
  • 网络Political role
  1. 在现代,支持通胀的政策纲领,例如19世纪末美国的“自由铸银”(freesilver)运动,也扮演了类似的政治角色。

    In modern times , inflationary policy platforms such as the " free silver " movement in the late 19th century US , have played a similar political role .

  2. 唐代自进入中后期,翰林学士的政治角色日形重要。

    HAN-Lin played a major political role in the late Tang Dynasty .

  3. 政治角色年龄资格设计引论

    Theory on the Design of Age Qualification for Political Roles

  4. 所有的政治角色得愿意去结束全球恐怖行为。

    All political actors have to be willing to end Global Terror .

  5. 那么,其他政治角色的初步口碑如何呢?

    So what are the preliminary verdicts on the other political actors ?

  6. 其政治角色也是摇摆的和情境的。

    The political role is swinging and situational .

  7. 加尔布雷斯一直对政治角色很感兴趣。

    Galbraith remained interested in a political role .

  8. 内马尔·阿萨夫表示这将是他们可以发挥主导政治角色的改变。

    Nimer al-Assaf said this would change should they come to play a leading political role .

  9. 之所以如此,不是因为他们拥有的财富,也不是因为他们所扮演的政治角色,而是因为他们身上所笼罩的那种高贵的光环。

    What makes it so is not their wealth or political role , but rather the aura of nobility surrounding them .

  10. 虚拟情境的创设,极大地方便了青年政治角色的扮演,凸显其主体性。

    The creation of a virtual context is very easy to play the political role of young people , highlighting its subjectivity .

  11. 政府主导作用是指,在后发现代化中,基于自身特定政治角色,政府对现代化发展所起的绝对性的支配和促进作用。

    Abstract : The dominant , absolute and positive function of government based its specially political role during the process of late-modernization .

  12. 然而,在印美关系和英美关系中,最能够看出英印两国各自地缘政治角色的变化。

    Yet changes in India and Britain 's respective geo-political roles can be seen most obviously in their mutual relationship to the US .

  13. 大学生公民意识就是大学生对自己的身份和政治角色以及由此而来的权利、义务和责任的认知,及其采取相应行动的意愿。

    College students ' civic awareness is their cognition about their identity and political role and to which rights , obligations and responsibilities .

  14. 本文试图从埃及国内发展的现状和外部局势来分析埃及政治角色的演变。

    This thesis tries to analyze evolvement of politics in Egypt on the basis of its current state of domestic development and external situations .

  15. 由此,对政治角色年龄资格设计的方式及考量因素,进而对政治角色年龄资格设计的合宪性,必须给以足够的重视。

    So we must pay enough attention to the methods ? evaluating factors and even constitutionality for designing the age qualification of political roles .

  16. 进言之,政治角色年龄资格的设计实际上体现的是政府在不同群体间对政治资源或利益的分配。

    Moreover , the design of qualification of the age of the political role actually shows that the government allocates political sources or interests among different groups .

  17. 代表角色所担当的其他角色,特别是代表所担当的其他政治角色对代表的角色扮演行为有着至关重要的影响。

    The other roles , particularly the other political roles that the representative carries on , have a critical influence on the role-playing behaviors of the representatives .

  18. 这意味着其中一部分将因此能不能获得承担此种政治角色从而增加收益或减少利益受损的机会。

    This means that the qualified public will therefore have the chance to increase pay or avoid losing benefits for taking the role , and vice versa .

  19. 政府一旦确定了某种政治角色的年龄资格,就势必将公众划分为符合与不符合这一资格的两个部分。

    Once the government ascertains the age qualification of a certain political role , it certainly will divide the public into two parts : qualified and unqualified .

  20. 但是,就通过改变某一阶层的社会地位与政治角色而言,这两项制度都在政治层面上促进了权力的集中。

    But through the transformation of social status and the political role of certain estates , these two systems both contribute to the concentration of power at the political level .

  21. 随着她的政治角色逐渐清晰,反对者嘲笑她是没受过教育的家庭妇女,并因她具有外国血统而认定她不适合领导印度。

    As her political role became clear , she was jeered by her opponents as an uneducated housewife , unsuitable for leadership in New Delhi because of her foreign origins .

  22. 司法能动主义的定义颇多,经过分析和批判,本文从解释的价值倾向、政治角色的扮演、权力行使的边界、宪法解释等四方面分析得出综合性的司法能动主义概念。

    There are many definition of judicial activism , among which I explain my definition based on value of interpretation , role in politics , border of power and constitutional interpretation .

  23. 没有了真正的政治角色,克里姆林宫的主要职责就是极尽模仿选举的程式化,不让观众感到无聊到以至于连选举都一并忽略了。

    In the absence of genuine politics the main job of the Kremlin 's spin-doctors is to imitate it in order to stop the crowd from getting so bored that they ignore elections altogether .

  24. 演绎方法发展为不合作博弈,以主要政治角色的反应为标准,譬如,如果政府快要垮台,有关可能的选举结果就会被准确地预测。

    The priori approach has developed within the traditions of non-cooperative game theory to model the responses of key actors to new information , for example , about the likely results of an election that might be called if the government were to fall .

  25. 就前者而言,如何实现民族身份与公民身份的统合,以及承担不同政治角色(领袖、精英和群众)民族个体政治作用的发挥和协调,是其主要内容。

    In the former case , how to achieve the integration of national identity and citizenship , and to assume a political role ( leader of the elite and the masses ) the national individual political role to play and coordination is the main content .

  26. 农村政治精英角色转变及其背景

    Changes and background of the roles of village elites

  27. 而美国,迟缓的来充当了一个不可或缺的政治军事角色。

    And America , belatedly , played an indispensable political and military role .

  28. 论《思想品德》新课程中政治教师角色的转换

    On Marking the Change in the Role of the Political Teachers in the New Course in Ideological and Moral Education

  29. 虽然根据与权力关系的远近,大学教师所扮演的政治人角色可分为立法者、阐释者、批评者、反叛者等不同类型。

    According to the distances between the teachers and the power , the roles of political person played by university teachers could be divided into legislators , interpreters , critics , rebels , and so on .

  30. 国有企业改革的实质目标,是使原本附属于政府并承担经济、政治双重角色的国有企业,转化为基本按照市场规律运作并以经济效益最优为目标的经济个体。

    The essential goal of state-owned enterprises reform is to transfer the state-owned enterprises that used to be attached to government and engaged in economy and politics into economic units , which runs according to market law aiming at maximizing economic returns .