
  • 网络Fiscal Studie;Public Finance Research
  1. 英国财政研究所(InstituteforFiscalStudies)估计,穷人缴纳的肥胖税占其个人收入的比例可能是富人的7倍。

    The Institute for Fiscal Studies in the UK estimates that a fat tax would cost the poor seven times as much as a proportion of income as the wealthy .

  2. 英国颇具影响力的财政研究所(InstituteforFiscalStudies)的经济学家卡尔•埃默森(CarlEmmerson)和乔纳森•克里布(JonathanCribb)表示,该政策将使许多低收入人士受益。

    Carl Emmerson and Jonat-han Cribb , economists at the UK 's influential Institute for Fiscal Studies , said the policy would benefit many low-paid people .

  3. 此外,伦敦财政研究所(InstituteforFiscalStudies)对纳税申报单的分析显示,0.1%最富裕成年人的收入增幅是中等收入者的两倍。

    Moreover , the incomes of the richest 0.1 per cent of adults had risen at twice the rate of those on middle incomes , according to analysis of tax returns by the Institute for Fiscal Studies .

  4. 伦敦财政研究所(instituteforfiscalstudies)所长保罗约翰逊(pauljohnson)也指出,一套缺乏原则、充满欺骗的税收体制是不可预测的,因此也造成了具有破坏性的不确定性。

    As Paul Johnson , director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies , has also noted , a tax system devoid of principles and rife with gimmicks is unpredictable and so a source of damaging uncertainty .

  5. 伦敦财政研究所(InstituteforFiscalStudies)估计,实施了10多年对富人加税和给穷人提供税负减免的政策,这位前财长仅让国民中10%最富裕的人净收入减少了5%。

    Over 10 years of increasing taxes on the rich more to fund tax credits for the poor , the Institute for Fiscal Studies estimates the former chancellor stung the richest 10th of the population by only 5 per cent of their net incomes .

  6. EllenGreaves是财政研究协会的经济学家,也是该研究报告的作者,说道,出生日期对你的影响不仅限于受教育的程度。

    Ellen Greaves , IFS research economist and the reports author , said : It is clear that the consequences of the month in which you were born extend beyond educational attainment .

  7. 关于我国财政研究发展趋势的探讨

    A Probe into the Tendency of Public Finance Theory Research of China

  8. 那个财政研究会用了一星期吗?

    Did that Finance Seminar take a week ?

  9. 理解财政研究所使用的数据有何含义非常重要。

    It is important to understand what the numbers used by the IFS mean .

  10. 欧洲法律和财政研究协会

    European Association for Legal and Fiscal Studies

  11. 省直管县背景下的县级政府职能重构南京国民政府时期河南省县级财政研究(1927-1937)

    Study of the County Finance in Henan Province during Nanjing National Government ( 1927-1937 )

  12. 欧洲大学财政研究协会

    European Academic Association for Financial Research

  13. 财政研究对象是对财政概念和财政本质问题的进一步深化。

    The finance object study is further deepening to the financial concept and the financial essence .

  14. 地方政府公共投资问题,历来是我国财政研究中的一个薄弱环节。

    The research on local government public investment has long been a weak link in our fiscal research work .

  15. 文中对土地财政研究相关的概念进行界定,并提出了研究土地财政的理论分析工具&压力型体制。

    This thesis defines the concepts related to the research on land finance , and puts forward the theoretical analysis tool for studying the land finance-the Pressure-Type Administration System .

  16. 伦敦财政研究所的数据显示,1997年到2006年间,如果将最贫穷的人排除在外,那些接近收入范围顶端的中产家庭可支配收入的增幅最低。

    Once the very poor are excluded , households towards the top of the earnings range saw the lowest disposable income growth between 1997 and 2006 , according to the IFS .

  17. 然而,财政研究所最惊人的发现是,最富有的1%家庭收入增长速度要快得多,而最富有的0.1%家庭收入增长速度更快。

    The most spectacular IFS finding , however , is that incomes of the top 1 per cent increased much faster and of the very top 0.1 per cent faster still .

  18. 英国财政研究学会的一份报告显示,10岁时对数学知识的良好理解会让孩子最终的工资提高7%。

    The report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies found that a decent grasp of maths at the age of 10 could add more than seven per cent to a childs eventual earning power .

  19. 这项研究是由财政研究协会公布的,同时,该研究还指出,孩子的出生日期会对他们的自我认知、社交能力、情感发展,以及是否会在学校受欺负等都有关系。

    The study published by the Institute for Fiscal Studies also lays bare the extent to which a childs date of birth influences their self-perception , social and emotional development and chances of being bullied at school .

  20. 很多经济学家更倾向于让支出削减再推迟一到两年,等到经济更为强劲(尽管如此,根据英国财政研究所的数据,预算的削减并没有太提前:仅完成了12%,还有88%等待削减)。

    Many economists would prefer more of the spending cuts to be deferred for a year or two until the economy is stronger ( that said , according to the IFS , the cuts are not well advanced : 12 per cent down and 88 per cent to go ) .

  21. 纽约非营利组织财政政策研究所(FiscalPolicyInstitute)最近指出了只偶尔在城中居住的亿万富豪涌入的一个负面影响。

    The Fiscal Policy Institute , a nonprofit in New York , recently suggested a downside to the influx of billionaires who are in the city only sporadically .

  22. 美国新经济增长与克林顿政府的财政政策研究

    American New Economic Growth and Clinton Administration 's Fiscal Policy Research

  23. 为什么要加强对国有资本财政的研究

    Why strengthen the study on the public finance of state-owned assets

  24. 中国经济可持续发展中的财政政策研究

    The Fiscal Policy Study During the Economic Sustainable Development of China

  25. 农村义务教育财政支出研究

    Research on Fiscal Expenditure in Rural Compulsory Education Areas of China

  26. 农民增收和粮食生产的财政支持研究

    Study on income-increasing of peasants and financial support on provision production

  27. 东北国有企业债务重组及财政政策研究

    Studying the Debt Restructuring and Financial Policy of Northeastern State-owned Enterprises

  28. 农村医疗卫生保障的公共财政支持研究

    A Study on Fiscal Support for Rural Health Care Security System

  29. 欠发达地区农村义务教育财政政策研究

    Research on Fiscal Policies for Compulsory Education in Undeveloped Rural Areas

  30. 促进人力资本投资的财政政策研究

    Research on Fiscal Policy for Promoting Investment in Human Capital