
  • 网络Money Market Instrument
  1. 与此同时,内地保险公司亦可投资于外国债务及货币市场工具。

    Similarly , mainland insurers have also been allowed to invest in foreign debt and money market instruments .

  2. 这些机构投资中国银行间债券、以及回购协议等货币市场工具时,不再需要特许证。

    These institutions no longer require licences to invest in Chinese interbank bonds , as well as money market instruments such as repurchase agreements .

  3. 传统理财产品的背后,是债券、贷款和货币市场工具等信贷资产。

    Traditional WMPs are backed by credit assets such as bonds , loans and money-market instruments .

  4. 危机前,很多资产管理公司、企业和银行业都把闲置资金放在货币市场工具上。

    Before the crisis many asset managers , companies and banks placed spare cash in money-market instruments .

  5. 货币市场上的金融工具包括短期的、可交易的、流动的、低风险的债券。货币市场工具有时被称作是现金的等同物,或简称现金。

    Financial instruments in money market include short-term , tradable , liquidity , and lower risk securities , the instrument of the money market is known as equivalent cash or calling briefly as cash .

  6. 货币市场基金是以货币市场工具为投资对象的一种共同基金,具有流动性强、安全性高、风险小、成本低、基金单位价格固定、开放式管理等特点。

    MMF is a type of common funds , which invests in portfolios in money market . Some of characteristics of MMF are : high liquidity and safety , low risk and cost , stable price of certificate and open management .

  7. 货币市场基金是共同基金的一种,它汇集了众多的小额投资,集中投资于短期货币市场工具如商业票据、短期国库券和大额可转让存单等。

    Money Market Fund ( MMF ) is one of the main categories mutual funds , it paid market-based rates by investing the small sums gathered from many customers in short-term market instruments-primarily commercial paper and Treasury securities and in large certificates of deposit .