
  1. 本文在阐述虚拟经济的产生时便是循着信用一货币虚拟化、信用一虚拟资本、信用制度一虚拟经济这一思路展开的。

    This thesis explains the reason why the fictitious economy appear : credit-currency virtualization , credit-fictitious capital , credit system-fictitious economy .

  2. 首先,信用导致了货币的虚拟化。

    First of all , the credit has led to currency virtualization .

  3. 货币完全虚拟化后,借助于各种金融衍生工具和大量混业经营的金融机构,虚拟资本在全球范围内追逐着疯狂扩张的梦想。

    After the full virtualization of currency , the fictitious capital chasing the crazy dream of expansion globally on the basis of a variety of financial derivative instruments and a large number of mixed financial institutions .

  4. 因此,由于信用的介入,货币可能出现虚拟化。

    Therefore , due to the intervention of credit , money may become virtualization .

  5. 实物本位终将为信用本位所取代,货币本位的虚拟化不可避免。

    The physical standard will absolutely be replaced by the credit standard , and the virtualization of currency standard is inevitable .

  6. 本文认为,以美国上世纪八十年代的滞胀为标志,货币与经济的虚拟化使得流动性过剩成为当代全球经济的常态。

    Taking the stagflation in U.S. as a milestone , this thesis argues that virtualization of money and economy capitalization makes excess liquidity become a normal economic phenomenon .