
  • 网络Currency substitution;monetary substitution
  1. 我国加入WTO以后,逐步实现人民币资本项目的可自由兑换已成必然,货币替代现象可能会日益严重。

    It 's inevitable to realize gradually convertibility of RMB capital items after entry into WTO , and currency substitution is likely to become increasingly worse .

  2. 中国货币替代现象的VEC模型:1994-2005

    VEC Model of Currency Substitution in China : 1994-2005

  3. 货币替代对一国经济的影响是不言而喻的。

    It is evident that the currency substitutes impact economy greatly .

  4. 货币替代是开放经济必然存在的金融现象。

    Currency substitution is an inevitable financial phenomenon in open economy .

  5. 货币替代是一国经济开放过程中必然存在的金融现象。

    Currency substitution arises with the opening of a country 's economy .

  6. 刍议货币替代及其对经济的影响

    A Brief Discussion of the Money substitution and Its Influence on Economy

  7. 货币替代与中国货币政策独立性分析

    Analysis of Currency Substitution and Monetary Policy Independence of China

  8. 接着分析了货币替代的形成机制及其对经济的影响。

    Then analyzes its formation mechanism and its influence on the economy .

  9. 货币替代机制及反货币替代问题研究菲亚塔货运代理收货凭证

    Foreign freight agent Currency Substitution Mechanism and Anti Currency Substitution

  10. 货币替代适宜度分析

    The Analysis on the Proper Degree of Currency Substitution

  11. 货币替代的财政效应分析

    An Analysis on the Financial Effect of Currency Substitution

  12. 论我国货币替代的程度及影响因素

    On the Extent of Currency Substitution & Influential Factors

  13. 货币替代是开放经济中所特有的一种货币性扰动,表现为货币自由兑换前提下外币在价值尺度、支付手段、交易媒介和价值储藏等方面全面或部分地取代了本币。

    Typical of monetary fluctuation of an open economy is the Currency Substitution .

  14. 货币替代&中国资本帐户开放进程中的考验与政策选择

    On Currency Substitution & Test and Policy Suggestions under the Opening of Capital Account

  15. 基于货币替代角度的汇率决定模型及其实证分析

    The Model of Exchange Rate Determination Based on Currency Substitution and Its Empirical Analysis

  16. 中国货币替代问题研究

    The Research into Problems of Chinese Currency Substitution

  17. 货币替代理论实证分析

    Currency Substitution : Theory and Empirical Analysis

  18. 货币替代的理论简介和经济影响及在我国的实证分析

    Related Theories on Currency Substitution , Its Economic Influence and the Empirical Analysis of China

  19. 中国货币替代模型实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Currency Substitution Model

  20. 我国货币替代的现状及其汇率效应分析

    Analysis on Current Status of Currency Substitution in China and Its Effects on Exchange Rates

  21. 第二章对经典的货币替代和货币国际化理论进行回顾。

    The second chapter is about the classic theory of currency substitution and monetary internationalization .

  22. 论全面货币替代

    MONEY HISTORICAL On the total currency substitution

  23. 人民币汇率改革应该控制速度与强度&从我国货币替代问题出发的行为经济学分析

    Control RMB Exchange Rate Reform Properly : A Behavioral Economics Analysis Based on Currency Substitution in China

  24. 本文将货币替代的影响因素分为宏观影响因素和微观影响因素两个方面。

    In this paper , the currency substitution influence factors is divided into macro and micro factors .

  25. 货币替代会给经济带来有利影响和不利影响,但主要为不利影响。

    Currency substitution will bring both beneficial and adverse effects to economy , but mainly adverse impact .

  26. 货币替代是指外国货币在本国境内替代本国货币来行使货币的某一种或某几种职能的现象。

    Monetary currency substitution refers to foreign monetary currency replacing domestic currency in one or several area .

  27. 布雷顿森林体系崩溃后,在很多国家出现货币替代现象。

    After the collapse of the Bretton Woods system , there comes a phenomenon of money substitution .

  28. 货币替代改变人们对货币的需求,影响一国的经济和宏观政策效果。

    The money substitution changes people 's demand on money , influences a nation 's economy and macro policy effect .

  29. 随着资本项目管制的逐步放松,有出现较大规模货币替代的趋势。

    At the same time , with the trend of open capital account , the rise of the currency substitution is possible .

  30. 通过研究发现,我国的货币替代存在在低位运行的现象,而较低的货币替代率是与我国的经济形势所决定的。

    Through the study , we found that our country present a phenomenon that currency substitution rate was lower than some countries .