的人,随后,佩罗特和其他一些人也走上了童话创作之路。

    D'Aulnoy is given credit for publishing the first fairy tale in1690 , but it wasn 't long until Perrault and others carried on the tradition .