
cái zhènɡ jiān dū
  • financial supervision
  1. 中国古代的财政监督制度研究

    Research on Financial Supervision System in the Ancient Time of China

  2. 财政监督是财政管理的重要内容。

    Financial supervision is an important content of fiscal administration .

  3. 奥斯本去年组建的预算责任办公室(OBR)履行着财政监督职责,其将今年的GDP增长从之前预测的2.1%,修订至1.7%(2012年预测微幅下调至2.5%)。

    The Office for Budget Responsibility ( OBR ) , the fiscal watchdog set up by Mr Osborne last year , has revised its forecast for this year 's GDP growth to 1.7 % from 2.1 % ( the forecast for 2012 was nudged down to 2.5 % ) .

  4. 法治是强化财政监督的根本出路

    Rule of Law is the Ultimate Way to Strengthen Financial Supervising

  5. 新形势下地方财政监督工作的深化

    On Intensification of Supervision Work over Local Finance under the New Situation

  6. 信息化条件下财政监督机制建设研究

    Study on the Construction of Financial Surveillance Mechanism underthe Condition of Informationization

  7. 实行预算网络会计创新财政监督机制

    The Budget Innovation of Network Accounting of Financial Supervision Mechanism

  8. 以会计集中核算为平台进行国库集中支付十分必要,会计集中核算将财政监督的职能推进到了一个新阶段。

    The centralized accounting system propels the function of financial supervision forward .

  9. 论人大财政监督制度的改进

    On Reformation of Financial System Supervision of People 's Congress

  10. 加大财政监督力度强化行政事业收费管理

    Strengthen Financial Supervision , Reinforce Management of Administrative Undertaking Charges

  11. 走向绿色发展的财政监督研究

    Research on Fiscal Supervision Adaptive to the Green Development Strategy

  12. 财政监督是公共财政体系的一项重要职能。

    Financial Supervision is one of the important functions of public financial system .

  13. 优化财政监督制度的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on Improving Public Finance Supervision Institution

  14. 资本主义发达国家非常重视有关财政监督立法的工作。

    Developed capitalist countries attach great importance to the work on financial supervision legislation .

  15. 中法财政监督法律制度比较研究及启示

    Comparative Study on Financial Supervision Legal System of China and France and Its Implications

  16. 论构建财政监督创新机制

    On Building Innovative Mechanism of Public Financial Supervision

  17. 第二,规范全国人大财政监督的时间和程序。

    Second , demand to specify the time and procedures of NPC Financial Supervision .

  18. 依法实行财政监督是发达国家一个显著的特点。

    Characteristics of the developed countries , a significant financial supervision according to law .

  19. 我国现行财政监督体系存在着一定的缺陷。

    Current financial Supervision System has certain shortcomings .

  20. 财政监督机制是财政运行机制的重要组成部分和构成要素。

    Financial supervision mechanism is an important part and element of financial operating mechanism .

  21. 本文主要研究的是我国当前公共财政监督的有关理论与实务问题,并且将主要着眼点放在财政部门自身及其专门监督机构的监督工作方面。

    This topic mainly researches the current theory and practice of financial supervision in China .

  22. 宏观财政监督问题研究

    A Study of the Macro Fiscal Supervision

  23. 新时期湖南省财政监督机制创新问题研究

    Research on Innovative Mechanism of Public Financial Supervision in Hunan Province in the New Stage

  24. 这其中当然包括财政监督权。

    Of course , include financial supervision .

  25. 对当前加强财政监督职能的思考

    Thoughts on Strengthening Fiscal Supervision at Present

  26. 本文首先界定了财政监督在公共财政框架中的内涵。

    This article has first definite the financial supervision in the public financial frame connotation .

  27. 市场经济、廉政建设与财政监督

    Market Economy Incorruptness and Financial Supervision

  28. 健全完善会计法规体系,明确会计责任主体财政监督对象;

    The sound and perfect accounting statue system , the explicit accountability principal finance supervision object ;

  29. 为此,建立了以都察院和六科给事中为中心的监察性质的财政监督体制,并制定和完善了有关的法律、法规。

    Thus , Financial supervision system was established and relevant laws and regulations were enacted and perfected .

  30. 国外财政监督制度主要有立法型、司法型、独立型和行政型。

    There are mainly four types in foreign countries : legislative , judicial , independent and executive .