
  • 网络Pac;Political Action Committee
  1. 我是来自政治行动委员会医学院的特别顾问。

    I 'm a special consultant from PAC medical .

  2. 一个新的“超级政治行动委员会”加入到与亿万富翁戴维·科赫和查尔斯·科赫有关的保守组织网络中。

    A new super PAC is joining the network of Conservative groups connected to billionaires David and Charles Koch .

  3. 政治行动委员会(PoliticalActionCommittees以下简称PACs)利用手中掌握的大量金钱通过各种途径对美国政治施加影响,使自己成为美国政治中一个非常重要的力量。

    Having a lot of money , political action committees ( or PACs ) are playing more and more important role in American politics , and with the money , they can impose their will to public officials by many means .

  4. 据NPR新闻的柯克·齐格勒报道,在周年纪念活动上,吉福兹和丈夫成立了一个新政治行动委员会,以限制枪支暴力。

    NPR 's Kirk Ziegler reports that on this anniversary , Giffords and her husband are launching a new political action committee aimed at curbing gun violence .

  5. 支持保守派的各个超级政治行动委员会(因为捐款金额不受限制而得名,简称超级pac),以及它们旗下的非营利组织,迄今为止已经为2012年的选举筹集到了超过2亿美元资金。

    The various conservative super political action committees so-called because they face no limits on donations and their related non-profit arms have raised more than $ 200m between them so far for the 2012 elections .

  6. 募集竞选资金的超级政治行动委员会就是这种现象的最新表现。

    Campaign finance super-political action committees are but the latest manifestation of this phenomenon .

  7. 特殊利益集团利用政治行动委员会参与到选举进程中。

    Special interest groups can form Political Action Committees ( PAC ) to support a specific candidate .

  8. 我们反对不支持同志享有伴侣医保的超级政治行动委员会捐款的企业!

    We don 't support corporations that contribute to Super PACs which don 't support healthcare coverage for same-sex partners !

  9. 还有这个超级政治行动委员会…-委员会。真是太让人气愤了。

    And this whole , um , Super PAC thing ... - Super PAC . It 's -- it is infuriating .

  10. 自20世纪70年代美国实行联邦竞选经费改革以来,政治行动委员会的数量急剧增长。

    Since the election reform of 1970s , the number of Political Action Committees or PACs has undergone a sharp increase .

  11. 而支持洪博培的超级政治行动委员会则在新罕布什尔州攻击罗姆尼,它声称:只要一个州,就能把那只变色龙拉下马。

    The super-Pac backing Mr Huntsman attacked Mr Romney in New Hampshire , saying : One state can stop the chameleon .

  12. 因为行动基金属于超级政治行动委员会,这是一个纯粹的政治委员会,它可以更积极地推动竞选广告。

    Because the Action Fund is a super PAC , a straight-up political committee , it can be more aggressive with its advertising .

  13. 经过这么多年的讨论之后,仍然有许多政治行动委员会利用软资金进行媒体宣传。

    After years of talking about it , we still have lots of political action committees using soft money to finance media campaigns .

  14. 然而,超级政治行动委员会的巨大花销、以及其成员与候选人之间的紧密联系,助长了公众对政治的怀疑态度。

    However , the huge sums spent by the super-pacs and the close ties between their operatives and the candidates have fuelled public cynicism about politics .

  15. 与此形成鲜明对比的是,高盛员工捐助给罗姆尼竞选活动的资金已经达到90万美元,此外还向为帮助罗姆尼当选而成立的超级政治行动委员会捐资90万美元。

    By contrast , Goldman employees have given Mr. Romney 's campaign $ 900,000 , plus another $ 900,000 to the super PAC founded to help him .

  16. 投票以5票对4票收尾,因此法院取消了个人给候选人、政党和政治行动委员会最高捐款总额的上限。

    In a five to four decision , the Justices struck down limits on the total amount of money a donor can give to candidates , political parties and PACs .

  17. 佩林的政治行动委员会公布了一段以她最近访问爱奥华州为背景的两分钟视频,所以更多的人猜测佩林准备要加入共和党总统候选人提名战。

    Palin 's political action committee released a two-minute video based on her recent trip to Iowa that has increased speculation she is about to enter the race for the Republican Party 's presidential nomination .

  18. 但超级政治行动委员会和其他第三方团体的崛起其中一些不必公布捐赠者可能使共和党在竞选资金总额上与总统分庭抗礼。

    But the rise of the super-pacs and other third party groups some of which do not have to declare their donors could put Republicans on par with the president in terms of overall campaign funding .

  19. 这么说让我觉得自己有些狂妄自大,因为我根本就没有宣布参选,也没有填写任何相关材料,更没有与富有同情心的政治行动委员会构建任何必要的正常关系。

    In doing so , I realise that I am being somewhat presumptuous , inasmuch as I have never got around to announcing my candidacy , filing any of the proper papers or forming any of the necessary arms-length relationships with sympathetic political action committees .

  20. 但这不可能阻止富人向多个目标相似的不同政治组织(例如几个政治行动委员会,由其进而支持个别候选人)捐款。

    But that could not prevent multiple contributions to various political organisations , with similar goals – such as the political action committees that then rallied behind individual candidates .

  21. 自上世纪40年代起,美国团体和企业的政治言论的传统地位必须通过政治行动委员会的批准。

    Since the nineteen forties , the traditional place for political speech by American unions and companies has been through political action committees .

  22. 并对利益集团为表达本团体成员的利益诉求和保持对政治的影响所采取的主要方式(组建各自的政治行动委员会,采用筹款和捐款、评议国会议员、动员基层选民等)做了具体分析。

    To express the aspirations and interests of group members and maintain political influence , interest groups often set up their own political action committee by means of fund-raising and donations , reviewing the council members of Congress and mobilizing grass-roots voters to participate in a modern election campaign .