• live in ease and comfort;comfort;hesitate
  • pleased;content;happy;comfortable
  • short name for Henan;ancient name for Nanchang;excursion
  • 欢喜,快乐:~附。~游(逸乐嬉游)。不~之色。

  • 同“预”。

  • 安闲,舒适:逸~。

  • 古同“与”,参与。

  • 中国河南省的别称:~剧(亦称“河南梆子”)。

  1. 虽然坐拥大量现金,企业却在花钱上面犹犹豫豫。

    Although sitting on piles of cash , businesses hesitate to deploy it .

  2. 她彷佛茫然不知身在何处,犹犹豫豫向四周打量。

    As if unsure of where she is , she hesitate and look round .

  3. 如果说我有什么不能容忍的话,那就是犹犹豫豫、挑来挑去的客户。

    If there 's anything I can 't stand it 's an indecisive , wishy-washy customer .

  4. 他最终犹犹豫豫地接受了。

    He finally accepted hesitantly .

  5. 她几乎要为他这种犹犹豫豫的态度不高兴了

    She was almost pouting at his hesitation .

  6. 霍尔兴致十足地向他打招呼,戈曼和沃森却满脸不豫之色,敷衍地咕哝句“早安”

    Hall greeted him jovially enough , but Gorman and Walson scowled as they grunted curt " Good Mornings . "

  7. N-正丁基苯胺的~(13)C自旋晶格弛豫研究

    The investigation of ~ ( 13 ) c spin - lattice relaxation of n-butyl aniline

  8. H2O和H2O2分子内的振动弛豫

    Study on the intramolecular vibrational relaxation of h_2o and h_2o_2

  9. Cu表面弛豫和自扩散机制的修正嵌入原子法模拟

    Modified embedded atom method for simulating the multilayer relaxation and self diffusion of copper

  10. 建立了豫医无毛小鼠无毛基因的原位PCR荧光检测方法,并尝试用原位PCR的方法对其无毛基因进行了遗传定位的前期工作。

    The method of PCR in situ for detection of hr gene is founded .

  11. 掺氟Bi(Pb)SrCaOuC大块超导体的磁弛豫

    Flux Relaxation in Fluorine-doped Bi ( Pb ) SrCa-CuO Bulk Superconductor

  12. Zr(70)Cu(30)非晶合金退火时结构弛豫过程的压力效应

    Pressure effect on structural relaxation of zr_70cu_30 amorphous alloy on annealing

  13. W(001)和W(110)表面的振动弛豫

    Oscillatory relaxation of the w ( 001 ) and w ( 110 ) surfaces

  14. 聚合物侧基NMR弛豫相关函数

    The correlation functions of side-groups of polymers for NMR relaxation

  15. 在较低的测试温度范围内,升高温度引起纳米GaP材料发生晶界结构弛豫;

    In lower measuring temperature range , increase of temperature led to occurrence of grain boundary relaxation of GaP nanocrystals .

  16. NMR基于横向弛豫时间不同的选择性检测方法

    NMR selective detection based on different transverse relaxation times

  17. Si(111)理想、弛豫及2×1重构表面的声子谱研究

    Investigation of surface phonons at ideal , relaxed and 2 × 1 reconstructed si ( lll ) surface

  18. 三氟乙酸溶液中尼龙6链凝聚缠结的NMR弛豫研究

    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation of Cohesional Entanglement of Nylon 6 Chains in Trifluoroacetic Acid Solution

  19. 非相干光时延四波混频中V型三能级原子的布居弛豫量子拍的理论研究

    Theoretical studies of the quantum beats on population relaxation for V-level atoms by using time delayed four-wave mixing with incoherent light

  20. 当x值较大(或较小)时具有弛豫铁电体特征,相变弥散性较强;

    The material has relaxation ferroelectric characteristics When x value is large ( or small ), and shows relatively strong disperse phase change .

  21. 豫南某县献血浆人群HIV、HCV、HBV感染流行病学分析

    Analysis on HIV 、 HCV and HBV Infection among Paid Plasma Donors In One County of South Henan Province

  22. ZnS中电子陷阱能级对光生电子弛豫过程的影响

    Effect of Electron Traps in ZnS on the Decay Process of Photoelectrons

  23. Ge_xSi_(1-x)/Si应变层超晶格的横截面电镜样品中的弹性驰豫

    Elastic Relaxation in Cross-sectional Transmission Electron Microscopy Specimens of Ge_xSi_ ( 1-x ) / Si Strained-layer Superlattices

  24. 从动力学驰豫的测量结果推导临界电流密度J(c0)(T,Be)的直接方法

    A direct method to derive critical current density j C0 ( t , b e ) from dynamic relaxation measurements

  25. 用这方法计算了Si和GaAs(111)理想表面和弛豫表面的电子态和波函数。

    The electronic states and wave functions of the ideal and relaxed ( 111 ) surfaces of Si and GaAs arc calculated .

  26. SOA弛豫时间对FWM波长变换效率的影响

    Effects of Relaxation Times on Wavelength Conversion Efficiency Based on Four-Wave Mixing in Semiconductor Optical Amplifier

  27. 文中阐述了调Q激光器的弛豫振荡理论,并对电光调Q激光器输出性能参数进行了理论分析。

    The theory of relaxation oscillation is described , and it give the theories analysis which is the output natural parameter of Q-switch laser .

  28. 压力诱发结构驰豫对Zr(55)Cu(30Al(10Ni5大块非晶合金玻璃转变的影响

    Effect of Pressure-Induced Structural Relaxation on Glass Transition in Bulk Amorphous Zr_ ( 55 ) Cu_ ( 30 ) Al_ ( 10 ) Ni_5

  29. AX体系多量子弛豫时间的直接探测

    Direct measurement of multiple quantum relaxation time in ax system

  30. InGaAsPPBC型激光二极管的弛豫频率和调制特性的研究

    Researches on Relaxation Frequency and Modulation Properties of InGaAsP PBC Laser Diode