
  • 网络Bain & Company;Bain Consulting;bain and company
  1. 来自贝恩咨询公司(Bain&Co)的数据显示,中国消费者贡献了全球三分之一的奢侈品销售额,而且很多中国人在出国旅游时也喜欢购买奢侈品。

    Chinese shoppers are responsible for a third of the world 's luxury sales , according to data by Bain & Co , the consultancy , and many enjoy treating themselves when travelling abroad .

  2. 贝恩咨询公司的研究发现,中国半数超级富豪(资产值1600万美元以上)已经在海外投资。

    A study from Bain Consulting found that half of China 's ultrawealthy those with $ 16 million or more in wealth now have investments overseas .

  3. 贝恩咨询公司负责人克里斯祖克敦促公司把潜在的失败限制在自己的核心企业之内比如将现有产品引入新的市场;或者将新产品引进熟悉的市场。

    Chris Zook , of Bain & company , a consultancy , urges companies to keep potential failures close to their core business-perhaps by introducing existing products into new markets or new products into familiar markets .