
  • 网络South Henan;southern henan province;the south of henan province
  1. 豫南区域经济支持系统的空间结构特征

    The Spatial structural features of south Henan 's economic support system

  2. 豫南地区恶性疟流行特征分析

    Analysis on epidemic characteristics of falciparum malaria in South Henan

  3. 豫南某县献血浆人群HIV、HCV、HBV感染流行病学分析

    Analysis on HIV 、 HCV and HBV Infection among Paid Plasma Donors In One County of South Henan Province

  4. 豫南茶园VA菌根真菌种类研究

    Species of VAM Fungi Around Tea Roots in the Southern Area of Henan Province

  5. 商城肥鲵与豫南小鲵同一组织对应的有些EST、POD酶带的迁移率不同,同一组织中有些酶带的表达也不同。

    There are differences in some bands and their Rfs of EST and POD in the counterparts tissues between two salamanders .

  6. 2PRLR基因P1、P2位点,豫南黑猪与引进猪种不同基因型在群体内分布没有显著差异。

    The distribution of genotype was not significant between Yunan black pig and foreign pig at P1 , P2 loci of PRLR gene .

  7. 对豫南茶园VA菌根真菌形态、种类、种群频度、孢子密度及自然侵染率进行观察与测定。

    The morphology , species frequency , spore density and natural infection rate of the VAM fungi in tea gardens were studied in the southern parts of Henan province .

  8. 根据Nei′s遗传距离所作出的聚类分析表明,豫南信阳地区3个居群与湖北省武汉地区8个居群之间关系较远。

    According to the results of cluster analysis based on Nei ′ s genetic distances , three populations distributed in the southern part of Henan Province were far from the populations in Wuhan , Hubei Province .

  9. 关于豫南地区全面推进素质教育的调查

    Investigation on overall quality education in the south of Henan Province

  10. 豫南地区草地资源的特点及利用现状

    The studies on the characteristics and utilization of south Henan steppe

  11. 豫南地区花生就地加代初步研究

    Primary study on acceleration generation of peanut in south of Henan

  12. 豫南地区企事业体检人群亚健康调查分析

    Analysis of Subhealth on Various Enterprise Groups in Southern Henan Area

  13. 豫南民间道教音乐与丧葬民俗

    The Civilian Taoism Music in Yu Nan With Folk-Custom of Funeral

  14. 豫南高压镁铁质麻粒岩的初步研究

    Preliminary study of high pressure mafic granulites in southern Henan Province

  15. 豫南地区杨树插干造林对比试验

    Test on Poplar Cuttage Forestation in the Southern Part of Henan

  16. 豫南稻区水稻节水灌溉方式研究

    Study on the water-saving irrigation of rice in the south of Henan

  17. 豫南地区过渡语述略

    A Brief Account of the Transitional Language in the South of Henan

  18. 豫南山区美国黑莓引种栽培试验

    Cultivation of Blackberry in the southern mountainous area of Henan

  19. 豫南地区食用菌产业的现状与发展对策

    Status and Development Response of Mushroom Industry in South of Henan Province

  20. 豫南地区国家级自然保护区生物多样性价值研究

    Study on Values of Biodiversity in National Nature Reserves in Southern Henan

  21. 豫南稻区水稻新品种适应性研究

    Applicability study of new rice variety in south of Henan

  22. 豫南断裂带微观构造与构造环境的研究

    Microstructures and Tectonic Environment of South Henan Fault Zone

  23. 豫南地区猪链球菌病病原分群鉴定

    Grouping Identification of Swine Streptococcicosis Pathogens in South Henan

  24. 河南省豫南山地丘陵片区人群肠道寄生虫调查报告

    A survey of human parasites in hill and mountain areas of South Henan

  25. 豫南单季稻节水灌溉研究

    Studies on the water-saving irrigation of single-crop rice in the south of Henan

  26. 这是发生在上个世纪六十年代末豫南的一个小村庄上的故事。

    It happened in a small village in Southern Henan in the late1960s .

  27. 豫南旅游区生态旅游的优势及开发对策

    On the Superiority and Developing Strategy of Ecotourism is South Henan 's Tourism Region

  28. 豫南水稻害虫发生期及化学防治研究

    Studies on the Occurring period and Chemical Control of Rice Main Insects in yunan

  29. 豫南板栗林下套种百合不同栽植密度研究

    Research on Plant Density of Interplanting Lily in Chestnut Orchard in the Southern Henan

  30. 豫南民间道教音乐及其功能刍议

    Investigation on the Folk Daoism Music in the South of Henan and Its Function