
  1. Shibor基准地位确立及对我国货币政策传导效率影响研究

    A Research on the Establishment of Shibor 's Benchmark Rate Status and the Impact on the Conduction Efficiency of China 's Monetary Policies

  2. 这不仅降低了货币政策传导效率,而且进一步拉大了地区间经济发展的差距。

    It reduces the effectiveness of monetary policy and widens the gap of regional economic development .

  3. 而利率尚未完全市场化,以及宏观经济环境客观因素的制约等,降低了货币政策传导效率。

    Interest rates have not yet been fully market-oriented , and the objective factor of the macroeconomic environment reduces the transmission efficiency of the monetary policy .

  4. 笔者就提高信贷市场的货币政策传导效率建议如下:一要实行稳健的信贷政策,完善信贷政策的操作及实施机制;

    The suggestions for raising the efficiency of credit market 's currency policy conduction are : to practice steady credit policy , perfect the operation of credit policy , and practice mechanism ;

  5. 提高利率对货币政策的传导效率

    On Transmission Efficiency of Raising Interest Rate for Monetary Policies

  6. 货币政策传导机制非效率性的原因及对策探析

    Causes for the Inefficiency of Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism

  7. 这一改革还将有助于减轻银行资金成本的上行压力,提高货币政策传导机制的效率。

    In this process it will also help to reduce the upward pressures on banks ' funding cost and improve the efficiency of the monetary transmission mechanism .

  8. 但由于我国股票市场仍存在诸多问题,财富效应和Q效应均不显著,货币政策通过股票市场传导效率较低。

    However , both wealth effect and Q effect in China 's stock market are not notable because there are many problems in the market such as low efficiency of stock market to transmit monetary policy .

  9. 接下来对我国货币政策的股票市场传导效率进行实证分析,实证分两个部分。

    Then it analyses the transmission efficiency of the stock market of our monetary policy , which is divided into two parts .

  10. 基于沉默螺旋这一全新视角,进一步探讨了货币政策传导机制和银行效率评判问题,并得出相关结论。

    The author further explores the transmit mechanism of monetary policies and evaluation methods of bank efficiency from the angle of the theory .

  11. 研究发现,金融一体化促进了金融市场的融合和一体化,畅通了欧元区货币政策传导的渠道,改善了货币政策传导的效率。

    Study found that financial integration promotes convergence and integration of financial markets , the euro zone monetary policy transmission smooth channels , improve the efficiency of monetary policy .

  12. 一国货币政策的有效性关键在于货币政策传导机制的效率,而根据货币金融运行规律和国际实证经验,货币政策传导机制的效率又主要取决于一国的金融结构。

    The validity of monetary policy depends on the efficiency of monetary transmission mechanism . The law on the function of money and finance , together with international experience , has proved that financial structure is the cornerstone of monetary transmission mechanism .

  13. 而货币政策的有效性则主要取决于货币政策传导机制的效率。

    And the validity of monetary policy mostly lies on the efficiency of monetary policy transmission mechanism .

  14. 同时金融一体化使欧元区金融结构呈现出新的特征,改变了货币政策传导的相对方式,同时也提高了货币政策传导效率。

    At the same time to make the euro area financial structure of financial integration presents new features , changes in the relative transmission of monetary policy , while also improving the efficiency of monetary policy transmission .

  15. 但由于我国正处于经济转型时期,存在着一些阻碍货币供应量扩张的结构性因素,导致货币政策传导受阻,降低了货币政策的传导效率。

    Because our country is in economic transition period , there exist some structural factors holding back the expansion of monetary supply and causing some obstacles in the conduction of monetary policies , which lowers the efficiency of monetary policies .

  16. 就我国货币政策的传导而言,不完善的金融市场、管制利率、包括居民和企业在内的市场主体的不成熟性等因素构成我国货币政策传导机制效率的制约。

    As for as the monetary policy transmission in China be concerned , imperfect financial market , regulated interest rate , juvenile markets units including individuals and enterprises , and other factors have an restriction on the monetary policy transmission .

  17. 然而,我国虽然已经初步建立了货币市场间接传导货币政策的机制,但由于多方面的原因,货币市场并没有得到充分发展,货币市场的落后已经成为制约我国货币政策传导效率的重要因素。

    However , although a mechanism for money market indirectly transmitting monetary policy is preliminarily established in our country , money market is not sufficiently developed due to various reasons and backwardness of money market has become a key factor restraining monetary policy transmitting efficiency in our country .