
Xiè Fè
  • sheikh;the formulator of the Six Laws (liùfǎ) of Chinese painting
  1. 卡塔尔足协(QatarFootballAssociation)主席谢赫?哈马德?阿勒萨尼(SheikhHamadal-Thani)抨击了其英国同行格雷格?戴克(GregDyke)发表的批评性言论。

    Sheikh Hamad al-Thani , president of the Qatar Football Association , lashed out at critical comments by Greg Dyke , his UK counterpart .

  2. 但6个月后,卡塔尔投资局(QIA)的首席执行官谢赫哈马德•本•贾西姆•阿勒萨尼(SheikhHamadbinJassimAlThani)又回来了。

    Six months later , Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim Al Thani , the Qatar Investment Authority 's chief executive , is back .

  3. 第5例为卡夫拉•谢赫省一名18岁女孩。

    The fifth case is an18-year-old girl from the Kafr El-Sheikh governorate .

  4. 论谢赫“气韵生动”的美学思想

    On Xie he 's aesthetic idea about " vividness and vitality "

  5. 谢赫的绘画六法与气韵生动

    Vivid Charm and " Six Approaches " in Xie He 's Painting

  6. 谢赫随后在周三出现在法庭上。

    Mr. Shaikh appeared in court later on Wednesday .

  7. 谢赫先生在巴黎看过你的表演。

    The Sheikh saw your show in paris .

  8. 谢赫同意说,这个组织已经远远超出了它的等级根源。

    Sheikh Abdel Maged agrees that the organization has moved far beyond its hierarchical origins .

  9. 谢赫相信,有一天,这位年轻一代的领导人可能会脱颖而出。

    Sheikh Abdel Maged believes some day this younger generation may come to the fore .

  10. 谢赫最近正致力于成为巴基斯坦最具影响力的媒体大亨。

    More immediately , he is working to become Pakistan 's most influential media mogul .

  11. 阿联酋外长谢赫-阿卜杜拉-本-扎耶德-阿勒-纳哈扬是在访问约旦河西岸期间说这番话的。

    Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed al-Nahayan made the comments during a visit to the West Bank .

  12. 索马里的内政部长阿卜迪-沙库尔-谢赫-哈桑被他十几岁的侄女杀害。

    Somalia 's Interior Minister Abdi Shakur Sheikh Hassan was killed by his own teenage niece .

  13. 南朝谢赫六法中明确提出了应物象形之说。

    In " six method " of sheikh explicitly put forward " should object shape ," said .

  14. 谢赫一直极力否认有任何不当行为,但承认参与了网上学位生意。

    Mr. Shaikh has vehemently denied any wrongdoing but admitted some involvement in the online degree business .

  15. 正在等待对该名患者即卡夫拉•谢赫省1名18岁女孩的外部诊断确认。

    External diagnostic confirmation of this patient , an18-year-old girl from the Kafr El-Sheikh governorate , is pending .

  16. 谢赫哈马德的时间一半在多哈度过,一半放在国外,常常因外交事务或卡塔尔投资局的业务而外出旅行。

    He divides his time between Doha and abroad , travelling often on foreign ministry or QIA business .

  17. 哈亚特·艾尔巴特迪在第一周的战斗中同23名家庭成员离开了她在埃尔-谢赫的房子。

    Hayat al-Bahtety left her house in al-Shejayia with 23 family members during the first week of fighting .

  18. 被指控与他一道策划恐怖袭击的还有拉姆齐.比纳尔谢赫、瓦利德.穆罕默德.阿他什、阿里.阿卜杜勒.阿齐兹和穆斯塔法.阿勒-哈萨维。

    His alleged co-conspirators are Ramzi Binalshibh , Walid Muhammed'Attash , Ali Abdul Aziz Ali and Mustafa al Hawsawi .

  19. 法官批准了联邦调查机构将谢赫及其他四名高管拘留到6月4日。

    A judge granted the Federal Investigation Agency custody of Mr. Shaikh and the four other executives until June 4 .

  20. 浅议中国传统艺术理论对当代室内设计的启示&以南齐谢赫六法为例

    Discussion on Inspiration of the Interior Design from Traditional Chinese Artistic Theory & Take Example for Six Theories of Xie He

  21. 与其它领导人相比,谢赫哈马德更有可能激起忠实的卡塔尔平民私下的批评。

    Sheikh Hamad is more likely than other leaders to stir quiet criticism from the loyal ranks of the Qatari populace .

  22. 由谢赫.哈西娜领导、主张政教分离并执行中间偏左路线的人民联盟赢得议会300席中的大约230席。

    The secular , left-of-center party , led by Sheik Hasina , captured about 230 of the parliament 's 300 seats .

  23. 很好,你的要求让我非常高兴,我会把你送到包奇去读谢赫伊卜拉欣的学校。

    Well , your request pleases me very much . I will send you to Bauchi to attend sheik ibrahim 's school .

  24. 谢赫正在修建一座艺术品博物馆,他正成为全球最大收藏家之一。

    The Qataris are building an art museum and the Sheikh has emerged as one of the biggest collectors in the world .

  25. 过渡政府领导人誓言打击政治腐败,数百人被监禁,其中包括谢赫.哈西娜和卡莉达.齐亚。

    The interim leaders vowed a crackdown on political corruption , jailing hundreds of people , including Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia .

  26. 死者贾米尔•谢赫曾经是一名铁路工作者,去世的时候79岁。其家人原本以为谢赫已经在伦敦西南部的莫特莱克公墓入土为安了。

    The family of Jamil Sheikh , a79-year-old former railway worker , thought they had buried him at Mortlake cemetery in South West London .

  27. 迪拜国际资本曾表示,亚洲将占其海外投资的近三分之一。该机构是迪拜酋长谢赫•穆罕默德的私人股本投资工具。

    DIC – Sheikh Mohammed 's private equity vehicle – has said that Asia will account for almost a third of its overseas investments .

  28. 谢赫哈马德集政治权力与商业智慧于一身,使他成为这个充满富翁的地区最富有的人之一。

    His marriage of political power and commercial nous has made him one of the richest men in a region of very rich men .

  29. 气韵生动是南朝谢赫提出的关于中国古典绘画的审美理想。

    " Lively spirit and vitality ", presented by Xie He in Southern Dynasty , is an aesthetic ideal of ancient painting in China .

  30. 谢赫苏莱曼说穆斯林热爱澳大利亚,但拒绝对穆斯林宗教习俗的干涉,“请和我们的事情保持距离”他说。

    Sheikh Shady al-Suleiman said Muslims loved Australia but rejected interference in the practice of their religion . " Keep away from our affairs . " he said .