
  • 网络Foreign exchange purchasing;Foreign Exchange Purchase
  1. 银行可办理公派出国团组的购汇业务。

    The banks can handle foreign exchange purchase for official foreign visit groups .

  2. 金融机构未经批准,不得擅自经营居民个人购汇业务。

    Without approval , no financial institution may operate the business of the individual foreign exchange purchase of residents .

  3. 1月5日,国家外汇管理局(SAFE)发布了《个人外汇管理办法实施细则》,规定从2月1日起,个人外汇结算和购汇限额为5万美元。

    On January 5 , the State Administration of Foreign Exchange issued detailed rules for administering individual foreign exchange transactions , prescribing an annual quota of $ 50,000 for both individual settlement of foreign exchange and individual purchases of foreign exchange from February 1 .

  4. 关于严禁购汇提前还贷的紧急通知

    Urgent circular on the prohibition of purchase of foreign exchange for Advance Redemption of loan

  5. 本土个人2万美元的年度购汇额,已从2006年5月起施行。

    An annual quota of $ 20000 has already been in place for domestic individual purchase of foreign exchange since May 2006 .

  6. 境内保险公司的分支机构不得办理境外再保险分出业务项下购汇手续。

    Branches of domestic insurance companies may not go through the formalities for purchase and payment of foreign exchange under overseas reinsurance ceding .

  7. 允许有真实交易背景需对外支付的企业提前购汇。

    The enterprises that have real transactions and need to pay foreign exchange to the outside shall be allowed to purchase foreign exchanges in advance .

  8. 个人购汇业务是指我国境内居民个人因指定范围用途而向银行申请购买外汇的业务。

    Personal purchase of foreign exchange refers to the purchase of foreign exchange from the bank by individual Chinese residents to meet expenses as approved by regulations .

  9. 今年初,国家外汇管理局出台一系列措施,大大方便了企业和个人购汇。

    Early this year China foreign exchange administration worked out a series of polices , which made it significantly convenient for enterprises and individuals to purchase foreign exchanges .

  10. 招商银行商务卡提供多种购汇日期供企业自主选择,以尽量减少企业因汇率而引起的外汇兑换损失。

    To minimize the loss suffered by the enterprise in exchange-rate-based conversion between foreign currencies , CMB Commercial Cards provide procurement dates of foreign exchange at independent choices of the enterprise .