
  • 网络Currency Settlement
  1. 外汇指定银行可以为毗邻国家与我国边贸企业之间进行边境贸易的企业或者其他贸易机构开立可兑换货币结算帐户或者人民币结算帐户办理边境贸易结算。

    The designated foreign banks may open convertible currency settlement accounts or RMB settlement accounts for the enterprises or other business institutions of neighboring countries engaged in border trade with the border trade enterprises of our country .

  2. 完善澜沧江&湄公河次区域国家货币结算体系的对策

    Countermeasures of Perfecting National Monetary Settlement System in Lancang-Mekong Subregion

  3. 政策制定者可能主动劝说更多企业用非美元货币结算。

    Policymakers may take the initiative in persuading more companies to invoice in non-dollar currencies .

  4. 他说:一旦情况起变化,我们已准备好改用其他货币结算。

    If something happens , we are ready to switch to other currencies , he said .

  5. 以当地货币结算的银行帐户

    Local currency bank accounts

  6. 甚至当中国的公司占领了别国市场以后,它们的产品依然用别国的货币结算。

    And even as its companies conquered world markets , they priced their goods in other people 's money .

  7. 澜沧江&湄公河次区域国家间货币结算体系的完善,有利于区域内各国经济的快速发展。

    The perfect monetary settlement system in lancang-Mekong subregion is advantaged to accelerate each subregion country 's economic development .

  8. 市场上以特定货币结算的投资包括货币市场基金、债券、按揭、银行存款和其他工具。

    Investments that are denominated in a given currency include money-market funds , bonds , mortgages , bank deposits , and other instruments .

  9. 当前,需要采取措施克服货币结算中的障碍,进一步完善澜沧江&湄公河次区域货币结算体系。

    It is necessary to take suitable countermeasures to overcome obstacles existing in monetary settlement in order to perfect the monetary settlement system in Lancang-Mekong subregion .

  10. 在香港、澳门东南亚的公司现在允许用中国货币结算,这是币国际化的新动向。

    Some companies in Hong Kong , Macau and Southeast Asia can now do business in China 's currency , in the latest move to internationalize the yuan .

  11. 以其它货币结算之货币资产及负债按于结算日之适用.率折算为有关之记账货币。

    Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in other currencies are translated into the respective functional currencies at the applicable rates of exchange in effect at the Balance sheet date .

  12. 在个别公司之账目,年内以其他货币结算之交易按于交易时之适用率折算为有关之记账货币。

    In the accounts of the individual companies , transactions in other currencies during the year are translated into the respective functional currencies at the applicable rates of exchange prevailing at the time of the transactions ;

  13. 它可能是走向一个新欧洲的第一步。在这个新欧洲,企业和其他经济代理人将有机会、也有责任决定以何种货币结算自己的交易和持有现金。

    It might be a first step towards a new Europe in which businesses and other economic agents would have the opportunity and responsibility to decide in which currencies to denominate their transactions and hold their cash .

  14. 但是对于某些关键性的应用,军事上的如武器控制、保密通讯、战场监控、空间探测,民用上的如工业控制、生命监控、货币结算等,普通的嵌入式系统的可信性是远远不够的。

    But for some key applications , such as weapon control , classified communication , battlefield monitoring and space probe in military , industrial control , life monitoring and cash settlement in civilian field , the reliability of ordinary embedded system is still far from enough .

  15. 流通中货币与结算中资金目前货币流通中存在的问题及对策

    Currency in Circulation and Fund in Settlement The Problems and Countermeasures in Money Circulation at Present

  16. 这使得美国能够用自己可以随意生成的货币来结算账目,也让华盛顿方面将支付系统的准入与服从美国地缘政治目标挂钩。

    It also allows Washington to tie access to payment systems to compliance with US geopolitical goals .

  17. 如需要兼以港圆及美圆两种货币作结算,商户须分别缴付两项服务之首次装置费用及月费。

    Separate setup and monthly fees are required if settlement of both Hong Kong Dollar and US Dollar is required .

  18. 电子货币支付结算已成为联结网络商户交易的纽带,是商品或服务交易完成的必经环节,直接影响税收的实现过程和征收管理。

    Electronic currency payment and settlement has become the network link , and also is an inevitable part of commodity or service , directly influences the realization process and collection and management of tax .

  19. 欧元这种新币种自诞生以来,普遍受到人们的关注,其存在对于世界主要储备货币和结算贷币美元来说是个重大挑战。

    Euro has attracted people 's attention as a new currency since it came into being . Its existence is a major challenge to the main reservation currencies and currencies of settlement in the world .

  20. 阐述了铁道货币资金结算及管理信息系统的建立、结构和组成,分析了铁道货币资金结算及管理信息系统对资金信息的综合利用、应用范围和所产生的效益。

    The paper describes the establishment , configuration , and composition of the railway capital clearing and management information system , analyzes the comprehensive use of the capital information through the system and its application range and benefits .

  21. 一个全国性的电子货币系统如同结算卡系统那样运行。

    A national electronic-money system would operate as a debit-card system .

  22. 商业银行以信用为基础、以货币借贷和结算为主营业务的一个高负债、高风险行业。

    Commercial banks are based on credit , currency lending and settlement of high risk liability .

  23. 应该可以,银行应该搞定不同货币间的结算。

    Should ok , the bank should be done decide the settle accounts between different money .

  24. 甚至有报导说缅甸可能很快将开始用中国货币元来结算其所有的中国贸易。

    There are even reports that Myanmar may soon start conducting all its Chinese trade in the Chinese currency , the yuan .

  25. 外汇交易同步交收联网将会减低在进行外汇交易时,因双方货币的最终结算时间有所不同而引致的结算风险。

    A PvP link will reduce the settlement risk in foreign exchange transactions arising from the difference in timing in the final settlement of the two currencies involved .

  26. 新华社称,中国还将敦促国内金融机构和企业投资于该地区的国家,并帮助扩大这些国家之间的货币互换和结算。

    China will also urge domestic financial institutions and companies to invest in countries in the region , as well as help expand currency swaps and settlements between these nations , Xinhua said .

  27. 亚洲地区迫切需要一种本地区的货币来行使结算和储备等国际货币功能,摆脱长期依赖美元的不利处境。

    The region of Asia needs a kind of currency of native area urgently to exercise the international currency functions , such as balance of accounts and reserves , getting away from disadvantageous circumstances of US dollar dependence .

  28. 中方支持哈方提出的上合组织成员国扩大货币互换和本币结算的建议。

    China supports the Kazakh proposal of increasing currency swap and trade settlement in local currencies between SCO member states .

  29. 本章围绕着货币的计价和结算职能、交易便利性、货币公信力等特性,阐述了国际货币竞争地位的决定因素。

    The paper revolves the determinants of the currency around currency valuation and settlement functions , ease of trading , currency credibility and other features .

  30. 这包括鼓励使用人民币作为一种储备货币、一种结算贸易的单位、一种证券投资者的价值储存手段。

    This involves encouraging the use of renminbi as a reserve currency , a unit of settlement for trade and a store of value for investors in securities .