
  • 网络Bayesian Inference;Bayesian reasoning
  1. 主体关联性对贝叶斯推理概率估计的影响

    A Study on the Influence of Subject Relevancy on Bayesian Reasoning

  2. 锚定参照错误偏向对贝叶斯推理成绩的影响

    The Effect of Anchoring Reference Error Biases on Bayesian Reasoning

  3. 基于贝叶斯推理的BP网络用于杭州西湖富营养化预测的研究

    Study on Prediction of Eutrophication by BP Neural Network Based on Bayesian Arithmetic in West Lake

  4. 3)贝叶斯推理中各分步骤的困难程度由低到高分别是:乘法、P(-H)、加法、除法。

    3 ) Among the divided steps in Bayesian inference , division was the most difficult , P ( - H ) and addition were less difficult and multiplication was the easiest .

  5. 贝叶斯推理的模型和广义线性模型,加速寿命故障模式,Cox回归模型和分段指数模型。

    Bayesian modeling and inference for generalized linear models , accelerated life failure models , Cox regression models and piecewise exponential models .

  6. 最常见的统计方式称为贝叶斯推理,更详细的内容,可以参阅IBMdeveloperWorks的另一篇文章(参见参考资料)。

    The most common statistical approach is called bayesian inference and is explained in detail in another IBM developerWorks article ( see Resources ) .

  7. 理论研究方面,本文对贝叶斯推理中标准的抽样技术-马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗抽样方法(MarkovchainMonteCarlo,MCMC)进行了研究。

    In the aspect of theory research , the standard sampling method for Markov chain Monte Carlo method ( MCMC ) in Bayesian inference are investigated in this work .

  8. D-S证据理论是贝叶斯推理的扩充,是一种适用于不确定决策问题和风险型决策问题的决策方法,在多传感器数据融合中得到广泛的应用。

    As extension of bayes method , D-S method is suitable for uncertainty decision-making issue and risk style of decision-making issue , and widely used in multi-sensor data fusion .

  9. 然后在概率SDG模型的框架下,提出一种故障分析诊断的推理方法,即利用图消去算法和连接树算法进行贝叶斯推理,并计算出故障概率。

    In the framework of probabilistic SDG model , inference approach is presented , which implements Bayesian inference with elimination algorithm and junction tree algorithm to calculate the fault probability .

  10. 针对决策树(DT)模型缺乏概率背景这一问题,将贝叶斯推理引入DT模型,提出了一种基于贝叶斯推理的决策树(BDT)模型。

    Focusing on the problem that conventional decision tree ( DT ) model lacks of a probabilistic background , the Bayesian inference was introduced into DT , and thus a decision tree ( BDT ) model based on Bayesian inference was proposed .

  11. 图像复原&模型、贝叶斯推理及迭代算法研究

    Image Restoration : Model , Bayesian Inference and Iteration Algorithms Research

  12. 基于贝叶斯推理和向量压缩技术的最大功耗分析

    Maximum Power Analysis Based on Bayesian Inference and Vector Compression Techniques

  13. 提出一种利用贝叶斯推理的算法-Pearls采样法。

    Proposed an algorithm using Bayesian inference - Pearls sampling method .

  14. 对贝叶斯推理进行了学科性质的影响研究。

    Influence of disciplinary property of Bayesian reasoning has been carried out .

  15. 基于贝叶斯推理与蚁群算法的仿真飞行器航迹规划研究

    Path-Planning Research Based on Bayesian Inference and Ant Colony Algorithm for Simulated Aircraft

  16. 结合贝叶斯推理技术的改进决策树研究

    Research on decision tree improvement by Bayes logic

  17. 对贝叶斯推理进行了生活情境中的发展研究。

    The developmental study on Bayesian reasoning in regular life context has been completed .

  18. 不同概率表征的贝叶斯推理试题形式结构的同质性研究

    Study of the Homogeneity of Form Structure on Bayesian Reasoning with Different Probability Representation

  19. 基于全局消息传播的贝叶斯推理

    Bayesian Inference Based on Global Message Propagation

  20. 信息表征形式对解决贝叶斯推理问题的影响

    Effects of information representation on Bayesian Reasoning

  21. 基于贝叶斯推理的目标跟踪

    Target Tracking Based on Bayesian Inference

  22. 被试在解决贝叶斯推理问题时,会使用贝叶斯策略、非贝叶斯策略和其他策略。

    Problem of Bayesian inference was solved by the Bayesian strategy , non-Bayesian strategies and other strategies .

  23. 贝叶斯推理研究综述

    Review on Bayesian reasoning research

  24. 不同年级被试解决贝叶斯推理问题的策略存在显著差异。

    Strategies to solve the problems of Bayesian inference by subjects in different grades were significantly different .

  25. 引入了贝叶斯推理的统计方法对检测结果进行分析,优化了系统结构,提高了检测效率。

    By using the statistical method of Bayesian deduction , system architecture and detection efficiency can be improved .

  26. 基于分布式认知观点,考察信息的外部表征方式对人们解决贝叶斯推理问题的影响。

    The effect of informational external representation on Bayesian reasoning was studied from the perspective of distributed cognition .

  27. 计算结果表明采用贝叶斯推理获得的模型参数估计具有很高的精度。

    The computational results indicate that parameters estimation by Bayesian method and MCMC sampling has a high precision .

  28. 用贝叶斯推理问题为实验材料,探讨了主体关联性对贝叶斯推理概率估计的影响。

    Bayesian tasks were used in the present study to explore the influence of subject relevancy on Bayesian reasoning .

  29. 贝叶斯推理的多信道频谱感知方法也是多分辨率频谱感知的基础,具有重要的应用价值。

    This idea sheds a light to the more general multi-resolution spectrum sensing problem , and is of practical significance .

  30. 粒子滤波器算法是一种基于贝叶斯推理和蒙特卡罗方法的非线性、非高斯动态系统的实时推理算法。

    Particle filter is a new real time inference algorithm , which is based on Bayesian inference and Monte Carlo method .