
pín mín kū
  • slum;shanty town
贫民窟 [pín mín kū]
  • [substandard housing;shum] 指城市中穷人聚居的地方

  1. 贫民窟要被炸掉了。

    The slum is to be dynamited .

  2. 接着,经济萧条差不多使所有的人都失了业,那些偷工减料盖成的房子也都无人照料;正如鲁道的母亲所抱怨的那样,整个市镇简直成了一个贫民窟。

    Then the depression had thrown almost everybody out of work and the jerry-built houses had been neglected , and as rudolph 's mother complained , the entire town had become a single slum .

  3. 这些贫民窟是20世纪60年代住房政策的遗迹。

    These slums are an epitaph to the housing policy of the 1960s .

  4. 在贫民窟工作使她直面了解贫困的现实。

    Working in the slums brought her up against the realities of poverty .

  5. 到过贫民窟的人看到有这么多的家庭生活在贫苦之中显然震惊不已。

    Visitors to the slums were clearly shocked to see so many families living in want .

  6. 贫困产生了贫民窟,那里不仅有碍观瞻,而且卫生隐患严重。

    Poverty leads to slums , which are an eyesore and a health hazard .

  7. 城市贫民窟的穷困是显而易见的。

    Poverty is much in evidence in the city slums .

  8. 许多名人都出自贫民窟。

    Many distinguished men have emerged from slums .

  9. 文章接着谈到不断膨胀中的伦敦贫民窟无限悲惨的非人生活情况。

    Then the article goes on to speak of the truly indescribable and bestial conditions of life in the swollen London slums .

  10. 绝大多数的非洲市民居住在贫民窟。

    Most urban Africans live in slums .

  11. 印度新德里,贫民窟的孩子们在一辆手推车下玩耍。

    Children of slum dwellers play under a pushcart in New Delhi , India .

  12. 贫民窟里的人已经睡眠静了。

    It was quiet . All the other inhabitants of the slums were slumbering .

  13. ——在德里公众集会上的讲话我们都有一个梦想,那就是在庆祝印度独立75周年的时候,所有的贫民窟都将被牢固的房屋所取代。

    It is our dream that by the time we celebrate the 75th year of independent India , all the slums are replaced by cemented houses .

  14. 大楼由伦敦郡议会(londoncountycouncil)于上世纪30年代兴建,这是贫民窟拆除计划的一部分。

    The building was erected by the London County Council in the 1930s as part of a slum demolition project .

  15. 我们正处在利比里亚蒙罗维亚市WestPoint的中心地带,贫民窟区域,而且可以说是西非人口密度最大的贫民窟区域。

    We were in the heart of West Point , the slum of Monrovia , Liberia , and arguably the densest slum in all of West Africa .

  16. 这对情侣现在住在一个窝棚里,和西点(WestPoint)相距几条街;西点是一片广阔、连绵的贫民窟,上周被划为埃博拉隔离区。

    The couple now share a shack a few blocks outside West Point , the vast , sprawling slum that was placed under an Ebola quarantine last week .

  17. v.破坏此镇在扩展前,先扫除了贫民窟。

    demolish The slums were demolished before the town was extended .

  18. 对于新手来说,一切都是那么震撼人心。这次,奇德和亚当直接雇用了WestPoint贫民窟的一整个妇女团体。

    It must have been a shock for the newcomers ; this time around , Chid and Adam had hired the entire group from the slum of West Point .

  19. 维多多是一个矛盾之人,他既受到贫民窟居民的爱戴,也受到债市侠客(bondvigilantes)的拥护。

    A man of contradictions , he is beloved of both slum dwellers and bond vigilantes .

  20. 托雷是英国纽卡斯尔大学(newcastleuniversity)的教育学教授,他在考察海得拉巴又是在印度的贫民窟时,第一次接触到面向穷人的私立学校。

    A professor of education at the University of Newcastle , Tooley first encountered private schooling for the poor while exploring the slums of Hyderabad , again in India .

  21. 这对夫妇居住在达卡(dhaka)的贫民窟里,有一个孩子。

    The couple live in the slums of Dhaka with one child .

  22. 酿酒厂在禁酒时期(Prohibition)纷纷没落,葡萄酒被认为是贫穷移民及贫民窟酒鬼才喝的东西。

    Wineries had all but perished during Prohibition , and the beverage was considered the drink of poor immigrants and Skid Row drunks .

  23. 获胜者之一是印度的SlumNetworking,它利用自然排水通道为贫民窟提供更廉价和更高质量的水、卫生设施和排水系统。

    One of the winners was Slum Networking in India , which exploits natural drainage paths to provide cheaper and better quality water , sanitation and drainage systems for slums .

  24. 此外,如果目标是向贫民窟提供水资源服务,或者是让更多贫困群体接受教育,那么学生们可能无法轻易地利用在核心mba课程中所学到的原则。

    Moreover , the principles learned in the core MBA curriculum may not easily be applied when the goal is delivering water services in slums , or increasing access to education for poor communities .

  25. 他出生并成长于离科帕卡巴纳海滩不远处的贫民窟ChapéuMangueira。过去他曾是一名渔民,现在他正在贫民窟外缘经营着一家广受赞誉的餐馆。

    Born and brought up in the favela of Chap é u Mangueira , not far from Copacabana , and a former fisherman , he now runs an acclaimed restaurant on its edge .

  26. 在加尔各答(Kolkata)的一个贫民窟,一群称自己为夜魔侠的学童为此做出了坚韧不拔的努力。

    In one Kolkata slum , a group of schoolchildren who call themselves the Daredevils have been relentless in this effort .

  27. 马雷(Maré)是遭受警察暴力尤为严重的社区之一,这个杂乱无章的贫民窟坐落在里约国际机场与依帕内玛和科帕卡巴纳的富人区之间。

    One of the communities hit hard by police violence is Mar é , a sprawling favela that sits between Rio 's international airport and the affluent neighborhoods of Ipanema and Copacabana .

  28. AnilKapoor(注:亚尼卡普,《贫民窟百万富翁》饰演主持人)是一个很伟大的演员和主持人,我总是跟他说,我保证将来一定会来印度'。

    I kept telling Anil ( Kapoor ), a great actor and an incredible host , I promise you I will come to India .

  29. RuthHins在她曾经生活过的Cantagalo的里约贫民窟开有一个杂货店和面包房。

    Ruth Hins owns a grocery store and bakery in the Rio de Janeiro favela of Cantagalo , where she used to live .

  30. 这部讽刺剧集由《贫民窟的百万富翁》(SlumdogMillionaire)的导演丹尼·博伊尔(DannyBoyle)执导,有点像阿尔曼多·伊安努奇(ArmandoIannucci)的政治喜剧片《灵通人士》(IntheLoop)。

    Danny Boyle ( " Slumdog Millionaire " ) created this satirical drama , which bears some resemblance to Armando Iannucci 's political comedy film " In the Loop . "