
  1. 指出国家金融安全主要包括货币安全、银行安全、外债安全、金融市场安全等。

    The national financial safety includes currency safety 、 banking safety and debt safety .

  2. 它缺乏日本的产业或储蓄基础,其货币安全性也不及作为欧元成员国的意大利。

    It does not have the industrial or savings base of Japan or the currency security of Italy 's euro membership .

  3. 经济开放中的中国金融安全问题,包括金融机构、金融市场、货币安全等等,成为中国各界关注的问题。

    China 's financial safety problem in economy openness , including financial system , financial market , money safety so on , attract concern from different fields in China .

  4. 央行或者国家保留的黄金储备是重要的资源,是对储户,持票人或者货币安全履行承诺的保证。

    A gold reserve is held by a central bank or nation as a valuable resource and as a guarantee to redeem promises to pay depositors , note holders or to secure a currency .

  5. 高校保证货币资金安全的理论借鉴与控制手段

    The Theoretical Experiences and Controlling Methods To Insure the Safety of Higher Institution Currency

  6. 当然,我们现在担忧中国在美国的货币的安全。

    Of course , we are concerned about the safety and security of Chinese money here .

  7. 加强货币资金安全性、效益性管理在企业资产管理中显得尤为重要。

    So strengthening the security and efficient management of currency capital appears to be specially important in the management of enterprise property .

  8. 高校可以根据货币资金安全理论、对策和具体内容,修正或完善本校货币资金管理制度,实现货币资金安全的目的。

    The university may amend or perfect its own monetary fund management system according to the monetary fund security theories , countermeasures and contents so that security is practically realized .

  9. 但是电子奖券作为货币其安全性却总是受到人们的质疑,如何使得电子奖券更加安全,可靠,更便于消费者接受,是我们开发电子奖券系统过程中的一个重要课题。

    But the electronics gift certificate being the currency its safety is always queried by people , . How to make the electronics gift certificate more safe , credibility , and easier to the consumers , is an important topic in our development electronics gift certificate system process .

  10. 怎样才能保证货币资金的安全和完整呢?

    How can we ensure the safety and integrity of currency capital ?

  11. 其它货币同样不是安全港。

    Other currencies are not safe havens either .

  12. 美联储正忙于印钞,这最终将造成通胀,从而使美元储备贬值。其它货币同样不是安全港。

    The Fed is printing money , which will eventually inflate away the value of dollar holdings . Other currencies are not safe havens either .

  13. 随着电子商务的迅速普及和应用的深入,电子货币支付的安全和信用问题成为我国电子商务发展的关键问题。

    With the rapid popularization and application of e-money in depth , the security and credit issue has become the key issue in e-commerce development in China .

  14. 结果,消费者们对货币基金的安全性感到信心百倍,并且在市场变得更加动荡时开始将资产转移到这些基金中。

    As a result , consumers have felt confident in the safety of money funds , and have been moving assets into such funds as markets have grown more turbulent .

  15. 高校内控制度必须服从高校会计工作的目标和任务,核心是确保资金安全,尤其是货币资金的安全,同时要适应高校内部管理体制变革的要求。

    The internal control system must subject to the aim and task of accounting in colleges , and the key point is the safety of fund , especially the monetary fund .

  16. 应确立货币资金的安全性、完整性、合法性和效益性的控制目标,加强货币资金内部控制环境建设,使货币资金发挥最大效益。

    Should establish the control objective of security , integrality , validity and profitability for currency , strengthen the internal control construction of the monetary fund , and make the monetary fund give play to the greatest benefit .

  17. 并且各只MMF的流动性压力和流动性匹配较好,整个货币市场基金处于安全运行的环境中。

    And the liquidity pressure of MMF is well matched with the liquidity , so money in MMF is in a safe setting .

  18. 非最优货币区、金融安全与金融调控的微观调节机制

    Non - optimal Currency Area , Financial Safety and Micro - management of Financial Regulation

  19. 首先介绍资本账户开放和金融安全的概念,并对资本账户开放进程中的风险、货币危机与金融安全这一专题的文献进行梳理和综述。

    In the process of capital account liberalization , the financial security is a realistic question which is unable to avoid .

  20. 巴基斯坦财政部说,这次会晤原来计划在巴基斯坦境内进行,但国际货币基金组织出于安全考虑改变了地点。

    Pakistan 's finance ministry said IMF officials were scheduled to meet in Pakistan , but changed the venue because of security concerns .

  21. 再有,技术兼容性、感知货币价值和感知安全性会影响功能价值;社会兼容性会影响社会价值;感知方便性和感知移动性会影响情境价值。

    Again , technical compatibility , perceived monetary value and perceived security will affect the function value ; social compatibility will affect social value ; perceived convenience and perceived mobility can affect conditional value .

  22. 通过货币资金内部控制,确保企业货币资金安全、完整,生产经营活动正常有效地运行。

    It is made sure that money fund is safe and complete , production management activity runs normally and effectively , with the internal control of money fund .

  23. 建立健全的货币资金内部控制制度,保证货币资金的安全完整,收付合理合法,是企业发展的必然要求。

    So it is the requirement of the development for the enterprises to build a healthy currency capital inter-control system , guarantee that the currency capital safe and integrated and make the receipt and payment legal and reasonable .

  24. 由于这两种机制都是盲电子货币,因此,银行无法获得电子钱币的任何信息,从而保证了电子货币的安全性。

    These schemes are secure blind electronic cash . Since electronic cash is secure blind then the bank cannot get any information about electronic coin .

  25. 通过对高校货币资金管理实践的研究,提出了货币资金控制的具体内容和方法,从程序上保证货币资金的安全。

    Through the research of the monetary fund management practice in the university , the author puts forward some specific contents and methods of monetary fund control which may ensure money security in procedure .