
  1. 基因表达的调节主要在转录水平上进行,并且转录调控子多是一类DNA结合蛋白,通过其与受控基因启动子或其他调控元件的结合来调节目标基因的表达。

    The principal level for controlling gene expression is at transcription and the regulators of transcription are often DNA binding proteins that activate transcription at particular promotors or other regulatory regions .

  2. 【目的】探讨JAK/STAT信号转导途径负调控子SHP-1基因启动子区域CpG岛异常甲基化在B细胞淋巴瘤中的意义。

    [ Objective ] To investigate the methylation state of CpG island in the SHP-1 gene promoter which is one of the negative regulators of JAK / STAT signaling pathway and to evaluate its significance in B-cell lymphoma .

  3. GH3基因在脱落后期表达增强,暗示了GH3可能是脱落的负调控子。

    The expression of GH3 is enhanced in the late abscission phases , the result suggests that GH3 genes may be a negative regulators of abscission . 6 .

  4. 背景与目的已有的实验证据表明,Ras激酶抑制剂(kinasesuppressorofRas,KSR)的功能主要是作为一个支架蛋白组装MAPK及其上游调控子形成多蛋白的复合体。

    Background and objective The present experimental data have showed that the function of kinase suppressor of Ras ( KSR ) is mainly as a scaffold protein that coordinates the assembly of a multiprotein complex containing MAPK and its upstream regulators .

  5. Ras激酶抑制基因(KSR)是该通路中的一个重要组分,其功能主要是作为一个支架蛋白协调装配包含有丝分裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)及其上游调控子的多蛋白复合体。

    A new component of this pathway which is termed kinase suppressor of Ras ( KSR ) was found in 1995 . KSR is as a scaffolding protein that coordinates the assembly of a multiprotein complex containing mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK ) and its upstream regulators .

  6. 母代效应调控子代生长发育的生化机制;

    The possible biochemical mechanisms involved in maternal control of offspring development .

  7. 基因表达调控子类似物前体的合成

    Synthesis of Precursor of the Gene Expression Regulators Analogue

  8. 科学家然后鉴定出了两类次级调控子。

    The researchers were then able to identify both sets of antagonistic secondary regulators .

  9. 基于其全基因组数据分析,发现了211个与双组份信号传导系统有关的基因,其中,有131个组氨酸激酶基因,80个反应调控子基因。

    Based on the genomic data , 211 genes encoding two-component signaling elements have been retrieved .

  10. 组蛋白标记经由一个染色质结合蛋白质,通过影响剪接调控子的招募而影响剪接结果。

    Histone marks affect splicing outcome by influencing the recruitment of splicing regulators via a chromatin-binding protein .

  11. 广谱或特异性的调控子,控制着毒力基因的表达;另外,若干个毒力调控基因的表达产物可组成一个复杂系统,执行毒力调控的功能,常称作毒力调控系统。

    Additionally , the products that are expressed by some virulence regulated genes build up a complex system .

  12. 性别控制技术已经成为繁殖生物学中重要的研究课题和研究方向,哺乳动物的性别控制是指通过对精子或胚胎的性别鉴定以达到调控子代性别的目的。

    Sexing technology is a very important research projects and directions in animal reproduction biology which can control the sex ratio by sperm or embryo sex determination .

  13. 档案袋的系统设计。对远程学习者情感信息档案袋进行系统设计,将其划分为获取子系统、存储子系统、展示子系统和调控子系统四大子系统,并分别进行了详细设计。

    Papers designs the emotional information portfolio , and divide it into four subsystems , including acquisition subsystem , storage subsystem , display subsystem and control subsystem .

  14. 转录因子是基因转录过程的重要调控子,预测其活动水平有助于进一步理解基因表达的转录调控机制。

    Transcription factor is an important regulon during the process of gene transcription . Prediction of its activity helps to understand the transcriptional regulatory mechanisms for gene expression .

  15. 该系统模型由国有森林资源资产运营主体、运营客体、运营环境和宏观调控子系统组成。

    The model is formed by the subject of state - owned forest resources assets operation , object of running , the environment and macro adjustments and controls subsystem .

