
  • 网络monetary statistics
  1. 例如,我尚未讨论如何处理字符编码、日期、货币、统计数字、地址和电话号码。

    For example , I haven 't discussed how to deal with character encodings , dates , currency , numbers in general , addresses , and telephone numbers .

  2. 文章给出了《货币与金融统计手册》(MFS)对金融存量流量的界定,并从指导原则、项目详尽性和统计估价体系三个方面对1993年SNA与MFS的统计估价问题进行了比较分析;

    This paper gives the definition of financial stocks and flows in Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual ( MFS ), compared the statistical valuation between 1993 SNA and MFS in principles , issues and ( statistical ) valuation system .

  3. 货币和金融统计专家组

    Expert Group on Monetary and Financial Statistics

  4. 货币和金融统计指南

    Guide to Money and Banking Statistics

  5. 据国际货币基金组织统计,银行不良贷款是银行危机的主要原因。

    According to the statistics of the IMF , bank crises have mainly resulted from the non-performing loans of the banks .

  6. 结果显示,我国股票市场己经体现出了统计上显著的财富效应,但比较微弱:股市对投资基本上没有显著的影响,但对货币市场有统计上显著的影响。

    The stock market imposes little influence on the investment but it does impose an evident statistical influence on the money market .

  7. 结合中国货币与金融统计的实际,对主要的金融存量流量&资产负债等估价问题提出了建议方案。

    Finally , aiming at monetary and finance statistics of China , it gives some strategies on the valuation of the main financial stocks and flows & assets and liabilities .

  8. 欧元区的货币和信贷统计数据证实,欧元区不存在通胀压力,同时总需求增长预计将是温和的,甚至是负增长;而且在一段时间内将低于增长潜力。

    Money and credit statistics in the euro area confirm that there are no inflationary pressures , while aggregate demand growth is expected to be modest , if not negative ; and below potential for some time .

  9. 根据国际货币基金组织统计,从1980年以来,各成员国由于银行不良资产比率过高引发的金融问题占所有发生金融问题的66%以上,而由于不良资产比率过高引发金融危机的占58%以上。

    Since 1980 , according to the statistics of the IMF , above 66 % of the financial problems and above 58 % of the financial crises in the member countries are brought up by the reason mentioned above .

  10. 货币流通速度的统计表述及其决定因素

    Statistical statement and determinants of circulation velocity of money

  11. 从持币时间概念出发推出货币流通速度的统计表达式,得到货币流通速度与平均持币时间成反比。

    The statistical expression of the circulation velocity of money is presented by introducing the concept of money holding time , it follows that the circulation velocity of money is inversely proportional to the average money holding time .

  12. 它的政策意义在于,将未观测货币纳入货币供给统计分析框架体系,可以判断经济运行周期的时点边界,增强货币政策的有效性。

    The policy recommendation of this research is that the central bank should distinguish the non-observed money in its monetary statistical system , which may help the central bank to forecast the borders of business cycle in time and improve the efficiency of monetary policy .

  13. 本文研究指出资本市场的发展影响货币政策工具和货币统计的有效性,破坏传统货币政策调控经济的规则,政府部门有干预资本市场价格波动的内在动力。

    This paper points out that the development of capital markets will influence the effectiveness of monetary policy instrument and money statistics , violate the rules of traditional policy adjustment , so the government has the internal motivation to interfere with price fluctuation in the capital markets .