
  • 网络fiscal balance;balance of state revenue and expenditures
  1. 如果私人部门削减开支,经常账户赤字就会收窄,财政收支平衡也会恶化。

    When the private sector cuts back on its spending , the current account deficit shrinks and the fiscal balance deteriorates .

  2. 第二届特区政府的当前急务,是致力振兴经济,尽早恢复公共财政收支平衡,并加强有效管治。

    The second-term HKSAR government will focus on the immediate goals of reviving the economy , restoring fiscal balance , and promoting effective governance .

  3. IIS的主要发行者是政府,对政府发行人来说,IIS能够降低政府的借债成本,帮助维持长期资本市场,还可以运用IIS保持财政收支平衡以防范相应的风险。

    Major issuers of IIS are the governments of sovereign states . IIS could lower the cost of borrowing for the government and help to maintain the stability of capital market in long term . The government could use IIS to reduce fiscal deficits and curb corresponding risks too .

  4. 财政收支平衡控制模型及其应用

    The Control Model for Balance of Revenue and Expenditure

  5. 想财政收支平衡?

    Wanna balance the budget ?

  6. 俄罗斯官员表示,若明年的平均油价为每桶60美元,那全年将实现财政收支平衡。

    Officials have said next year 's budget will be balanced if the oil price averages $ 60 a barrel .

  7. 坚持财政收支平衡和量入为出,是经济工作应当遵循的重要原则。

    Balancing accounts by always keeping expenditures within the bounds of revenue is an important principle we should follow in our economic work .

  8. 日本朋友说,他们从来不相信用控制的方法能够达到财政收支平衡。

    Our Japanese friends say they do not believe that a balance between revenue and expenditure can be achieved by means of control .

  9. 宋代的税收对宋朝统治者维持其财政收支平衡非常重要。

    The tax-collecting in Song Dynasty had played very important function in the maintaining the balance of the revenue and expenditure of the rulers .

  10. 当前我国税收弹性偏低,成为影响我国财政收支平衡和国民经济稳定发展的重要因素之一。

    The low elastic taxation in China now has become one of the important factors to influence the balance of financial revenue and expenditure .

  11. 日本朋友说,他们从来不相信用控制的方法能够达到财政收支平衡。在我的日常开销中很难做到收支平衡。

    Our Japanese friends say they do not believe that a balance between revenue and expenditure can be achieved by means of control . It 's hard to try to make ends meet with the money in the day - to - day spending .

  12. 财政收支基本平衡的原则。

    A principle of maintaining a basic balance between revenue and expenditures .

  13. 这里货币投放的目标是使工农业总产值规划得以完成,并使财政收支基本平衡和物价适度稳定。

    The output controllability and stability of the model , and the optimal currency supply problem are treared of in detail .

  14. 整个区域的失业率水平正在缓慢下滑,真实工资水平在上升,外债在减轻,公共财政收支趋于平衡,投资和消费在上升。

    For the region as a whole , unemployment is edging down , real wages are increasing , foreign debt has fallen , the public finances are close to balance and investment and consumption are rising .

  15. 从中、长期来说,仍然要坚持财政收支基本平衡的原则,实行适度从紧的财政政策,严格控制并逐步缩小财政赤字。

    In the medium and long term , we should still adhere to the principle of maintaining a basic balance between revenue and expenditures , follow a moderately tight financial policy , and strictly control and gradually reduce the deficit .

  16. 财政预算趋于收支平衡,失业率也处在低水平范围:事实上,劳动力短缺问题日益严重。

    The federal budget is close to balance . Unemployment remains low : indeed , labour shortages are an increasing problem .

  17. 通过调整,今年我们的财政收支可以基本达到平衡。

    Through readjustment , we can balance revenue with expenditure this year .

  18. 财政预算平衡;财政收支平衡:指一个政府的收入与支出(不仅仅是税收)之间的平衡。

    Fiscal Balance : A Balance Between the receipts and expenditures of a government ( not just taxes ) .

  19. 从中长期看,中国仍将坚持实行适度从紧的财政政策,逐步实现财政收支基本平衡。

    In the medium to long term , China will maintain a moderately tightened fiscal stance , with a view to achieving a balanced budget over time .

  20. 本章第一节介绍宽城满族自治县基本县情和经济发展状况;第二节阐述2003-2008年宽城满族自治县的财政收入、财政支出和财政收支平衡情况。

    Section ⅰ of this chapter introduces the basic situation and economic development of Kuancheng Manchu Autonomous County ; Section ⅱ describes the 2003-2008 fiscal revenue , fiscal expenditure , and fiscal balance of payments situation .

  21. 本文认为财政风险具有三个层次,即财政收支平衡风险、保障风险和调控风险。

    This article classifies fiscal risks into three levels , which are fiscal revenue & expenditure balancing risks , guarantee for fiscal function risks , and controlling economy risks .

  22. 同时,数据显示财政支出总量的不断上升不利于各地财政收支的平衡。

    In addition , the increasing of the financial total amount is harmful to local financial balance .

  23. 地方财政是国家财政的重要组成部分,地方财政收支平衡与否直接关系和影响着国家财政收支的平衡。

    Local finances are the main part of our nation finance and its revenue balance directly affects that of nations .

  24. 这一时期,英国财政政策致力于追求王室财政独立,实现王室财政收支平衡甚至盈余。

    The English financial policy in this period sought to achieve financial independence and realize a balance between royal financial revenue and expenditure , if not a surplus .

  25. 二巩固财政经济工作的统一管理和统一领导,巩固财政收支的平衡和物价的稳定。

    2 unified control and unified leadership in our financial and economic work should be consolidated , and so too should the balancing of budgetary revenues and expenditures and the stabilization of prices .

  26. 政府财政转移支付制度是财政体制的重要组成部分,是调节各级政府财政收支、平衡区域经济差异的重要手段,它的主要目标是实现公共服务水平的均等化。

    The inter-governmental transfer system is a significant part of fiscal system . It is a key means to regulate the fiscal revenue and expenditure between governments of different levels and to reduce regional economic gaps . Its main goal is to achieve the equalization of public services .

  27. 财政政策是指政府为实现一定的宏观经济目标,而调整财政收支规模和收支平衡的原则及所制定的相应措施,其制定和实施的过程也是国家进行宏观调控的过程。

    Fiscal policy , enacted by government , consists of a series of rules such as finance income , expenses scale , and making both ends meet , and correspondent measures . Its making and implementing courses are the realizing course of macro-economic control .

  28. 公共财政的理论渊源是经济自由主义,其政策主张的实质就是自由放任,这种主张纯粹是从财政收支平衡的角度得出的结论,是一种消极落后的财政模式。

    Public finance theory is the economic liberalism , whose policy advocates is the essence of laissez-faire , and this claim is purely from the perspective of fiscal revenue and expenditure balance concluded , so public finance is a negative and backward mode of finance .