
tiáo jié yuán jiàn
  • Adjusting element;regulatory element
  1. 两名病人负性调节元件Ⅱ(NREⅡ)元件毗邻C被T所替代,TATA框前增加一个G;

    A C to T transition adjacent to the negative regulatory element - ⅱ ( NRE - ⅱ) and an extra G adjacent to TATA box were found in two patients .

  2. 固醇调节元件结合蛋白(Sterolregulatoryelementbindingproteins,SREBPs)属于碱性螺旋-环-螺旋亮氨酸拉链(bHLH-zip)转录因子家族,是真核细胞内调节脂肪代谢的关键转录因子。

    Sterol regulatory element binding proteins ( SREBPs ) belong to the transcription factor family of basic helix-loop-helix leucine-zipper ( bHLH-zip ) . They are the key transcription factor in eukaryotic cell which regulates lipid metabolism .

  3. 凝血因子FⅧA链基因第1内含子内顺式调节元件的鉴定

    Characterization of Transcriptional Regulatory Elements Within First Intron of the A Subunit Gene of Coagulation Factor ⅷ

  4. 其还是一种互溶性较好的钙钛矿铁电材料,其居里点温度Tc可较容易地调至室温附近,介电温度系数较大,是一种非常适用于电场调节元件的材料。

    Because of the expedient modulation of curie temperature Tc to room temperature , the larger dielectric-temperature coefficients , PST materials are favorable to be used in microwave tunable devices .

  5. 目的研究乙肝病毒转录后调节元件(PRE)结合蛋白PIP在PRE转录后调节机制中的作用。

    Objective To study the function of HBV PRE-interacting protein ( PIP ) on PRE-dependent post-transcriptional regulation .

  6. MicroRNA是植物生长发育和环境响应的重要调节元件。

    MicroRNA is an important regulator of plant development and plant-enviroment interaction .

  7. 二种不同病毒基因表达调节元件对骨多形性蛋白12基因在COS细胞中的表达影响

    The Influence on the Expression of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 12 ( BMP12 ) in COS Cells by Different Viral Gene Expression Regulatory Elements

  8. 磁粉离合器(MPC)和磁粉制动器(MPB)是性能优异的自动控制和自动调节元件。

    The magnetic powder clutch ( MPC ) and brake ( MPB ) are high qulity elements for automatic controlling and regulating .

  9. HBV表达调控是近年来分子生物学研究的重点之一,各种肝细胞核因子和调节元件通过作用于HBV启动子而发挥转录调节作用。

    Study of HBV expression regulation is one of the hotspots during Molecular biology field recently . Various of hepatocyte nuclear factors and regulatory elements display their function on transcriptional regulation by interacting with HBV promoters .

  10. 固醇调节元件结合蛋白裂解激活蛋白(SCAP)的研究进展

    Research Advance in SREBP Cleavage Activating Protein

  11. 目的探讨TNF-α对油酸诱导的脂肪变性肝细胞模型固醇调节元件结合蛋白1c(sterol-regulatoryelementbindingprotein-1c,SREBP-1c)mRNA的表达及甘油三酯(triglyceride,TG)含量的影响。

    Objective To explore the effects of TNF alpha on the expression of sterol-regulatory element binding protein-1c , SREBP-1c mRNA and the content of triglyceride ( TG ) in the models of cultured steatosis hepatocytes .

  12. DNA测序结果显示有四处变异位点位于已知的调控元件之内或毗邻位点:一名病人-229位C被A所替代,该变异恰好位于IL4正性调节元件Ⅰ(PREⅠ)元件之内;

    The sequencing results showed that four variant sites were found within or adjacent to the known IL-4 regulatory element . A C to A transversion located at - 229 position was just within the positive regulatory element - ⅰ ( PRE - ⅰ) in one patient .

  13. 目的:为探讨固醇调节元件结合蛋白-2(SREBP-2)基因1784G>C位点多态性与高胆固醇血症人群膳食干预效果的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the relations between Sterol - Regulatory Element-Binding Protein-2 ( SREBP-2 ) gene 1784G > C polymorphism and dietary intervention predisposition in hypercholesterolaemia population .

