
  • 网络Shopping environment
  1. 本文应用Agent建模与仿真方法研究网站促销条件下的消费者购买行为特性,结合了实证研究和Agent仿真模拟两种方法,对网络购物环境下的消费者行为进行研究。

    With combination of empirical research and agent simulation methods , the research of consumer behavior under online shopping environment has been taken out .

  2. 企业通过互联网为消费者提供一个新型的购物环境(B2C)已经被越来越多的顾客所接受。

    The enterprises through the Internet to provide consumers with a new shopping environment ( B2C ) have been more and more accepted by customers .

  3. 零售点系统服务商Vend公司北美总裁安顿o康米萨利斯指出,这种非正式的购物环境可能带来更多的收入,或者让商家以一种新的方式向消费者展示存货。

    The informal , spontaneous setting might generate more revenue or allow a store to feature inventory in a fresh way , says Anton Commissaris , the North American president for point of systems service Vend .

  4. 关于购物环境视觉诱目性的主观评价研究

    Study on the Subjective of Evaluation Visual Attractiveness for Shopping Environment

  5. 网络购物环境下信任对消费者购买倾向的影响研究

    The Study on the Influence of Trust on Consumer Purchase Intention

  6. 时间久了人们对购物环境也提出了越来越高的要求。

    Over time people shopping environment is increasingly high demand .

  7. 网上购物环境中消费者相关因素对认知风险的影响

    The Effects of Consumer-related Factors on the Perceived Risk in Online Shopping

  8. 为客户提供一个轻松、舒适、休闲的购物环境。

    We are supplying relax , comfortable shopping environments to our customers .

  9. 不过,我并非专为赞美旧金山国际机场的购物环境而写作。

    But I do not write to praise the shopping opportunities at SFO .

  10. 学术界因此也掀起了一股研究网络购物环境下消费者行为的热潮。

    Hence scholars start a craze for researching consumer behavior in online shopping .

  11. GB/T17110-1997商店购物环境与营销设施的要求

    Requirement for store 's shopping environment and marketing installation

  12. 网络购物环境下基于模糊评语的商品推荐系统

    Online Product Introduction System Based on Fuzzy Terms

  13. 今天,圣地亚哥已成为活力四射的现代都市,其现代建筑风格和购物环境令人难忘。

    Today , Santiago is a vibrant metropolis with impressive modern architecture and shopping .

  14. 网络购物环境下消费者知情权便是其中之一。

    The network shopping environment was one of the consumers ' right to know .

  15. 而且,这里的购物环境也不错。

    And the shopping 's not bad either .

  16. 前人的大多数研究都是基于商场和零售购物环境,而基于网络购物环境中的冲动性购买专项研究相对较少。

    But most of the studies are under traditional shopping mall or retail shopping environment .

  17. 商场购物环境设计中企业形象的创造

    The enterprise image design in shopping circumstance

  18. 农民生产发展了,生活富裕了之后,还需要有一个良好的消费购物环境。

    The peasants with a higher production level and income level need a good shopping environment .

  19. 购物环境中的坐具设计

    The Design of Seats in Mall

  20. 根据教学要求入手,从“灵活使用”的角度出发,绿化与建筑相结合,改善外部购物环境。

    " Flexible use " and combination of greening and building latgely improve its outside shopping environment .

  21. 商品、服务、价格、购物环境等,成为成功零售企业定位点选择的要素;

    Successful retail enterprise could choose product , service , price and environment as his positioning point ;

  22. 新消费观与设计思想&专卖店购物环境设计趋势

    New Consume Standpoints and Design Idea & The Designing Tendency of Shopping - space on Monopoly Store

  23. 那么在虚拟的购物环境下这条铁律还是否适用,却有待验证。

    Then whether this rule also applies in the virtual shopping environment is subject to be verified .

  24. 别担心,我们致力于给顾客提供一种放松的,没有压力的购物环境。

    Don 't worry , we specialize in providing our customers a relaxed , pressure-free shopping environment .

  25. 论我国当前商业购物环境设计的沿革及发展趋势

    Discussion on the evolution of commercial shopping environment design in our country at present and its development trend

  26. 网上的购物环境不同于传统的实体店铺的购物环境,呈现出了新的特征,相应的网络市场营销的方式也发生了很大变化。

    Online shopping environment is different with the traditional physical store shopping environment and shows some new features .

  27. 如果你能充分利用我们的服务和良好的购物环境,我们会很高兴。

    We would be pleased if you would take full advantage of our services and favourable shopping conditions .

  28. 位于浮罗交怡市中心,呖咕呖咕提供您舒适和方便的购物环境。

    Located at the city of the Langkawi town , we provide you a cozy and comfortable shopping environment .

  29. 随着新一代中产阶级消费者寻求更高质量的食物和更加舒适的购物环境,中国的超市和大卖场数量正在快速增加。

    Supermarkets and hypermarkets are multiplying rapidly as new middle-class consumers look for higher-quality food and more comfortable surroundings .

  30. 本商店购物环境舒适,选取物品方便,商品齐全,应有尽有。

    Our shop has a comfortaBle environment and a complete range of commodities , and you may choose things conveniently .