
  • 网络currency issue;money issue;monetary issue;quantitative easing
  1. 虚拟货币发行的随意以及交易的泛滥,破坏了正常的虚拟市场秩序,侵权事件不断涌现,还有人利用虚拟货币进行洗钱等违法犯罪行为。

    The random of virtual currency issue and trading overflow destroys the normal virtual market , leading to more and more infringement . Besides ; others take use of virtual currency to commit a crime such as money laundering .

  2. 考虑与货币发行相关的制度因素在货币供给上的效应,是制度型内生货币理论与后凯恩斯主义的需求决定型内生货币理论之间的关键区别。

    To consider the effects of the institutions that are relevant to currency issue on the behaviors of currency supply , it is key distinction between the institutional endogeneity of money and the post Keynesian demand-determined endogeneity of money .

  3. 宋鸿兵在书中称,罗斯柴尔德(rothschild)银行帝国对货币发行的控制,是从滑铁卢(waterloo)战役以来一些看似不相关事件的根本起因。

    According to Mr Song , the control of money issuance by the Rothschild Banking Dynasty is the underlying cause of seemingly unrelated happenings from the battle of Waterloo on .

  4. adb和其他国际金融机构经常利用本地货币发行债券,帮助发展中债券市场确立定价,供公司借款人当作基准使用。

    ADB and other international financial institutions have regularly used local currency bond issues to help establish pricing in developing bond markets which can then be used as a benchmark for corporate borrowers .

  5. 我国以外汇为基础的货币发行机制决定了货币政策操作主要依靠存款准备金率调节以及公开市场操作,通过脉冲响应模型、协整检验和GRANGER因果检验证明这两项外汇对冲手段都存在局限性。

    Our foreign exchange-based currency issuance mechanism makes monetary policy operations mainly depend on the deposit reserve ratio adjustment and open market operations . Through the impulse response function , co integration test and GRANGER causality test they prove effectiveness of these two foreign exchange hedging instruments are limited .

  6. 委员会留意到货币发行局制度一直有效运作。

    Members observed that the currency board arrangements were working effectively .

  7. 外汇占款则是基础货币发行的重要渠道之一。

    Foreign exchange is an important channel of base currency issuance .

  8. 联邦储备银行严格限制货币发行量的增长。

    The Federal Reserve keeps a tight lid on monetary growth .

  9. 货币发行业务核算系统的设计

    The Design for Accounting System of Issuance of Paper Money

  10. 一个是货币发行国,其他都是货币使用国。

    One is a currency issuer and the others are currency users .

  11. 战时货币发行量影响通货膨胀率变动的测算

    Measurement and calculation of the inflation rate influenced by monetary issue in wartime

  12. 本港的联系汇率制度是一种货币发行局制度。

    Hong Kong 's Linked Exchange Rate system is a Currency Board system .

  13. 因此,香港并无偏离货币发行局制度的规律。

    There is therefore no departure from the discipline of currency board arrangements .

  14. 其二,基础货币发行必须有相应数额的外汇资产作为准备金。

    Second , basic money issue must base on corresponding foreign currency reserves .

  15. 货币发行量1500亿元;

    Total volume of currency to be issued should be 150 billion yuan ;

  16. 它的货币发行章程是仿照德国中央银行制定的。

    Its note-issuing provisions were modeled on those of the German Central Bank .

  17. 货币发行局是一个好的选择吗?

    Was the currency board a good option ?

  18. 但是他确实相信政府可以通过控制货币发行量来抑制通货膨胀。

    But he did believe it should control the money supply to fight inflation .

  19. 银行家:从历史上看,这里有许多不同的货币发行渠道。

    B : Historically , there have been a number of different issues of currency .

  20. 香港所奉行的货币发行局制度是属于后者。

    Hong kong , operating a currency board system , falls in the latter category .

  21. 双货币发行机制:弥补布雷顿森林体系缺陷的有益尝试

    Dual-currency Issue Mechanism : An Attempt to Making Up the Bretton Woods System 's Flaws

  22. 货币发行局制度的宏观经济效应&以中国香港和阿根廷为分析个案

    Macroeconomic Effect of Currency Board System

  23. 货币发行事业伴随着经济、金融的不断壮大而发展,呈现出一片勃勃生机。

    Currency issuing develops with the development of economy and finance and is full of vigor .

  24. 货币发行与随机内生增长

    Money Financing and Stochastic Endogenetic Growth

  25. 再者,作为维持固定汇率的机制,货币发行局制度本身是最稳健的安排。

    Moreover , the mechanism for maintaining that fixed exchange Rate-through currency board arrangements-is most robust .

  26. 这项对货币发行局制度的结构性改革,是史无前例的。

    This structural change to the currency board arrangements has no precedent anywhere in the world .

  27. 点评当前货币发行

    Comments on Current Monetary Issue

  28. 这些措施的设计已尽可能与货币发行局运作原则保持一致。

    These facilities were structured in such a way as to maximise consistency with currency board discipline .

  29. 网络经济背景下虚拟货币发行、流通和退出机制研究

    Analysis of Virtual Money on Issuance , Circulation , Withdrawal Mechanisms under the Background of Network Economy

  30. 近代以来,传统的货币发行和流通体系遭到破坏,江西出现的多种地方货币导致了货币的发行与流通间的严重脱节,严重影响了城乡贸易和百姓生活。

    The traditional currency 's issue and circulation system in China had been badly damaged since modern time .