
  1. 中国货币政策区域效应差异及其原因研究&结构VAR模型下的实证分析

    The Regional Effect of Chinese Monetary Policy and its Reasons & An Empirical Analysis under Structure VAR Model

  2. SVAR模型框架下货币政策区域效应的实证研究:1978~2006

    An Empirical Study of Regional Effect of Monetary Policy under SVAR Model

  3. 基于SVAR模型的货币政策区域效应存在性的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of the Existence of Regional Effect of Monetary Policy Based on the SVAR Model

  4. 本文运用SVAR模型及其脉冲响应函数对八大经济区的实证检验表明,存在明显货币政策区域效应。

    The paper empirically analyzes the regional effects of monetary policy among China 's eight regions by SVAR model and IRF .

  5. 货币政策区域效应产生机制的研究综述

    Literature Review on the Regional Effect of Monetary Policy

  6. 为货币政策区域效应提供了标准的理论分析框架。

    The theoretic analysis provides a standard theoretic framework .

  7. 我国对货币政策区域效应的研究起步较晚,但是近年来不少学者的研究还是具有价值性的。

    But in recent years , many scholars research still has certain value .

  8. 第二部分介绍并分析了货币政策区域效应的理论基础。

    The second part presents and analyzes the regional effects of monetary policy theory .

  9. 区域企业结构差异对我国货币政策区域效应的影响

    The Impact of Differentiated Regional Corporate Structure on the Effect of China 's Monetary Policy

  10. 货币政策区域效应差异化研究&基于韶关与惠州的比较

    The Study on Regional Effect Differences of Monetary Policy : Compared with Shaoguan and Huizhou

  11. 第三部分是对我国货币政策区域效应的实证检验。

    The third part is the regional effects of monetary policy in the empirical test .

  12. 环渤海地区货币政策区域效应实证研究

    Regional Difference in the Effect of Monetary Policy : An Empirical Study of Round Bo Hai Area

  13. 但是对于一些大国而言,如我国,货币政策区域效应的研究是必要的。

    But for some powers , such as China , regional effects of monetary policy research is necessary .

  14. 最后文章针对我国货币政策区域效应提出了一些政策建议。

    Finally the paper puts forward some policy suggestions for the regional effect of monetary policy in china .

  15. 并且用变量相关散点图的方法实证分析了区域经济结构性差异对货币政策区域效应的影响。

    The impact of regional economic structure differences on regional effects is examined in methodologies of simple linear regression and variable relation scatter graphs .

  16. 全文从五个大的方面展开研究,第一,对货币政策区域效应的最新研究成果进行了梳理和概括。

    The full text opened the research from four main fields : First , Review and summarize the newest monetary policy effect research achievements .

  17. 本文的研究主题是探讨和实证检验产生我国货币政策区域效应的最根本原因&微观主体差异。

    The subject of this article is to discuss and empirically examine the most fundamental reasons of the regional effects of Chinese monetary policy-the microscopic subject diversity .

  18. 在研究金融体系差异对货币政策区域效应的影响时,本文把经济增长作为货币政策的目标。

    This article takes the economic growth as the goal of monetary policy in the research of the influence of financial system difference on the regional effect of monetary policy .

  19. 第四部分对我国货币政策的区域效应进行了解释。

    The fourth part of the regional effects of monetary policy is explained .

  20. 各个地区参与股票市场的程度是不同的,这也将会对货币政策的区域效应产生影响。

    The differences participation of Stock market in various areas , will have an impact of monetary policy effects .

  21. 货币政策的区域效应最终会导致统一的货币政策在不同区域呈现出非对称效应,从而制约货币政策目标的实现,这种一刀切的货币政策可能会扩大区域间的经济发展差异。

    The regional effects can eventually lead to an asymmetric impacts in different areas , restrict the achievement of monetary policy .

  22. 通过分析,本文决定还是采用省级行政区划为基本单位来测度货币政策的区域效应。

    So the paper will adopt Provincial-level Administrative Divisions as the basic unit to measure the regional effects of monetary policy .

  23. 货币政策的区域效应使银行业在东北这一特定区域市场化进程中有了采取区域性策略的可能。

    It is the existence of regional effects of monetary policy that banks reform can be put forward in northeast china .

  24. 二是针对发展水平相同或者是相似的地区,要尽力消除这种货币政策的区域效应,避免出现政策导向性的地区差异。

    For the regions with the same level of development , the regional effects should be diminished possibly to avoid the policy-oriented regional differences .

  25. 论货币政策调控的区域效应与差别调控策略

    On Regional Effect of Macro-Control of Currency Policy and Differential Control Approach

  26. 但现实往往并非如此,统一的货币政策总会产生区域效应。

    But the reality is always not that case , the unified monetary policy always produces regional effect .

  27. 本文的研究主题是从地区总需求和总供给角度探讨产生我国货币政策区域非对称效应问题。

    The theme of this paper is to explore the most fundamental reason for producing the regional asymmetric effects of monetary policy from the regional aggregate demand and aggregate supply point of view .

  28. 在实证研究上,采用了向量误差修正模型、脉冲响应函数分析和方差分解等方法研究我国货币政策的区域产出效应和区域价格效应。

    In empirical study , regional output effects and regional price effects of monetary policy in China are researched in methodology of impulse response functions and variance decomposition from estimated vector error correction models .

  29. 第6章在理论和机理分析的基础上,实证研究了我国货币政策的区域产出效应和价格效应,并检验了我国货币政策区域效应的成因。

    In chapter 6 , on the basis of theoretic and mechanism analysis , the regional output effects and regional price effects of monetary policy are examined empirically . We also provide evidence on the reasons for regional effects of monetary policy .

  30. 中国货币政策区域非对称性效应&基于结构向量自回归模型(SVAR)的检验

    The Regional Asymmetric Effect of China 's Monetary Policy & A Test Based on the Structural Vector Autoregression Model