
  • 网络political realitie;political reality
  1. 公共政策集团布鲁金斯(Brookings)的分析师比尔盖尔斯顿(BillGalston)表示:政府似乎正逐渐倾向于把降低成本列为首要重点,这一事实符合政治现实大局。

    Bill Galston , an analyst at Brookings , the public policy group , said : The fact that the administration appears to be leaning towards making cost reductions a priority is consistent with the larger political reality .

  2. 时代的变迁塑造了不同的国际政治现实。

    The political reality is shaped by the change of times .

  3. 另一个举措应是扩大g8年会,以反映目前的经济和地缘政治现实。

    Another step should be to broaden the G8 annual meetings to reflect current economic and geopolitical realities .

  4. 鉴于这些残酷的政治现实,IMF实际上为银行股东做了一件好事,即引导政界人士走上相对公平和较少扭曲的方向。

    Given these brutal political realities , the IMF has done bank shareholders a favour by steering politicians in a relatively equitable and less distortive direction .

  5. ingbarings表示,“政治现实正在超越”其它方面的担忧,例如援助可能会鼓励贷款发放机构未来不计后果地放贷。

    " Political realities are overruling " other worries such as the risk any assistance would encourage lenders to be reckless in the future , said ing Barings .

  6. 东亚新地区主义&在政治现实主义的土壤中成长

    New Regionalism in East Asia-Growing under the Influence of Political Realism

  7. 把个人经历和政治现实对照着来写,是她的书最成功的地方。

    The most successful passages juxtapose the personal and the political .

  8. 预防性军事行动&一种新的安全政治现实?

    Preventive Military Actions : A New Kind of Security Political Reality ?

  9. 主权:政治现实、道德理想与法治桥梁

    Sovereignty : Political Reality , Moral Ideal , and Law as a Bridge

  10. 与我们这个时代的政治现实抗争

    grapple with the political realities of our time .

  11. 与他们的良知抗争;与我们这个时代的政治现实抗争。

    Grappled with their consciences ; grapple with the political realities of our time .

  12. 政治现实主义视野中的军事法

    Military Law in the View of Political Realism

  13. 实际上,中国始终要面对特殊的地缘政治现实,它的地缘战略是审慎的。

    Actually , China 's geo-strategy is always cautious due to its specific geographical reality .

  14. 原因很可能是政治现实。

    Political reality is the likely answer .

  15. 经济和政治现实都意味着中国自身不太可能让步。

    The economic and political realities mean that China itself is unlikely to give ground .

  16. 但中国的政治现实意味着,对这些挑战的回应将是晦涩而不确定的。

    But politics in China mean responses to these challenges will be enigmatic and uncertain .

  17. 每一种乌托邦观念都是思想家对当时政治现实的回应。

    Every kind of Utopian conception is the responses of ideologist to the political reality .

  18. 但鉴于目前的政治现实,最有可能下滑的是亚洲的产出。

    But given political realities it is Asian production which is most likely to decline .

  19. 纵观这三个消息,反映的是经济政治现实的复杂变迁。

    Together , the three announcements weave a complicated story of shifting economic and political realities .

  20. 据认为,。这些国家的实力和影响力正在改变世界经济和政治现实。

    It 's thought that these countries'powers and influences are changing world 's economy and politic .

  21. 试论人大制度作用在法律文本与政治现实上的不对称

    The Role of the System of National People 's Congress in Constructing the Socialist Political Civilization

  22. 日益变化的政治现实正改变着具有几百年历史的视觉艺术系统及其背后的文化内涵。

    Changing political realities are transforming centuries ? old visual traditions and the cultural assumptions behind them .

  23. 问题在于相互依存的现实与国内政治现实之间的冲突。

    The problem lies in the collision between the facts of interdependence and those of domestic politics .

  24. 答案在于,他们被夹在抽象的自由贸易承诺与政治现实之间,左右为难。

    The answer is that they are caught in a squeeze between an abstract commitment to free trade and practical politics .

  25. 地缘政治现实是,目前,美国对减缓这种重要联盟关系的发展乏术。

    But geopolitical reality is that the United States can do very little now to slow down the approaching grand alliance .

  26. 德国永远不会允许前者发生;但政治现实永远不会允许后者发生,尤其是在一些比较大的国家。

    Germany would never permit the former ; but politics would never permit the latter , particularly in the big countries .

  27. 事实上马奇亚维利所专注的,政治现实观点,是其它思想家所常遗漏,像柏拉图和亚里士多德。

    To be sure , Machiavelli focuses on key aspects of political reality which are often ignored by thinkers like Plato and Aristotle .

  28. 它需要评估用于解决伦理困境的标准是否符合经济、法律和政治现实。

    It evaluates whether the norms that aim to resolve an ethical dilemma are geared to economic , legal , and political realities .

  29. 从后发国家政治现实的角度论述了动员主体之所以能进行政治动员的三个条件。

    After the hair from the perspective of national political realities discussed subject is able to mobilize the political mobilization of the three conditions .

  30. 真相总是让人警醒,而与我谈话的两位先生所说的这些很大程度上代表了德国人对当前欧洲政治现实的看法。

    Clarity is always refreshing , and what my interlocutor had said is very much the German perception of current political reality in Europe .