  16. 其功能不仅表现为胚胎发育中的重要调控子,还通过转录调控下游靶基因参与多个生理过程的调节,包括细胞生长,分化,癌变和凋亡等。

    It has been shown that AP-2 α is an important regulator that mediates essential events in embryo development and also participate in many biological processes such as cell growth , differentiation , carcinogenesis , or apoptosis through the transcriptional control of multiple target downstream genes .

  17. 链霉菌发育调控启动子&P(TH270)对细胞分化的影响

    Effect of promoter & p_th270 on Streptomyces differentiation

  18. 酵母基因中转录正调控内含子序列特征的统计分析

    Statistical Analysis of Sequence Features of Introns With Positive Transcriptional Regulation in Yeast Genes

  19. 作为同属社会调控系统子要素的法律与道德从不同方面、以不同方式、通过不同机制对社会生活的不同领域发挥着不同的影响和作用。

    As elements of regulation system in society , law and morality have different influence and function in different social fields by different ways and mechanisms .

  20. 当基因专一的调控区启动子、阻遏物激活或失活时,基因的活性就会发生改变。

    The activity of genes is altered when specific regulator regions of the gene ( promoters , repressors ) are activated or inactivated .

  21. 针对基因调控的稀疏子模块特点,先利用相关性聚类对基因进行分解,得到多个基因簇,然后利用状态空间方程对每个簇的基因间相互调控关系进行建模分析。

    In view of the light characteristics of gene regulation , cluster genes by use of correlation clustering , and then model the mutual regulation of genes in one cluster with the state-space model .

  22. 实证矿区的研究对掌握和调控矿区各子系统间的相互关系,继而把握矿区可持续协调发展的方向,以及今后有目的、有重点地采取环境管理措施提供了基本思路。

    The case studies of coal mines have provided with a fundamental way to mastering and controlling the connection of sub-systems and manipulating the direction of sustainable coordinated development of coal mine and with purposeful and orientated regulations of environmental management in future .

  23. Bcl-2和Bax凋亡调控基因在缺碘子代大鼠海马神经细胞中的表达

    Expression of bcl-2 and bax in the hippocampus of rats fed on lodine deficient food

  24. 真核基因转录激活调控是在启动子、增强子等顺式调控元件和转录因子、激活因子以及RNA聚合酶II(PolII)等调控蛋白的参与下协同进行的。

    The eukaryotic gene transcriptional activation by RNA polymerase II ( RNA pol II ) requires interaction between cis-acting regulatory elements and trans-acting factors .

  25. TDNA倾向于整合到富含A/T核苷酸的基因组区域,即主要在基因的5′和3′端调控区以及内含子中。

    T-DNA integration preferentially occurred in the A / T-rich regions , mainly in the 5 ′ - and 3 ′ - regulatory regions outside the coding regions and in introns of genes .

  26. 在乙醇存在的情况下,基因表达激活受控于一个响应alcR调控的alcA启动子。

    Gene expression activation is followed using reporters under the control of the alcA promoter , which responds to ALCR only in the presence of the ethanol .

  27. 水稻蜡质基因5'非翻译区一个与调控有关的内含子

    A Regulation-related Intron in 5 ' Untranslated Region of Rice Waxy Gene

  28. 编程基因提供蛋白质与被调控基因的启动子序列结合,决定被调控基因是否可以表达的。

    The protein encoded by the programmer gene binds to the controlled gene , determining whether the controlled gene can be expressed ;

  29. 神经振子的相位用来处理神经元发放动作电位的时间调控,神经振子的振幅表示神经脉冲的强度,振幅为零描述神经元的静息状态。

    The phase of a neuronal oscillator describes the timing of neuronal firing ; the amplitude represents the pulse intensity of neuronal firing .

  30. 作为转录水平上一种重要的调控元件,启动子控制着基因在特定组织、特定发育阶段以及一定环境条件下的表达。

    As a important component under the regulation level , promoter controls the gene expression in special organ , development phase and environmental condition .