
  • 网络currency mismatch;Currency Misalignment
  1. 目前,货币错配已经成为全球性的问题,中国也不例外。

    Currently , the currency mismatch has become a global problem .

  2. 中国的国际收支失衡与货币错配

    China 's Imbalance in Balance of Payments and Currency Mismatch

  3. 此类资本流入往往会造成经济体内的货币错配。

    Such inflows tend to create currency mismatches within the economy .

  4. 首先对银行的脆弱性的根源,即期限错配与货币错配进行分析。

    First , maturity mismatches and currency mismatches of banks are analyzed .

  5. 本币升值下的货币错配与银行流动性风险研究

    Research on Currency Mismatch and Bank Liquidity Risk under National Currency Appreciation

  6. 货币错配、外汇储备管理与汇率制度选择

    Analysis of Currency Mismatch , Foreign Exchange Reserve Management and Exchange Rate System Selection

  7. 全球性货币错配与国际货币体系改革

    Global currency mismatching and international currency system reform

  8. 我国货币错配问题探讨

    Discussion on Problems of Currency Mismatch in China

  9. 因此,货币错配是发展中国家普遍存在的现象。

    Then currency mismatch has thus become a generally existing phenomenon within developing countries .

  10. 中国货币错配影响因素研究

    Research on Factors Affecting Currency Mismatches in China

  11. 汇率波动、货币错配与银行稳定:理论及经验分析

    Exchange Rate Fluctuation , Monetary Mis-match and the Bank Stabilization : Theoretical and Empirical Analysis

  12. 只要借款者发现借入似乎较为廉价的外币具有吸引力,便会出现货币错配的情况。

    Currency mismatches emerge whenever borrowers find it attractive to borrow in apparently cheaper foreign currencies .

  13. 在货币错配的众多影响中对货币政策的影响是非常引人注意并值得研究的。

    Especially the impact of currency mismatch to the monetary policy deserves our attention and research .

  14. 发展中国家的货币错配研究

    Currency Mismatch in the Developing Countries

  15. 人民币汇率、中国外汇储备与货币错配&基于理论和实证研究

    RMB Exchange Rate , Chinese Foreign Reserve and Currency Mismatch & Based on Theory and Empirical Research

  16. 这些国家在发生金融危机的整个过程都普遍存在较为严重的货币错配现象。

    Currency mismatch was serious in the whole process of the financial crisis in all these countries .

  17. 它又可以进一步划分为债务型货币错配和债权型货币错配。

    It can be further divided into the currency mismatch on debt and the currency mismatch on credit .

  18. 本文在最后对于商业银行货币错配的控制提出了政策建议。

    At the end of this paper we give some currency mismatch control policy recommendations for commercial banks .

  19. 毫不夸张地说,货币错配威胁着金融稳定和经济可持续增长。

    It is no exaggeration that currency mismatches pose a serious threat to financial stability and sustainable economic security .

  20. 此外,货币错配现象也没有消失,而只是从公共部门转移到企业部门。

    Nor have currency mismatches gone away . They have simply shifted from the public to the corporate sector .

  21. 本文从汇率对货币错配传导性入手,对汇率与货币错配的传导协动性关系和机理进行探讨。

    This paper mainly discusses the comovement of exchange rate and currency mismatch as well as the interaction mechanisms .

  22. 但在此过程中,他们承担了货币错配的风险:外币债务搭配本币资产。

    But in the process , they assume a currency mismatch : foreign currency debt against domestic currency assets .

  23. 在本币升值的情况下,银行资产的货币错配可能引发银行危机。

    In a situation that domestic currency appreciates , bank assets mis - match is possible of causing bank crisis .

  24. 第二章阐述了货币错配的定义以及对与货币错配及资产负债表效应相关的理论进行了回顾。

    The second chapter tells the definition of currency mismatch and review of the related theories of balance sheet effects .

  25. 通过对我国货币错配程度进行详细测度,发现我国存在较为严重的货币错配。

    We can learn more about the national currency mismatches size through measuring the degree of currency mismatch in detail .

  26. 为有效控制汇率风险,中国还应加强针对货币错配的资本项目管制和审慎监管。

    To control risk of exchange rate , China should strengthen prudent regulation and capital account control aiming at money mismatch .

  27. 随着人民币下跌,人们越来越担心离岸未偿债券和贷款可能出现货币错配。

    As the renminbi has fallen , fears have grown of a potential currency mismatch on outstanding offshore bonds and loans .

  28. 货币错配风险是着力从稳定性的角度来考察汇率波动对经济运行带来的冲击。

    Currency mismatch risks theory pays attention to the impact of fluctuation of foreign exchange to a country 's economy for a stable run .

  29. 本文通过实证分析具体验证了货币错配风险对我国货币政策产出效应和价格效应的影响并得出检验结果。

    In this paper , we conduct econometric analysis and prove there exists effect of currency mismatch to the product and price of monetary policy .

  30. 第四章是本文重点,该部分着重对我国货币错配影响因素进行了实证分析。

    Finally , then this article analyzed our status and characteristics of currency mismatch . The fourth part is the important part of this article .