
  • 网络political voting
  1. 你们传达的信息很明确:你们为了行动投票,而不是像过去那样为了政治投票。

    And the message you sent was clear : you voted for action , not politics as usual .

  2. 这就不怪乎为即将年满18岁的很多印度人意识到他们有履行政治权力投票的义务。

    It 's no wonder why so many Indians who are close to the voting age of 18 are realizing they have political power .

  3. 这种政治表演,投票给他们的人是否认同?

    Do those who voted form the three approve of their political shows ?

  4. 一直以来,华人都被美国主流社会认为是缺乏政治意识和投票率低的少数族裔群体。

    They have historically been regarded as a small group with low voting rate and weak political awareness by the mainstream American society .

  5. 泰国的穷人们破天荒头一次关心起政治,成群结队前去投票。

    Politically engaged for the first time , they turned out in droves .

  6. 他认为历史已经清楚指出,一个政治系统越依赖投票,该系统也就越平庸。

    History shows clearly , he says , that the more a political system relies on voting , the more mediocre it will be .

  7. 至于他自己,摩尔先生说,他会为最好的电影投票,而不是为最符合自己政治理念的电影投票。

    For his part , Mr. Moore said , he votes for the best film rather than the one that merely echoes his political beliefs .

  8. 在香港举行要求政治改革的非正式投票之后不久,澳门的政治活动人士正计划举行全民公投以衡量市民的民主诉求。

    In the wake of an unofficial Hong Kong referendum demanding political reform , activists in nearby Macau are planning their own civil referendum to gauge citizen demand for democracy .

  9. 卡耐基梅隆大学的研究人员称,无论是在政治选举中的投票还是在法庭上要做的证词,拜脸主义能让人做出草率、欠考虑的决定。

    And now researchers from Carnegie Mellon University have warned that face-ism can lead people to make rash decisions , from voting for a particular politician to convicting someone of a crime .

  10. 想象一下这个国家将会怎样,如果所有2010年创建茶党的人认为政治太肮脏,投票太复杂。

    Imagine where this country would be if all the folks who in 2010 created the Tea Party had decided that , you know , politics is too messy , voting is too complicated .

  11. 作为主体的民众之所以投票,是为了实现“政治参与”,并且这种政治参与并不限于投票行为。

    The citizens vote as the constitutional subject for the purpose of political participation , while the participation is not limited to vote .