
huò wù yùn shū bǎo xiǎn hé tonɡ
  • cargo transportation insurance contract;contract for cargo transportation insurance
  1. 从一起海上货物运输保险合同纠纷案谈起

    An Analysis Based on A Case of Marine Insurance Contract

  2. 在货物运输保险合同中,保险标的是在运输过程中的货物。

    In freightage insurance contract , of insurance mark is the goods in carriage process .

  3. 因保险标的转让而变更保险合同有一种特定情况,就是货物运输保险合同的保险标的转让,保险合同自动变更。

    Because of the cession of insurance mark modificatory insurance contract has a kind of specific case , of the insurance mark that is freightage insurance contract make over , insurance contract is changed automatically .

  4. 对几种典型海上保险合同,包括船舶保险合同、海上货物运输保险合同、运费保险合同、船舶抵押权人利益保险合同及责任保险合同中的保险利益问题进行了探讨;

    Inquires into the insurable interest of several representative types of marine insurance contracts , including contract of marine insurance for Hulls , for the Carriage of Goods by Sea , for Freights , for Interests of Ship 's Mortgagees and for Liability ;

  5. 在进出口业务中货物运输的保险条款是合同的基本交易条件之一。

    The insurance term for international transportation of goods is one of the basic terms of a contract in the import and export business .

  6. 第四部分结合案例和有关最新相关立法明确了某些海上货物运输合同和海上保险合同为为第三人利益合同。

    In the fourth part the author made it clear based on case and the latest relevant legislation that some contracts of carriage goods by sea and some marine insurance contracts can be defined as a contract for the benefit of third parties .