  14. 嘌呤丰富的TNRs偏好编码区,嘧啶丰富的TNRs偏好基因上游区域,也许是作为基因表达的调节元件。

    Purines-rich TNRs prefer to the coding regions , but pyrimidines-rich TNRs exhibit a stronger bias to upstream regions , suggesting that they might be considered as the regulatory elements in gene expression .

  15. 这种调节元件的预测依然是一个问题。

    It is still difficult to predict these regulatory elements .

  16. CO/FT调节元件与植物开花时间调节研究进展

    Research Progress on CO / FT Regulon and its Role in Adjusting Plant Flowering

  17. 固醇调节元件结合蛋白在动物脂肪代谢中的研究进展

    Advance in SREBPs in Animal Lipid Metabolism

  18. 固醇调节元件结合蛋白与脂质代谢

    Sterol Regulatory Element-binding Proteins and Lipid Metabolism

  19. 喷墨成像印刷系统供墨压力均布自动调节元件的设计研究

    Study on The Pressure Auto-regulatory Element of The Supplying ink For Inkjet Imaging Printing System

  20. 中国汉族胆固醇调节元件结合蛋白-2基因多态性与高脂血症的关系

    Relations between polymorphism of sterol regulatory element binding protein-2 gene and hyperlipidemia in the Han Ethics of China

  21. 控制,调节元件均安装在面板上,使用方便。

    All the controlling and regulating elements are installed on the front panel for the convenience of use .

  22. 固醇调节元件结合蛋白-1c基因54G/C多态性与新疆维吾尔族冠心病的相关性

    Association between genetic polymorphism of sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c and Uygur patients with coronary heart disease in Xinjiang

  23. 鸡乙酰胆碱受体γ亚基基因5′连接区含多元顺式调节元件

    Multiple Cis-acting Elements in 5 ' - Flanking Region of the Chicken Muscle Acetylcholine Receptor γ - subunit Gene

  24. 为了尽可能达到这个目的,进一步的发展需从调节元件和质量传感器开始。

    To come as close as possible to this objective , further development has to basically start with adjustment elements and quality sensors .

  25. 综述了CO/FT调节元件与植物开花时间调节的最新研究进展。

    In this review , we focus on the recent progress made in CO / FT regulon and its role in adjusting plant flowering .

  26. 在检索出的转录调节元件、或特征性序列位点,牛与绵羊在5个序列位点有碱基变异,这可能与牛和绵羊的产仔率高低不同相关。

    Base-differences also exist at 5 loci of transcriptional regulating elements or characteristic sequences searched for , which may relate to the litter size differences of cattle and sheep .

  27. 珠蛋白基因的转录受染色质结构、编码基因与其旁侧序列甲基化程度、顺式调节元件及细胞内反式作用因子的调节控制。

    The transcription of globin genes is regulated by the chromatin structure , methylation of globin genes and their flanking regions , local and distal cis acting elements and cellular trans acting factors .

  28. 动静压轴承在其静压油腔的进油路上采用节流器作为调节元件,节流器对动静压轴承的静、动态性能起着重要的作用。

    On the entrance to hydrostatic oil recesses , the throttleers are used as regulate elements , and the throttleers play an important role in the static and dynamic performance of the hybrid bearings .

  29. 饱和电抗器作为无功闭环控制系统的调节元件,由三相可控硅电路控制,该系统有两个控制器,即:电流控制器与无功功率控制器。

    The saturable-reactor controlled by a three-phase thyristor circuit may be considered as an element in a closed loop reactive power control system which consists of two controllers , the current controller and the reactive power controller .

  30. 目的了解胆固醇调节元件结合蛋白2(SREBP2)基因1784G>C位点多态性在中国汉族人群中的分布情况及其与高脂血症的关系。

    Objective To determine allele frequencies of 1784G > C polymorphism in Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Protein-2 ( SREBP-2 ) gene and investigate the relationship between this polymorphism and serum lipid levels in hyperlipidemic and normolipidemic individuals residing in Beijing City , China .