
  • 网络budget management
  1. 对收费实行规范化的财政预算管理。

    Regulate the budget management on fee and charge items .

  2. 应加强高等教育财政预算管理

    Fiscal Budget Management of Higher Education Should Be Strengthened

  3. 财政预算管理制度的改革,意味着我国财政审计的外部环境发生了变化。

    It means that the environment of the Public Finance Audit will be changed .

  4. 信息技术条件下财政预算管理流程再造

    Research on the Government Budgeting Process Re-engineering

  5. 因此,用于农民生活的农村财政预算管理改革要促进社会公平。

    Thus , reforms of rural budget management for farmers ' living must promote social equity .

  6. 地方财政预算管理中的问题与对策

    Problems in Local Financial Budget Administration

  7. 财政预算管理上还需要对农村中小学与农村学生实施倾斜式的财政支持。

    More financial support to rural schools and rural students should be got from financial budget management .

  8. 因为城乡公共服务一体化的水平直接影响到农村财政预算管理改革选择。

    Because the level of integration of urban and rural public services directly affect the options for reforming rural financial budget management .

  9. 而且医院长期执行财政预算管理体制,至今尚没有系统实施成本管理的医院。

    Hospitals have a long-term implementation of the budget management system , so far there is no hospital of implementation of cost management .

  10. 而国内有关文献综述主要集中在农村财政预算管理体制与农村财政预算管理改革等方面。

    The relevant domestic literature review is mainly concentrated in the system of rural financial budget management and the reform of rural financial budget management .

  11. 由于财政预算管理体制的改革和预算会计的客体运行环境的变化,预算会计体系面临进一步改革。

    Owing to reform of management system of financial budget and change of object environment of budget accounting , the budget accounting system faces further reform .

  12. 国库集中收付制度推动了我国财政预算管理制度的巨大变革,而预算管理制度改革将使预算执行审计工作面临新的变化。

    The system of national treasury single audit has promoted immense reforms of financial budget management , which in turn bring budget audit work into new situation .

  13. 本文的主要创新点是:一是本文在研究视角上基于城乡公共服务一体化的趋势来研究农村财政预算管理问题。

    First , from the research perspective , the paper study rural finance budget management based on the trend of integration of urban and rural public services .

  14. 当前指导农村财政预算管理的财政理论是财政支援农业生产理论,简称财政支农理论。

    Current fiscal theory about the rural budget management is financial support for agricultural production theory , referred to as the theory of financial support for agriculture .

  15. 此次改革涉及财政预算管理体制的方方面面,对我国政治、经济、文化等方面的影响将会很大。

    The reform involves many respects in the public financial budget management system and will have a great influence on China 's politics , economy , culture , etc.

  16. 第二,提出了把县乡政府债务纳入省市财政预算管理,通过财政转移支付补偿来化解县乡债务。

    Second , by the county and township government debt should be included in provincial and municipal financial budget management , through the financial transfer payment of compensation to defuse County township debt .

  17. 本文从国地税分设的大背景入手,结合财政预算管理体制改革,认真分析了加强和完善地税部门财务预算管理工作的重要性。

    Starting from the background of separation of internal and local revenue , the thesis analyzes the significance of reinforcing and perfecting local tax branch financial budget in the light of the its structural reform .

  18. 由于税务系统的会计制度与经费管理属于行政单位会计制度以及预算会计的范畴,因此优化税务经费支出的措施同时可以应用到财政预算管理体制改革和所有行政单位的财务管理工作中。

    The accounting and expenditure management of taxation belongs to the governmental accounting and budget management system , so the measures of optimization tax expenditure structure can be widely applied to all governmental budget and financial management systems .

  19. 它是我国实施的金财工程的一个组成部分,建立财政预算管理系统,可以从根本上防止财政资金的体外运行和沉淀。

    It is a part of the Golden Finance Project which is implementing by our country . It is help for setting up the management system of financial budget . It can prevent the external operation and precipitate of financial capital .

  20. 但是在城市化的发展进程中,如果不重视农村公共服务问题,不进行农村财政预算管理改革,这些问题不会随城市化发展自然消亡,必然会阻碍城乡一体化的发展。

    However , in the development of urbanization process , if public services in rural areas are got no attention and the rural budget management reform cannot be implemented , these problems will not disappear naturally and absolutely hinder the development of urban and rural .

  21. 摘要我国财政预算管理制度改革、西方国家非营利组织会计的影响和现行事业单位会计准则制度本身存在的缺陷是事业单位会计改革的主要原因。

    The reform of the financial budget management of our country , the influence of non-profit organization accounting in western countries and the defect that exists in the present accounting standard for public institutions are the main reasons for the accounting reform in China public institutions .

  22. 研究完善行政事业单位国有资产的预算管理,既有利于有效开展资产管理工作,也有利于深化公共财政预算管理体制改革,科学编制财政部门预算,具有理论指导意义。

    Research institutions improve administration of the budget of state-owned assets management , both in favor of effective asset management job , but also conducive to deepening the reform of public finance budget management , scientifically draw up budget for the financial sector , with the meaning of theoretical guidance .

  23. 对于中国财政预算的管理何以有效?

    Whatis effective to the management of the financial budget of China ?

  24. 公共财政支出预算管理制度的改革取向

    The Direction of Disburse Budget System in Public Finance

  25. 财政预算支出管理系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Financial Capital Budgeting System

  26. 国外财政预算支出管理中的内部控制与审计监督

    Inside Control and Auditing Supervision in the Management of Foreign Financial Expenditure Budget

  27. 我国财政绩效预算管理中存在的问题与对策

    Problems in Chinese Budget Efficiency and its Solution

  28. 我国公共财政支出预算管理改革研究

    Research for the Reform of Fiscal Spending Management

  29. 财政的预算管理无论是在预算形式、预算内容、编制方法,还是在预算监督等方面,都存在着一些问题,与建立公共财政模式的要求有一定的差距。

    And there are some questions in the field of budget form , budget contents , compiling methods and the budget supervision .

  30. 打破现行公共财政支出预算管理体系,建立起我国新型的政府公共财政支出预算管理体系,是转变政府职能、建立规范化市场机制的必由之路。

    To change government function and establish standardized marketing system we have to break current fiscal spending system and set up a new one .