
  • 网络Fiscal Theory;The Theory of Public Finance;FTPL
  1. 从公共财政理论出发,测定交通海事单位的基本支出预算。

    Based on the theory of public finance , a method to determine the basic expenditure budget quota of maritime administration is worked out .

  2. 公共财政理论的引入,引起我国财政体系的大变革。

    The introduction of the theory of public finance has been leading to reform of financial system of China .

  3. 社会主义财政理论体系新构想

    The New Idea on the Theory System of Socialist Public Finance

  4. 现代公共财政理论是建立在现代市场经济的基础之上的,是针对由私人部门经济和公共部门经济的混合并存的情况,从矫正市场失灵出发来界定政府经济活动范围和职责。

    Modern finance is based on the modern market economy .

  5. 浅论社会主义市场经济下财政理论的创新和发展

    Financial Theories in Socialist Market Economy : Innovation and Development

  6. 我国公共财政理论创新与进一步发展

    On the Theoretical Innovation and Development of the Public Finance in China

  7. 第五章,回答了如何用社会财政理论指导我国财政体制改革问题。

    Chapter 4 explains how to manipulate social finance in fiscal reform in China .

  8. 公共财政理论视角下的政府行为规范研究

    Government Measures Regulation Research in Public Finance Theory

  9. 基于公共财政理论的民族教育财政体系研究

    The Research of National Educational and Financial System Based on Theories of Public Finances

  10. 公共财政理论下我国行政管理费支出现状探讨

    Study on Administration Management Fee Expenditure Present Under the Public Finance Theories in our Country

  11. 第一节简要回顾了西方财政理论与政策的发展脉络。

    Section One gives a brief review of western financial theories and the policy development .

  12. 二是战时财政理论;

    His war-time financial theory ;

  13. 高校收费的财政理论分析

    Analyse University-tuition by Financial Theory

  14. 财政理论来源于社会发展的实践,并为社会发展服务。

    Fiscal theory originates from the practice of social development , and serves for the social development .

  15. 从公共财政理论和项目融资理论两方面对农村基础设施融资理论进行了阐述。

    It is on the basic of two theories including the public finance philosophy and the project financial theory .

  16. 价格水平决定的财政理论:一个实证综述

    FTPL : An Overview of Empirical Research ; An Empirical Research on Fiscal Theory of Price Level in China

  17. 本文从公共财政理论入手对我国非税收入体系的基本特点进行了分析,并在这一分析的基础上对有关非税收入的不同认识进行了相应的讨论。

    In terms of public finance theory , this paper analyzes the basic characteristics of our government non-tax revenue system .

  18. 在此基础上,综合运用相关财政理论,提出了较有针对性的解决办法。

    On this basis , the comprehensive use of the relevant financial theory , put forward a more targeted solution .

  19. 因此,在进行政府预算改革研究时,要坚持以公共财政理论为指导。

    Therefore , we must stick to the guide of public finance theory when doing research on government budget reform .

  20. 文章首先以公共财政理论引入对节约型政府构建的探讨;

    In this paper , public finance theory is used for the research on the construction of " economy government " .

  21. 我国的财政理论自成体系,国债也只是在最近的几年才得到广泛的重视和发展。

    Chinese fiscal theory is isolated from others for long time , and the NB is only developing hi recent years .

  22. 科学发展观作为对发展的最高认识,对财政理论和实践具有重大的指导意义。

    Scientific development outlook is the deepest understanding on development and it puts influence significance on the fiscal theory and practice .

  23. 清醒认识和深入分析这一问题,是经济转型期财政理论的新内容;

    To realize the problem clearly and analyse it deeply are the new contents of financial theory in the economic changing period .

  24. 而新公共服务理论、公共财政理论、税收法律关系理论是建立健全我国现代纳税服务体系的理论依据。

    The new public service , the public finance theory and the tax laws are theoretical bases to improve our modern tax service .

  25. 西方财政理论确立的逻辑判断标准包括完整的框架与体系、核心概念的提出与对现实的解释作用。

    Logical judgment criteria for the establishment of the theory include complete framework and system , core concepts and its capability in interpreting realities .

  26. 财政理论中的各级政府事权与支出责任,是纳入财政体制这一框架之内进行划分的。

    In the financial theory , the responsibility and expenditure of different level of government are divided within the framework of the financial system .

  27. 主要是介绍了本文涉及的相关概念和理论基础,包括分权体制下的税收理论和财政理论。

    It is to introduce the relevant concepts and theoretical basis for this article , including the tax theory of decentralization and financial theory .

  28. 森林分类经营理论、公共财政理论、现代林业理论是生态公益林补偿的理论基础,森林生态效益价值论是森林生态效益评价、公益林补偿标准的依据。

    It includes classified forestry management , public finance and modern forestry . Ecological value of forest is the foundation for forest evaluation and compensation .

  29. 现代市场经济条件下的公共财政理论和基本框架,决定着财政审计发展趋势和取向。

    The public finance theories and the basic frame on the condition of the modern market economy decide the developing tendency of public finance audit .

  30. 公共财政理论是当代经济学中用以说明政府机制应该如何运作和实际如何运作的基础理论。

    Public finance theory is the basic theory of temporary economics which illustrates how the government institution should revolve and how it revolves in practice .